Death Markers

Death Markers

Death Markers

Death Markers were added in Fantasy Grounds Unity v4.3.3 and can be found when clicking on the Options button in the Sidebar.

Options shown as seen in a D&D 5e campaign with Core (default FGU)

The Death Markers window will show different Creature Types dependent on the type of creatures available in the ruleset or modules.

Death Markers as they appear in Traveller 2E



Death Markers allow you to specify the kind of death marker set you prefer to have assigned to each Creature Type.

When a character or NPC’s death occurs and it is removed from the Combat Tracker, a random death marker from the Marker Set will be displayed where the character died.

If you prefer to have no death markers assigned, you can choose the blank option at the top of the drop-down selection list.

NOTE: Death Markers need to be incorporated into each Ruleset by the ruleset developer before the Death Marker button will appear in the Options window. If the Death Marker button isn’t displayed in Options, it has not yet been implemented by the ruleset developer.

Clicking the Marker Sets button at the bottom of the Death Markers window will allow you to scroll through all of the marker sets, change the name of the sets, or change their tint using the Color Select button to the right.

The Tint feature allows you to edit the color of the death marker set as a whole. Simply click on the Tint button to the right of the market set you wish to change the color of.

You also have the ability to create new custom Marker Sets of your own, as well as edit any Market Set already created. For this, you will use the Add Item and Edit Item buttons in the lower-right of the window.

Clicking the Add Item button will give you a new, blank Marker Set that you can name and drag image assets to.

When adding your own custom images, please note that any white part of the image is Tintable.
Recommended image size for custom Death Markers images is 256x256.

Clicking the Edit Item button will put all Marker Sets into Edit Mode. This allows you to remove individual markers, or entire sets at one time with their corresponding Delete Item button.

When finished editing, click the Edit Item button again to toggle out of Edit Mode. Edits will then be final.

Using Delete Item will remove the image from the set, not the image file from disk. All image files will still remain in Assets → Images for use in other or future sets.

For more information about Death Markers and to see how they work in a battle map combat situation, as well as how to add your own images, be sure to watch the “Unity Death Markers” videos by Zacchaeus below:
