ALIEN - Effects & Modifiers
The ruleset contains effects library that implements the cover mechanic and all critical hits that impact skill rolls. Effects must be applied to a PC or NPC in the Combat Tracker (CT) first. The duration of most effects is set to infinity, but this can be changed. Some effects are for reference purposes only.
Effects are applied to skill rolls only.
The ruleset supports custom effects via string parsing. In order to create on, the following rules must be followed:
Modifiers must be enclosed in square brackets [ ]
The skill names must match the names on the character sheet
Multiple skill modifiers must be separated by a comma
All effects are reported in the roll results:
The PLAYERS SECTION module from the ruleset contains library of modifiers that can be used in addition to the standard modifier box and quick modifier buttons on the desktop.
The name of the modifier will be reported in the chat output in addition to the numbers selected using the aforementioned methods.
Modifiers can be dragged to the shortcut bar for easy access by players and Game Mothers.