World of Darkness Locations

This sheet is provided to the GM to help keep track of locations in your game world. The core rulebook and supplements provide different types of locations that are tracked differently. Changing the type will show these fields and help the GM track this additional information. Each setting below will have their location types that are tracked. The default area provides little in additional fields but two sections for text that can contain links that is separated for GM's only and a player's section.


Domain, Hunting ground, Haven, Homestead


Caern, Safe House


Safe house


This sheet is provided to the GM to help keep track of organizations in your game world. The core rulebook and supplements provide different types of organizations that are tracked differently. Changing the type will show these fields and help the GM track this additional information. Each setting below will have their location types that are tracked. The default area provides little in additional fields but two sections for text that can contain links that is separated for GM's only and a player's section.


OPFOR, Cult, Institution