Guidelines - Product Store Images


Fantasy Grounds Storefront

Each product that we officially release on our storefront requires the following graphics:

Product Thumbnail - 1466 pixels wide and 2000 pixels tall. 72 dpi. WEBP format at high quality (60). Please do not upscale any images. File size should be less than 300kb.

To download the images, click the image first and then click the download button.


Please download the above template and use it for all covers going forward. Replace the white layer with the product cover image, resizing it downward to fit. You can adjust the Fantasy Grounds logo background to fit with the product cover image. It's important that the color still stays dark enough to maintain good contrast with the logo. When finished, export to webp format with the above guidelines.

For those that do not have the ability to open Photoshop documents we also provide these PNG templates (To download the images, click the image first and then click the download button):


5-6 Screenshots - 1920 x 1080 or 1280 x 720. 72 dpi. JPG format at high quality (60)

1080 x 1472 JPG

Tyranny of Dragons Screenshot (1280 x 720) (JPG)


Good Screenshots to Use:

  1. (Required) One screenshot with the cover image opened and centered in the desktop

  2. One or more images of maps showing line of sight, lighting, etc. (with NPCs placed on maps from an encounter)

  3. An Encounter and map combo, possibly with combat tracker shown

  4. NPC details and images, possibly with list of NPCs off to the side

  5. Reference Manual with an interesting page shown. Use sub-windows to cover sensitive info from the module or to highlight something

  6. Random tables, Loot Parcels, or Items of interest

  7. Anything that is unique about the module that sets it apart from similar products.

  8. Anything else you think is cool about the module

Other Screenshot Tips

  1. Use the default theme for the ruleset whenever possible

  2. Have something interesting on each quarter of the image

  3. Don't overload the screen and make it look too busy or cluttered

  4. Take a screenshot bigger than 1920 x 1080 so you can clip the window frame off and be left with a final image that is 1920 x 1080.

  5. Avoid stretching or shrinking the image along any axis.

Steam Storefront Image Requirements

Steam displays products in a number of different ways within their interface, on mobile devices, steam decks, etc. For this reason, they require a series of capsule images in different dimensions and orientations. In addition, they overlay the price, sale discounts, and other stuff on top of images. This means that there are areas of the image that must remain clear. Finally, there are restrictions on the amount of text and logos which can be present on any image. Since all images require a Fantasy Grounds Unity logo, this leaves room only for a single additional logo. If the additional logo contains text, it must be part of the title. The Fantasy Grounds Unity logo should not be moved or resized.

Screenshots - same as the Fantasy Grounds Storefront. No new images required.

  1. header capsule (460 x 215) JPG

  2. small capsule (231 x 87) JPG

  3. Main capsule (616 x 353) JPG

  4. Vertical capsule (374 x 448) JPG

  5. optional page background (1438 x 810) JPG

  6. PSD files if you use those for the above images

PSD Templates

You can get templates for each of these capsule images here.

No text is allowed on capsule images that is not a part of the product title. This means we must include the Fantasy Grounds Unity logo and title as long as it matches the product title, but we cannot include other content such as the system setting or other branding info that is not part of the title. If some text is important enough to include on the image, it should be important enough to include in the title as well.

For those that do not have the ability to open the PSD templates here are PNG templates (To download the images, click the image first and then click the download button):





Header image

The DLC badge is added by Steam.

Design: This image should focus on the branding of your product. For best results, please use the same artwork that you use for any retail box or marketing and make sure the logo is clearly legible.
Usage: It will appear at the top of your page in the store, in the 'recommended for you' section, in 'grid view' in customers libraries in the Steam client, in browse views on Big Picture mode, and for daily deals if applicable.
Sizes: 460px x 215px (A '292px x 136px' image will be automatically generated from this)

Small Capsule

Design: These are small, so they should focus on making the logo clearly legible, even at the smallest size. Text must be at least 12 point or equivalent.
Usage: These are used for all the lists throughout Steam. Search results, top-sellers, new releases, etc.
Sizes: 231px x 87px (Two smaller sizes - 120x45 and 184x69 - are automatically generated)

Main Capsule

Design: These should be designed to market the product. For best results, please use the key art and logo that is being used for any retail boxes or marketing. Do not include quotes, review scores, or awards.
Usage: These appear at the top of the front page.
Sizes: 616px x 353px

Vertical Capsule

Design: This is a vertical asset that is designed to market your game. For best results, please use the key art and logo that is being used for any retail boxes or marketing. Do not include quotes, review scores, or awards.
Usage: These can appear at the top of the front page during seasonal sales, and on other new sale pages.
Sizes: 374px x 448px

Page Background (Optional)


This should be ambient so as not to compete with the content on the page, so try to avoid high-contrast images or images with lots of text. A template will automatically be applied to your uploaded file, which will tint it blue and fade out the edges. If you don't upload an image here, we'll automatically take the last screenshot and generate a background image from that.


This is the image that will be used in the background of your store page.


1438px x 810px



Select screenshots that clearly show off the player perspective and gameplay in action.

Select screenshots that clearly communicate the genre of your game. Showing HUD elements typically help communicate that to players pretty quickly.

Avoid menu screens. See requirements below.


For best results, please provide screenshots in high-res, widescreen format (ideally 1280 x 720 or 1920 x 1080). We ask that any images you upload to the ‘screenshot’ section of your store page should be screenshots that show your game. This means avoiding using concept art, pre-rendered cinematic stills, or images that contain awards, marketing copy, or written product descriptions. Please show customers what your game is actually like to play.


To upload localized versions of a screenshot, drag and drop alternative versions onto the designated area next to the screenshot below. Language name can be used as a suffix to hint to the UI which language this screenshot should be in (For example, foo_japanese.jpg)

Mature Content

If your game has mature content, you should upload and mark at least four screenshots as being suitable for all ages. Suitable screenshots should not contain gore, violence, or suggestive themes. These screenshots may be shown outside of your store page, such as on the front page. If you do not have enough screenshots provided and properly flagged, your game may not appear in these places, even if it otherwise qualifies.

¹ For non-mature products, checking the 'suitable for all ages' option also works to specify a screenshot that Steam should prefer when choosing an image to show in places on Steam outside your store product page.


Steam Storefront Images for Bundles

Bundle Header*
707px wide x 232px tall

Design: This image should focus on the branding of your product. For best results, please use the same artwork that you use for any retail box or marketing and make sure the logo is clearly legible.
Usage: This image appears at the top of the bundle detail page on Steam.
Sizes: 707px x 232px.

Header Capsule*

460px wide x 215px tall

Design: This image should focus on the branding of your product. For best results, please use the same artwork that you use for any retail box or marketing and make sure the logo is clearly legible.
Usage: It will appear at the top of your page in the store, in the 'recommended for you' section, in 'grid view' in customers libraries in the Steam client, in browse views on Big Picture mode, and for daily deals if applicable.
Sizes: 460px x 215px (A '292px x 136px' image will be automatically generated from this)

Small Capsule *

231px wide x 87px tall

Design: These are small, so they should focus on making the logo clearly legible, even at the smallest size.
Usage: These are used for all the lists throughout Steam. Search results, top-sellers, new releases, etc.
Sizes: 231px x 87px (Two smaller sizes - 120x45 and 184x69 - are automatically generated)
Requirements: Small Capsule should contain readable logo, even at smallest size. In most cases, this means your logo should nearly fill the small capsule.

Main Capsule *

616px wide x 353px tall

Design: These should be designed to market the product. For best results, please use the key art and logo that is being used for any retail boxes or marketing. Do not include quotes, review scores, or awards.
Usage: These appear at the top of the front page.
Sizes: 616px x 353px

Required Publisher Support

In order to make clean capsule images for Steam, you will need a cover image from the publisher of the PDF. The cover image they provide should include a multi-layered image file with the background separated from any titles or logos. You may have to resize and reposition a title on the background in order for the capsule image to look good at the resolution required. In many cases, only a single logo will be allowed by Valve Software for Steam.

If you are requesting files from a publisher, make sure to request this as well. If you are converting your own content, then please provide those along with your PSD files for your cover. This will allow us to correct and resubmit any capsule images that are necessary in order to publish the content on Steam.