FG Forge - Manage Craft
- 1 FG Forge Access
- 2 Manage Craft
- 2.1 Items
- 2.2 Transactions
- 2.3 Profile
- 2.4 Payouts
- 2.5 Crafter Agreement
- 2.6 +Add Item
FG Forge Access
Link: Fantasy Grounds Forge
NOTE: If you are receiving an error page that lists TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS or similar, this is because your Fantasy Grounds account has not yet been validated. Check your spam folder for an email requesting FG account email verification or contact Customer Support for more assistance.
Manage Craft
Once your Become A Crafter form has been reviewed and accepted, the Become A Crafter button in the upper-right of the Forge menu will change to Manage Craft.
Click on the Manage Craft button will show two tabs: Items, Profile, Transactions, Payouts and Crafter Agreement:
The +Add Item button in the upper-right corner of the page allows you to add new items to the Forge.
The Items tab shows items that you have added to the Forge by uploading them.
In the example below, you can see that Smiteworks has uploaded and made available several items for developers and customers alike:
Clicking on the title of any item in the Items tab will take you to the Manage Item page. See the Manage Item page for more details.
After you add an item and it is active, it will show up in the Forge Shop but it will be Owned by the Crafter, and will filtered out of the view by default unless the Show Owned box is checked.
The Transactions tab shows all transactions that have been made between other users and you (more precisely, items you have uploaded).
Transaction #
This is the number for a particular transaction. This number is important in referencing the exact transaction should there be a dispute, refund request, etc.
Type references the type of transaction that was made, whether it was a Purchase, Gift, Donation, etc.
This column reflects the amount in gold paid for the item. Free items will always reflect 0.
The date and time the transaction took place.
Notes reflects the title of the item in the transaction.
The Profile tab allows you to view and edit your personal information. This can be easily updated in case of a move, new phone number, etc.
Note: The information in your profile must be your actual address and phone number. This information is part of the Crafter Agreement signed to become a Forge Crafter.
If you had not previously selected the box to become a seller (ie. releasing only free items), you can now select this box and fill in the required information, then click the Update Crafter button.
The Payouts tab will show all addresses that are eligible for payouts as indicated when creating an item.
Paypal Email
The Paypal email address of the Paypal account that will receive the payout.
This is the amount that will be payed out in USD.
This field denotes whether the payout for this entry is currently active or inactive.
Last Updated
This field shows when the information or status for that particular entry was last updates.
Crafter Agreement
Here you will find a reference copy of the Crafter Agreement that was agreed to when you became a Forge Crafter. It contains the License Agreement, Grant of License, Branding, Payment information, etc. You can review this information at any time.
+Add Item
After clicking the +Add Item button, you will be brought to a form
The Category dropdown allows you to select which specific ruleset or kind of product you are adding.
The Type dropdown allows you to select a Product Type with which to associate your item.
This is the title of your product. You’ll want to be descriptive enough to at least hint at what the item does.
Short Description
This is the “elevator pitch” version of your Long Description. This should be informative enough to let others know what the product does, but isn’t the place for detailed information such as paragraphs of documentation, links, etc.
Long Description
This is where you have the opportunity to expound as much as you like on your product. The more detail you can provide here, the less questions other users may have when deciding whether your product suits their needs.
The formatting bar at the top of the field allows you to use all manner of formatting such as different header types, changing the font face, adding links, colored text, tables, and more. The ? box also shows keyboard shortcuts for everything the formatting bar is capable of.
There is also a drag handle in the middle of the bottom of the text box to allow you to see everything you are working on in one screen.
Price (in gold, 0 is Free)
This is where you will denote the price of the item you are adding.
Entering 0 will make the item free and it will be listed as FREE in the Shop listing.
Entering any number other than 0 is what others will pay in gold for your item and it will be listed as a PAID item in the Shop listing.
Save Item
When you have completed all the fields in the +Add Item form and finished formatting, click the Save Item button at the bottom-right corner of the form. If you navigate away from the +Add Item form without saving, all input and/or changes may be lost.