Star Trek Adventures 2d20 Combat Tracker
The combat tracker will be the nerve center for the GM to keep track of all the Characters and Ships engaged in the scene. Both Characters and Ships will occupy the same space, but the detail buttons will provide different actions and data depending on the type of actor.
The offense section will provide a task check, resistance, and attacks from the NPC sheet. Here you can roll and interact with the player characters depending on what the scene requires.
This section will provide the crew actions available to the ship similar to the character’s action list. Changing the station and hitting the button will display the actions for that station.
This section will show the various system breaches, power consumption, and crew support for the ship. Power is consumed if the action requires it, but can be adjusted manually here. The system provides combat in a standard way or the quick way described within the core rulebook. Either can be used. The breach status will display when the ship has reached the thresholds and when it is destroyed. You can track the breaches as in normal combat and ignore this display for longer fights.
Note: When the Traits section is collapsed a summary of the breaches will be displayed.