Versions Compared


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The NPC sheet is designed to be flexible and support humans, androids and xenomorph/other type of creatures, implementing their specific rules.


The MAIN tab contains the most important information and rolls needed during play, while the LOGS will provide more information on the character or the creature and is used as reference only. In case of Xenomorphs, the LOGS will contain full description on the current stages. Xenomorph-wide abilities are not mentioned. When sheet is locked, empty text fields and sections are hidden, so not every NPC will have every field.


  • TYPE – this field denotes the type of creature and enabled the appropriate rules. It is text-based field. Typing ANDROID will disable the stress rolls and box. Typing XENOMORPH or OTHER will expand the NPC sheet and display the Monster Attack sections that contains pre-defined list of 6 possible attacks.

  • SIZE & REACH used for combat maps with grid enabled to define the size and reach of a token.

  • STRESS – NPCs do not roll stress as PCs. The button allows the GM to set Stress Levels and initiate panic roll on demand. The stress level is not considered during skill rolls.

  • HEALTH– in addition being the major indicator of NPC’s condition, it is linked to the HL on the combat tracker.

  • SPEED – default is 1, except with certain xenomorphs. According to the rules, creatures with higher speed acts more during each turn. The current implementation recommends Game Mothers to create “dummy” creature in CT for each extra point of Speed.

  • ARMOR (AR) – armor roll, must be adjusted manually when protection item is added.

  • AR vs. FIRE – armorvs. fire-based weapons. Currently no automation and game mothers should manually handle the protection against fire-based attacks. This field is visible for XENOMORPH and OTHER types.

  • ACID SPLASH – Implements the xenomorph’s acid splash ability.  Requires Game Mothers to manually roll when the right condition occurs during combat. It does not implement targeting or automation. Players should adjust their Health Level accordingly. Acid Splash is implemented via Stress Dice and each SIX is counted as success in the report for damage purposes. This field is visible for XENOMORPH and OTHER types.

  • ATTRIBUTES each attribute can be rolled by double-clicking on the name. The field contains string-parsing mechanics and creating NPCs (HUMAN and ANDROID TYPE) must follow this pattern: STRENGTH X, AGILITY X, WITS X, EMPATHY X. Replace the X with the appropriate value.

  • SKILLS – each skill can be rolled by double-clicking on the name. The content must follow the pattern in the books in order to properly connect with the automated rolls and right attribute.

  • TAELENT text fieldwith all talents. All NPCs have links to the respective talents for quick access in the Special Abilities section if they have one.

  • EQUIPMENT – this section supports drag & drop of weapons from the inventory and converts them in “Coriolis” notation, replacing the critical rating with weapon type and moving it front of the list. Weapon attacks can be rolled by double-clicking the name. If the weapon is properly prepared and linked to a weapon category supported by the automation, the dice pool is formed with the right Attribute and Skill:



Each xenomorph or other alien creature contains special block with monster attacks (6 in total) that is displayed and expanded when the type is set accordingly. Due to the various effects caused by the monster attacks, a base dice roll is performed, and the remaining attributes are displayed in the chat log for GM and Players to handle in the traditional way.
