The newest die to make it to the range of dice available is the blue conflict die. This is a special die for this system that will roll a modified d6. Each side has different symbols than those on a regular d6. This will display in the chat frame the side that is rolled and have different meaning depending on how it’s being used in that situation. The core rulebook covers in greater detail. This operates as the other dice in building dice in your hand before you roll. Clicking and dragging will put one die into your hand ready to drop into the chat frame. While holding the left click and tapping the right click will add additional dice to the pool that is ready for rolling.
Action Point Pools
The Action Point Pools have been built to assist the group with managing this ever changing resource. Double clicking the pool in question will add a single chip to the pool. The GM can interact with both pools to help the players, but only the players can interact with the player’s pool. Right clicking on the pool will bring up a radial menu with options on how to spend those points and a chat output to inform all what the point(s) are being spent on. Buying the dice will add a modifier to the modifier box to be added to the next action (Attack, Skill, Damage) roll.
Complication Range
The complication range can be set by clicking on the C# buttons. By default it is set to 1 (Complication on rolled 20s). The complication range will remain at that range that was selected till the GM deselects the button or changes it to another range.
Modifier Box
The modifier box will function as it normally would in any other Fantasy Grounds system. The changes to the modifier box have been expanded to help with dice pool building. When rolling normal dice and using the table, it will add to the final result of the dice rolled. When attempting a pool action (Attack, Skill, Damage) it will function as adding dice to the pool.
Modifiers can be both positive and negative numbers.
If I would place a 2 in the modifier box and click on a skill check roll, it will add 2 dice to that roll.
You can change the modifier box by either clicking on it and typing the desired number, or place the mouse cursor over it and use the scroll wheel to change the modifier up and down.