Note for Fantasy Grounds Classic Users
These instructions are for Fantasy Grounds Unity. For the current version of Fantasy Grounds (Classic), please refer to the older wiki:

Fantasy Grounds Unity Images

Importing Images to Fantasy Grounds Unity.mp4

Importing Images into Fantasy Grounds

Fantasy Grounds Unity supports any JPG or PNG images. These will appear in the Assets window under Images when you add them to your campaign. From there, you can copy them into your campaign, set a grid, define line of sight and use them.

Follow either of these two methods to include new images in your campaign from outside of Fantasy Grounds. If the image is online, you should first save it to your local disk.

Method 1 - Import File (Recommended)

The example is using the 5E ruleset and the built-in theme. Your screen may look slightly different depending on the ruleset you chose.

  1. Open the Images & Maps window using the sidebar button for the ruleset you are using.

  2. (Optional) Click on the Group Drowdown and choose which group to place the image or create a new group and choose that.

  3. Click Import File

  4. Browse for the file (choose either JPG Files, PNG Files or All Files)

Method 2- Import Assets (Bulk Import)

If you have a large number of files you want to import into your campaign all at once, you can use this method to do it in fewer steps.

  1. Open your Assets window

  2. Click on the Folder button to open your Data folder

  3. Navigate to your campaign’s image folder

  4. Place any images you want to use there. This will add a folder called Campaign to your Assets window under Images.

  5. Open the Images & Maps screen from the Sidebar buttons

  6. (Optional) Click on the Group Dropdown and choose which group to place the image or create a new group and choose that.

  7. Click on Import Assets and answer Yes at the Prompt.

Possible duplication may occur if the images have already been imported into your campaign. Just manually delete any unneeded records using the list edit menu.

Method 3 - Manual Import from Assets

See Using the Assets Window for Tokens, Portraits and Images for more information.

For images created outside of Fantasy Grounds, follow these steps to add it to your Assets and then to your campaign.

  1. Open your Assets window

  2. Click on the Folder button to open your Data folder

  3. Navigate to your campaign’s image folder

  4. Place any images you want to use there.

  5. Return to the Assets window and change to the Images Mode

  6. Locate and open the Campaign folder

  7. Drag the images from there to your Images & Maps window

Using the Image Control

You can unlock the image to access the Image Control. Within the Image control, you have a main mode, sub-mode and then additional controls dependent upon the submode.




Play Mode

Play Submode

This is the default mode that allows the mouse to pan the window.

Token Selection

Single click to choose a token or draw a rectangle around a group of tokens that you want to select for movement.

Token Targeting

Use this mode to select targets for an action.

In most rulesets you can simply CTRL+Click on a target

Drawing Mode

This mode allows simple drawing in your chosen dice color. For more advanced drawing, refer to the Paint mode.

Erase Drawing

This mode changes the cursor to an eraser. The eraser removes parts of a drawing you have made.

Additional Play Controls

Zoom to Extents - resizes the image to fit inside the Image window

Link Visibility - makes link visible or invisible on the map for the GM.

Enable LOS - turns on or off Dynamic Line of Sight.

Lock Tokens - turns on or off token locking for movement planning and approval.

Snap to Grid - turns on or off snapping to grid centers, corners and edges of grids.

Enable LOS requires that you have Line of Sight walls, doors and terrain defined.

Layers Mode

Layers-Transform Submode

Here you can manipulate a layer (see Layers below) to rotate it, scale it, flip it, or change the color.

Layers-Tile Submode

Used to add tile images onto the map. You can rotate, scale, flip or color the tile before it is placed. Each time you click on the map, a new tile layer will be added to the Layers section.

To place a tile:

  1. Drag a tile image from the Assets - Images window to the Graphic Asset area.

  2. Set a default settings for this and all future tiles

    1. Default size in grid coordinates

    2. Default rotation

    3. Color Tint

  3. Click on the map to place the tile.

  4. Continue clicking to add more of the same tile

  5. You can now drag new tiles directly from the Assets window to the map and they will inherit all the Tile settings from Step 2.

Tiles can be manipulated after placement.

Paint Mode

Drawing Lines

You can adjust the default brush size and color tint of your line. Any drawing will add a new Paint layer if you don’t already have one selected.

Free-form Drawing: left-click and hold to draw a line using the mouse.

Straight-lines: single click on each point where you want it to draw a straight line. Double-click or press Enter to end the line.

Draw with Image

Switch from Brush Mode (default) to Image Mode in the Image Control. Drag an image from the Assets window to the Graphic Asset area. Adjust the size, color and rotation and then draw free-form or straight lines.

This is a super powerful tool that will allow you to make beautiful and functional maps when using an Image Brush. Paint cave walls, rivers, etc.

*See the Line of Sight section for more on how to make your drawings block vision.

Draw Rectangle

Click and drag from the starting corner of your rectangle to the opposite corner of your rectangle.

Hold SHIFT to make a perfect square

Draw Circle or Ellipse

Click and drag from the starting boundary of the ellipse to the ending boundary of the ellipse.

Hold SHIFT to make a perfect circle

Adding Image Stamps

Image Stamps switch from Brush Mode to Image Mode automatically.

To place a stamp:

  1. Drag an image from the Assets window to your Graphic Asset area.

  2. Set the default color, size, rotation and orientation.

  3. click on the map to stamp the image.

  4. All stamps are added to the current Paint layer. If there is no paint layer, one will be created for you.

Stamps are graphic images that you can use to decorate the map without creating extra layers for each stamp. It is great for painting forests, roadways, lava, cliff edges or adding debris to a map.

Erasing Drawings

  1. Set the size of your eraser

  2. Choose the paint layer you want to erase (if you have multiples)

  3. Hold down the left mouse button with your erase cursor over the section you want to erase.

Erasing works well when using the Image Brush to paint walls. You can draw a series of rectangles, circles and lines and then erase where you want doors and windows.

Look for the Line of Sight section for an easy way to define walls that line up perfectly with your drawings.

FX Mode

Layers list

Fx Selection

The Fx Dropdown will be blank by default. You must first add a new Fx layer by using the layer controls at the bottom of the image control.

To add a new Fx layer:

  1. Click the Add Fx Layer button to add a new Fx layer

  2. Select the newly added layer

  3. Select the Fx you want

Available Fx Layers:

  • Rain

  • Snow

  • Water

  • Myst

  • Blizzard

  • Parchment

  • Sepia

  • Ocean

  • Grayscale

Layer Line of Sight (LOS)

LOS Drawing Mode

The 2nd toolbar allow Selection, Draw Line, Draw Rectangle and Draw Ellipse. They function just like drawing in Paint Mode.

Hold SHIFT to draw a perfect square or circle

LOS - Wall Mode

Walls block line of sight and movement for players.

Walls are shown in Red.

Tip: Avoiding Gaps

To avoid gaps in walls, it is better to slightly overlap. This will automatically add an intersection point where two walls meet (or where it meets a door, secret door or terrain). You can then select and delete any extra points you don’t need.

LOS - Terrain Mode

Players can see into the first terrain in their vision. The back edge of the terrain blocks line of sight much like a wall.

Players inside of terrain can see out of it in all directions.

Terrain is shown in Green.

Tip: Terrain usage

Terrain is good for allowing the players to see the entire contents of an area but nothing behind it. Large statues that block line of sight unless you are standing on top of it, pillars, stairs, etc. are all good uses for terrain.

LOS - Door Mode

Players can see the contents of a door, but not beyond it. Hovering over a door will allow the option to Open or Close the door.

* The GM can shift+click on the door to lock or unlock it.

Doors are shown in Blue.

LOS - Secret Mode

Secret areas will act just like a wall to players. The GM, however, will have the option to open the secret door. This will allow players to see through the area and move through it.

* The GM can shift+click on the door to lock or unlock it

Secret doors are shown in Blue with a dashed line.

LOS - Window Mode

Windows allow players to see through the window but not move through it unless it is opened first. Windows can be locked

* The GM can shift+click on the door to lock or unlock it

Windows are shown in Yellow.

LOS - Illusionary Wall

Illusionary Walls are lines that block line of sight just like a wall, but which do not restrict player movement. Players can move straight through the wall without GM intervention.

Illusionary Walls are shown in yellow dashed lines.

LOS - Pits (Experimental)

Open pits block movement and vision out of the pit when the token is inside the pit. Closed pits have no effect on movement or vision.

* The GM can open or close the pit

LOS - Duplicate Paint Lines

  1. Select a Paint Layer

  2. Click the duplicate Paint Lines button

  3. FGU will add new walls along the same path you used to draw your paint layer.

LOS - Remove Selected Points

This will remove the selected point(s) in a line you have defined. It will maintain the existing line or shape if possible and will reconnect the points.

Tip: Optimization

This is good for reducing the number of points in a drawing to improve performance.

LOS - Delete Selected Points

This will remove the selected point(s) and break the parent line in two.

Tip: Cutting a line

This is great for cutting out a section of an existing wall.

LOS - Magnetic Snap

Click this to turn on or off Magnetic snapping to existing points.

When on, it will snap to any nearby points to help prevent any gaps.

When off, it allows for greater control. This is useful when you want to insert extra points near other points.

Hold CTRL when placing a point to temporarily toggle this setting without changing it overall.

Global LOS

Enable or Disable Global LOS Mask

Click the + icon to turn on Global Mask. It will add a dark gray layer over the map.

Click the - icon to disable the Global LOS Mask.

Remove Rectangle from Global LOS Mask

Click and drag from one corner of a rectangle to the opposite corner.

Hold ALT when drawing to make a freeform selection.

Fill Rectangle on Global LOS Mask

Click and drag from one corner of a rectangle to the opposite corner.

Hold ALT when drawing to make a freeform selection.

Grid Mode

Mouse Assignment for Grid Size

Switch from Edit Mode to Mouse Assignment and then drag from the upper left corner of a map square to the bottom right to set the grid size and location.

Edit it further using the edit controls.

Set the Grid Type

You can choose

  • a square (rectangular) grid

  • isometric grid (diamond)

  • Flat top hex

  • Point top hex

Adjust Grid

You can adjust the width and height of the grid in pixels. You can use decimal points.

Unlink width and height if they are not the same using the link button in between width and height.

Use the arrow keys to nudge the grid placement.

Warning - Isometric grid maps

Many Isometric maps available online are not truly iso maps. An Isometric map should have the points of the diamond be in line with each other horizontally and vertically and each diamond should be consistently sized.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts change depending on which mode is selected.




Play Mode w/ Token Selected

Arrow keys

Move up, down, left or right by 1 grid square.

Use the Number Pad to move diagonal as well.

Drawing Mode or Line of Sight Mode

(no points selected)

Arrow keys

Pan the map by 1 grid square in the direction of the arrows

Hold CTRL to pan by a smaller amount.


Add a new point at the current cursor position and continue editing this drawing.


Add a new point at the current position and complete the current drawing.


Cancel the current drawing and complete it at the previous point


Undo last action


Redo last action from Undo


Temporarily toggle grid snapping mode for next point (while held)

Layers Transform w/ Tile Selected

Arrow keys

Move currently selected tile by 1 grid square in the direction of the arrow.

Hold CTRL to move by a smaller amount.

Layers Trasnform w/ Tile Selected

Shift+Left Arrow
Shift + Right Arrow

Spin current tile clockwise or counter-clockwise by 45 degrees.

Hold CTRL to rotate by 1 single degree.

Shift + Up Arrow

Shift + Down Arrow

Increase or decrease scale of current tile by 1 grid square

Hold CTRL to scale by 1 pixel.

Right-Click Menus



Main Menu

In Clockwork order from the top.

Close Window

Zoom - Zoom in or out

Layers - Grid, Pins, Mask visibility

Drawing - freehand drawing on the map

Share Sheet - shows the image on the players' screens

Pointers - Draw cones, squares, circles and arrows using the grid coordinates.

Pointers Menu

Remove Pointers - removes any pointers on image

Arrow - useful for pointing out features

Square - useful for defining areas

Circle - useful for defining areas

Cone - useful for spell area of effects

Players can draw pointers

Drawing Menu

Unlock Drawing Mode - toggle locked and unlocked state

Enter Drawing Mode - this does not have the same level of features as the Image Control options explained earlier, but it allows for simple drawings with the default drawing brush.

Players can use this to draw on maps

Zoom Window

Zoom to Fit - will try to fit all image layers into the visible area of the screen.

Restore Zoom - resets the zoom to fit the previous zoom level.

If your mouse has a scroll wheel, this is the easiest way to zoom in and out around the current cursor position.

Layers Menu

Toggle Shortcuts - this changes visibility for shortcuts (GM Only)

Toggle Grid - hides or shows the grid

Snap to Grid - on or off (hold CTRL to override)

Enable Mask - this turns on or off the Global mask

Using Dynamic Line of Sight for Maps

Some maps may be preloaded with line of sight (LOS) data. For other maps, you can create your own LOS data. Refer to the Map Line of Sight Style Guide for more info on creating your own LOS data.

  1. Open your Map and unlock it to reveal the Image Control

  2. Verify that the layer with the map has an indicator showing that LOS has been defined (see image)

  3. Turn on Enable LOS. It is off by default

  4. Drag a player token onto the map from the Combat Tracker (or add an NPC from an encounter or Combat Tracker)

If you want to build your own version of LOS that differs from any built-in definitions, you can unlock the layer and then disable that layer’s LOS definition. Next, you can add a new LOS layer (available at the bottom of the Image Control) and then start drawing your new version. Refer to the Style Guide.

Quick Dynamic Line of Sight Introduction.mp4