Transformers Combat Tracker

Transformers Combat Tracker

GM View


The GM’s Combat Tracker is the center command for Combat, Active Character Sheets, Queued Attacks, Status Effects, round information, and NPC details. The GM will have a much more in-depth view of details such as HP, Wounds, Initiatives, Targeting, and options to open Detailed Views of attacks and make modifications to the attack before allowing them to pass as rolls.


When using NPCs in the Combat Tracker, the GM will have access to all of the NPCs’ attacks. By default, they are shown in a Short-Hand method. Once the NPC has a target, they can click on the Red “Attack” button to roll that specific attack. If a GM wishes to see more information about the attack, they can click the expand [+] button on the left hand side of the attack to see more. They can also change the specialization attack with the DIAMOND/CIRCLE icon in the top-right hand side of the attack, next to the NATURAL ATTACK DIE.

Player View

The Player’s Combat Tracker will be a central point for them to look at their own Initiative, Health Points, Wounds, round information, track estimated damage values of NPCs, and they will be able to see a summary of the active attacks in the Attack Prompt Queue. However, players will not see as much information as the GM would, and will not be able to modify attacks after they have been sent to the queue.