The item sheet is used by Players and Game Master to view items in the campaign and by the Game Master to create new items (equipment, weapons, armor, treasures, etc.) for use in the campaign. To open up the items dialog Items window, click the 'Items' button in the desktop Sidebar menu (usually on the right side of the FG desktop).
Players will only be able to view items which have been shared by the Game Master, either via a module (such as the Core data) or directly shared in the campaign. Players cannot edit items within the campaign data list, they have a limited editing ability once an item has been added to their PC sheet.
Items Window
Menu Bar
- use the buttons here to quickly open the list of Armor, Shields, Weapons, Gear or Treasure.
- This area shows all of the groups in which items can be found. Select a group in the list to see items in that group. New groups can be added using the edit list icon. New items will be created in the group selected here. Items can also be dragged from the view window and dropped onto a group to move them to that group.
Item List
- This shows the items in the currently selected group. The right of the panel shows in which group the item is in and a P or S symbol next to the item shows that it has been made public or shared with players. To unshare an item click on the P or S symbol.
- Shows which page (Page XX of a total of YY pages) and presents navigation buttons for next, last, previous, first.
Filter Bar - Click on the drop down menu to filter out specific types of items.
Search Bar
- Type here to begin a search for a particular item. The list will begin filtering as soon as some letters are type in. Clicking on the 'All' button to the right of this line will filter out all shared items (the button will change color and the text will change to 'Shared'). Click on the button again to remove the filter. New items can be created by clicking on the edit list button to the far right of the search bar.
6 Filter Bar Click on the drop down menu to filter out specific types of items.
Data fields shown
When you create a new item, the fields visible will default to those needed for a generic item. There are three five specific Type names that will trigger a change in the visible fields:
If you type either of these (case sensitive) item types in the Type field and tab out of the field, the item data fields will change to show weapon, armor or shield specific entries.