name (string) - The lookup name of the new module
displayname (string) - The visible name of the new module.
category (string) - The category of the new module.
author (string) - The author of the new module.
ruleset (string) - The ruleset targeted by the new module. Leave empty if targeting all rulesets.
filename (string) - The file name of the new module. (.mod extension will be appended.)
thumbnail (string) - The file name of the thumbnail graphic which should be used for the module.
playervisible (bool) - Whether the new module is targeting players or GMs.
exportnodes (table) -Table of string values indicating the database paths to export.
exporttokens exportassets (table) - Table of string values indicating the token asset names to export.
exportimages (table) - Table of string values indicating the image asset names to export.
imagerewrites assetrewrites (table) - Table of key-value string pairs indicating image asset path rewrites from original path to new module path.