Characters and Pointer Color

Characters and Pointer Color

Active Character Colors

Changing the character and pointer colors in CoreRPG, and many other rulesets that use CoreRPG as its base, allow you to easily change your character color and corresponding pointer color from the Options menu.


Clicking the color bubble pops up a small, unassuming “Choose Color” window. This allows you to change colors for your character indicator and associated pointers as seen in the examples below.

Changing Character Indicator and Pointer Colors

If you control multiple characters in a campaign, you can customize the Character Color for each character individually. Simply click on each character with the Option window open, and note how the Color: Active character setting changes.

Inactive and Active PCs

NOTE: You may notice some characters on the desktop are “grayed out”, do not have color dots, and are not selectable. These are inactive characters that are not currently being played by anyone but were in the past. Explanation and toggle option below.

To learn much more about selecting and controlling characters, Player and GM actions and more, please see the Character List: Controlling One or More Characters article linked below:
Link: Character List: Controlling One or More Characters

By default, Fantasy Grounds Unity now shows all prior characters used in the campaign (added to the Party Sheet by your GM) in a moveable row in the top-left corner of the desktop. The GM can toggle it to show only Active Characters (those claimed by a player or the GM), or all characters. The default is All, but you can click on Options and toggle Desktop: Show PCs to Active Only.

NOTE: The GM must have added your characters to the Party Sheet and must still be on the Party Sheet to show in the Character Bar as either Active or Inactive. Any PCs owned but not on the Party Sheet will not show in the Character Bar.
More Information: CoreRPG Party Sheet

Unlocking and Moving the Character Bar

The Character Bar, like the Dice Tray at the bottom-left of the screen, can be unlocked and moved freely around the Fantasy Grounds Unity desktop.

Hover your mouse just to the upper-left of the first character in the box. A Locked icon with appear. Click it to change it to an Unlocked icon. A Reset Position icon will also appear beneath the Unlock icon.

Once unlocked, you will also notice a thin border around the character area. Clicking and dragging on an empty area within the Character Bar border will allow you to drag it around and place it elsewhere.
To return it to its default location, click the Reset Position icon.

The Character Bar can move anywhere inside the Fantasy Grounds Unity application, but cannot be rotated to be vertical. It will remain horizontal. This feature may be available in future updates.