Transformers Alt Modes

Transformers Alt Modes

E20 Transformers: Alt Modes


Alternative Modes are a vital part of the Transformers Tabletop experience. The Alternative character sheets will change the Attack Prompt System to use your altmode’s token (as well as change your token on the map to match), update your character’s size to your altmode’s set size, and use the defensive stats of your altmode instead of your character’s stat on the main sheet, as long as the altmode sheet is open.

Your character can have any number of altmodes. If you use the drag’n’drop method of creating your character, your first altmode will be automatically generated for you when you apply the Origin record to your character. If you need more altmodes after that, you can press the “Add Mode” button on the top section of the “Main” tab. The name of your altmode in the list will be determined by the name you give your altmode on the altmode’s character sheet. If you want to remove an altmode, select the “Delete Alt” button on the ‘other’ tab of the altmode you want to delete.