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What is an Effect?
One of the most powerful features of the built in Savage Worlds ruleset is effects. In Fantasy Grounds an effect is anything which gives the character either a bonus or penalty of some kind to a dice roll they are about to make. In Savage Worlds ruleset effects can be permanent, temporary or equippable and will alter trait dices, rolls, derived stats and more without actually changing original fields. For instance if opponent is tricked and would suffer -2 penalty to Parry until next turn, you can apply the modifier as effect.
When character has an Effect it will auto-apply to rolls or stats depending on the nature of the Effect. For instance Parry -effect is taken account when character is attacked with Melee weapon while Strength -effect is affecting all Strength related trait rolls.
How to create an Effect?
Effects can be created into many places, the most common usage is to write them into Effects section in Combat Tracker but they can also be created into Item and Weapon Sheets, Edges or Hindrances etc. Effects are expressed with simple notation such as "Parry -2" and "Strength +1" and must be wrapped within []'s. For instance "[Parry -2]".
You can combine multiple expressions into single Effect by separating them with comma. For instance "[Parry -2, Strength +1]" You can combine multiple keywords into same expression by joining each with |. For instance "[Parry -2, Strength|Agility +1]"
Combat Tracker
Each Combat Tracker effect line can contain an Effect. In addition to Effect expression within []'s, line must start with name that is used to identify the Effect
PC Edge, Hindrance, Ability
Ability's description field can contain an Effect.
NPC Edge, Hindrance, Special Ability
Ability's description field can contain an Effect.
PC Item
Item's notes field can contain an Effect. Effect will only apply if the Item is equipped
PC Weapon
Weapon's notes field and modification's description field can contain an Effect. Effect will only apply if the Weapon is equipped
PC Armor
Armor's notes field and modification's description field can contain an Effect. Effect will only apply if the Armor is equipped
Attack Specific Effects
Global Effects
It is possible to assign Effects globally, meaning they affect everyone on the Combat Tracker. To do this, open up the Effects window and click "Global" in the upper right corner.
Any effect placed there will affect everyone if turned to "On".
This is most commonly used for Illumination but can be used for other effects as well.
Global effects can be ignored just like other effects (see Ignore effect expressions)
Effect References
Effect Expression Legends
TRAITNAME Trait name keyword
One of the Attribute: Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength, Vigor or Skill: Fighting, Shooting, Notice or any other trait
ATTACKTYPE Attack type keyword
One of the following: Melee, Ranged, Thrown, Bomb, Arcane or any other registered weapon type. Can also be left blank to apply all
DAMAGETYPE Damage type keyword
One of the following: Wounds, Fatigue, Encumbrance or any other registered damage type
MODÂ Modifier
Used to modify existing value. Expressed with +X or -X, where X is numeric value. For instance +2 or -3
ASSIGNÂ Value assignment
Used to set value instead of modifying existing one. Expressed with =X notation, where X is numeric value. For instance =2 or =3
Trait effect expressions
Expression notation | Description |
Trait MOD | Modify any trait roll |
TRAITNAME MOD | Modify specific trait roll |
TRAITNAME MODd | Modify specific trait's die type |
TRAITNAME MODwd | Modify specific trait's wild die type |
TRAITNAME ASSIGNd | Assign specific trait's die type |
TRAITNAME ASSIGNwd | Assign specific trait's wild die type |
ATTRIBUTENAME> MOD | Modify all trait rolls linked to the attribute. |
Example | Description |
Trait +1 | +1 bonus to all trait rolls |
Fighting -1 | -1 penalty to Fighting trait rolls |
Notice +2d | Notice trait die type increased by two steps |
Notice -1wd | Notice wild die type decreased by one steps |
Shooting = 3d | Shooting trait die set to d8 |
Shooting = 1wd | Shooting wild die set to d4 |
Strength = 9d | Strength attribute die set to d12+4 |
Smarts> +1 | Gain +1 on all Smarts rolls as well as all skills linked to Smarts (Notice, Repair...) |
Attack effect expressions
Expression notation | Description |
Attack MOD | Modify any attack roll |
ATTACKTYPE MOD | Modify attack roll |
ATTACKTYPE Defense MOD | Modify target number |
Parry ASSIGN | Set Parry |
Parry MOD | Modify Parry |
Cover MOD | Modify target number against range attacks |
ATTACKTYPE Toughness ASSIGN | Set Toughness |
ATTACKTYPE Toughness MOD | Modify Toughness |
ATTACKTYPE Damage MOD | Modify Damage roll |
ATTACKTYPE Armor MOD | Modify Armor |
ATTACKTYPE Heavy Armor MOD | Modify Armor as Heavy Armor |
ATTACKTYPE AP MOD | Modify Armor Piercing |
Example | Description |
Attack +1 | +1 bonus to all attack rolls |
Melee -1 | -1 penalty to all Melee attack rolls |
Arcane Defense +2 | +2 bonus against Arcane attacks |
Parry =2 | Set Parry to 2 |
Parry +2 | +2 bonus to Parry |
Cover +2 | +2 Cover bonus against range attack |
Toughness +1 | +1 bonus to Toughness |
Melee Toughness +2 | +2 bonus to Toughness against Melee damage |
Arcane Damage +2 | +2 bonus to Arcane damage rolls |
Heavy Armor +4 | +4 Armor with Heavy Armor protection |
AP +4 | Armor Piercing increased by 4 |
Pace Effect Expressions
The expressions directly modifying the Pace will be applied when Running, but do not modify the Pace displayed on the Character sheet when applied via Combat Tracker or Equipment!
Expression notation | Description |
Pace ASSIGN | Set Pace |
Pace MOD | Modify Pace |
Run MODd | Adjust run die |
Halve/Double #Movement | Halves or doubles the total movement. |
Example | Description |
Pace = 10 | Set Pace to be 10 |
Pace -2 | Decrease Pace by 2 |
Run +1d | Increase run die type by one step |
Damage Threshold Effect Expressions
Expression notation | Description |
DAMAGETYPE Threshold ASSIGN | Set threshold |
DAMAGETYPE Threshold MOD | Adjust threshold |
Ignore DAMAGETYPE MOD | Ignore damage penalties up to modifier |
Example | Description |
Wounds Threshold = 4 | Set Wounds threshold to be 4 |
Wounds Threshold -1 | Decrease Wounds threshold by 1 |
Ignore Wounds -2 | Ignore up to 2 points of Wound penalties |
Ignore Fatigue -1 | Ignore up to 1 point of Fatigue penalties |
Special Roll Effect Expressions
Expression notation | Description |
Shaken MOD | Modify Shaken recovery roll |
Soak MOD | Modify Soak roll |
Incapacitation MOD | Modify Incapacitation roll |
Evasion MOD | Modify Evasion roll (when using /roll evasion) |
Fear MOD | Modify Fear roll (when using /roll fear) |
Fatigue MOD | Modify Fatigue roll (when using /roll fatigue) |
Natural Healing MOD | Modify Natural Healing roll (when using /roll naturalhealing) |
Bleeding Out MOD | Modify Bleeding Out roll (when using /roll bleedingout) |
Knockout MOD | Modify Knockout roll (when using /roll knockout) |
Example | Description |
Shaken +2 | +2 bonus to Shaken recovery roll |
Soak -2 | - 2 penalty to Soak roll |
Incapacitation +3 | +3 bonus to Incapacitation roll |
Benny Effect Expressions
These effects modify the number of bennies a character gains at the start of the session. The effects whenever the GM clicks "Reset Bennies" on the party sheet.
Expression Notation | Description |
Benny MOD | Modify starting Bennies. |
Benny ASSIGN | Set starting Bennies. |
Example | Description |
Benny +1 | The character starts with one more Benny. |
Benny =4 | The character starts with exactly four Bennies. |
Action Cards
Expression Notation | Description |
ActionCard MOD | Increase number of action cards dealt |
Example | Description |
ActionCard +1 | Deals an additional action card to the character each round. |
Load Strength
This effect only works from the Combat Tracker right now, not as an item's effect.
Expression Notation | Description |
Load Strength MODd | Modifies Strength die only to determine carrying capacity. |
Example | Description |
Load Strength +1d | Increases the Strength die by one step to determine carrying capacity. |
Edge Reference Expressions
These effects apply the referenced edge automatically to rolls when appropriate.
Expression Notation | Description |
$EDGEREF | Modify rolls according to the referenced edge. |
Example | Description |
$HardToKill | Apply Hard To Kill to Bleeding Out rolls. |
$Elan | Apply Elan when using a Benny to reroll a check. |
Against Me Effect Expressions
Expression notation | Description |
@Trait MOD | Modify any trait roll |
@TRAITNAME MOD | Modify specific trait roll |
@Attack MOD | Modify any attack roll |
@ATTACKTYPE MOD | Modify attack roll |
@ATTACKTYPE Damage MOD | Modify damage roll |
@ATTACKTYPE AP MOD | Modify Armor Piercing |
@Ganging Up MOD | Modify Ganging Up bonus |
Example | Description |
@Trait +2 | Any targeted Trait roll against me have +2 bonus |
@Fighting +2 | Targeted Fighting rolls against me have +2 bonus |
@Attack -2 | Targeted attack rolls against me have -2 penalty |
@Arcane Damage +2 | Targeted Arcane damage rolls against me have +2 bonus |
@Ganging Up -2 | Ganging Up bonus against me is reduced by 2 |
Effect Reference Rxpressions
Common effects can be defined in master effect list and referenced with #EFFECTREF notation
Expression notation | Description |
#EFFECTREF | Apply modifiers using matched effect from master effect list |
Example | Description |
#Dim | Apply Dim illumination penalties |
#ImprovisedWeapon | Apply improvised weapon penalties |
Attack specific effect expressions
Attack specific effects can be written into attacks or powers. These effects only apply when using the attack or power and must be prefixed with >
Expression notation | Description |
>TRAIT MOD | Modify this trait roll |
>TRAITNAME MOD | Modify trait roll if it is used for the attack or power |
>Attack MOD | Modify this attack roll |
>ATTACKTYPE MOD | Modify this attack roll |
>ATTACKTYPE Damage MOD | Modify this damage roll |
>ATTACKTYPE AP MOD | Modify this Armor Piercing |
Example | Description |
> Attack +1 | Increase attack roll by one |
> Fighting +2 | Increase Fighting roll by two if Fighting is used for the attack |
> Damage +2 | Increase attack's damage by two |
> Ignore #Shield | Ignore Shield modifiers when using the attack |
Ignore effect expressions
Ignore effects are used to reduced or completely ignore other effects. You must have effect reference notations effect modifiers. Only effect references can be used in ignore effectseffect expressions.
Expression notation | Description |
Ignore #EFFECTREF | Completely ignore effect reference modifiers |
Ignore #EFFECTREF MOD | Reduced effect reference modifiers |
Example | Description |
Ignore #Dim #Dark | Ignore Dim and Dark illumination penalties |
Ignore #Illumination -3 | Reduced any illumination based penalties by three |
Ignore #Distracted -1 | Reduced distracted penalties by one |
Custom keywords
Weapon, attack and power record sheets have Keyword field where user can input any keywords that will be included into effect framework when using the attack or power. For instance if you Bolt power is fire-based you could add "Fire" keyword to power's attack sheet.
Example | Description |
@Fire Damage -4 | Reduce damage by four if attack/power has Fire keyword |
@Fire +2 | Add +2 to attack result if attack/power has Fire keyword |
Multiplier expressions
It’s possible to add a multiplier for attacks by or against the character. Supported are Invulnerability, Immunity, Double, Halve and Normal. These work with Custom Keywords as described above.
Expression Notation | Description |
@Halve ATTACKTYPE Damage | Halve damage. |
@Double ATTACKTYPE Damage | Double damage. |
@Normal ATTACKTYPE Damage | Normal damage. |
@Invulnerability ATTACKTYPE | Gain Invulnerability. |
@Immunity ATTACKTYPE | Gain Immunity. |
Example | Description |
@Halve Fire Damage | Receive only half damage by Fire sources |
@Invulnerability Cold | Get Invulnerability against Cold sources |
@Immunity, @Normal Silver Damage | Grants Immunity to everything except Silver damage |
Only one Multiplier works at any given time. For example, applying two "Double" effects at once still only doubles the damage instead of quadrupling it.