Party Tabletop List: Portraits of active and inactive characters in this session. Players can create a token using a portrait by dragging from a portrait entry onto a map or token field. GMs can drag Player portraits directly to a map and that character will also be added to the Combat Tracker. Additionally, Players can add a character to the combat tracker by dragging onto the combat tracker window.
Link: CoreRPG Party Sheet and Character List: Controlling One or More CharactersCombat Tabletop List / Player Tabletop List Toggle: This button toggles between Player Tabletop Mode (as seen in 1) and Combat Tabletop Mode. You can see specifics about this feature following page:
Link: Character List: Controlling One or More CharactersChat Window: Display chat messages and rolls for this session. Chat entry box on bottom is used to send chat messages between GM and players.
Link: Using the Chat WindowCampaign Data: Buttons to interact with campaign data, such as combat tracker, party sheet, PCs, NPCs, stories, etc. The Options button, Dice button, and Sound button are also in the Tool area.
Link: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/1242857473/The+FG+Unity+Sidebar#Sidebar-CategoriesModules: Button to view where module data can be loaded or unloaded for this campaign. Once loaded, module data will either be displayed in the modules window or available as tabs within then individual campaign data windows.
Link: Using the Library and Activating ModulesAssets Box: Contains tokens, maps, and images.
Link: Using the Assets Window for Tokens, Portraits and ImagesBooks: This opens all of the Books that are available in a campaign. This window also linked to the Campaign Builder (previously Reference Manual Builder). You can read more about this feature in the following page:
Link: Campaign Builder (Books - Previously Reference Manual Builder)Sound Sets: This is where you will load and activate Sound Packs to use in your campaign. You can read more about Sounds in the following page:
Link: Using Sound LinksDice: Set of dice that can be rolled in the chat window. The dice tower is an optional feature that can be used to make rolls which only the GM can see.
Link: All Things DiceModifier Stack: Set of modifiers to apply to the next dice roll.
Link: Applying Modifiers to your Dice RollsHot Keys: Customizable buttons for common actions and reference material links.
Link: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/1275232424/Common+Shortcuts+Hotkeys#HotbarIdentity List: A GM-only tabletop feature that allows the GM to speak as different characters.
Languages: A list of available languages to use in chat. Characters with matching languages can read the message in the chat box. Those who don’t see an unreadable language.