Using the Assets Window for Tokens, Portraits and Images

The Assets Window

The Assets window contains all tokens, portraits and images from all of the modules that you own. You do not need to have the module activated for them to appear in the Assets window.


User Interface Element


User Interface Element


  1. Main Filter

Use this to restrict the results to Tokens, Portraits or Images. Set to All to look across all three categories.

2. Search Bar

Enter one or more keywords to search, separated by a space or comma. The results will include all filtered object types that contain all of the search terms as part of the name.

3. Zoom / Preview

The magnifying glass icon over an image means you can click to preview the image in its own window.

4. Toggle Grid / List

This will toggle between default Grid View and List View which lists one result per line with more room for the result name.

Use List View when you want to scan result names more quickly.

5. Home / Back

Home takes you back to the top level of the Assets window, displaying all available items in that category.

Back takes you back to the previous screen you navigated from or search you performed.

6. Breadcrumb

This will only show up when you are in a folder or using a Search. It will allow you to navigate up to a previous folder directly. Clicking on the Filter will remove it.

7. Results

Results will show up here. Folders may be represented by a graphic, such as a file folder or a bag. Only the first page of results will be shown. Refer to the Next Page and Previous Page buttons below to see additional results.

Images and tokens specific to your campaign will show up under a folder called campaign. They can be accessed from the Folder menu.

8. Folder

This opens a File Explorer window on your Operating System that points you to the Fantasy Grounds Unity Data Folder. From there, you can navigate to the tokens folder or over to your campaign image folder.

To access your campaign folder, go up to the root of the Data Folder and then into the campaigns folder. Find the folder that matches your current campaign name. Inside, you will find an images folder.

9. Store Link

This will open a web browser and preload the Store ( or Steam) where you can purchase additional packs.

10. Next Page

If the results are more than 50, you will be able to navigate to the next page of results here.

11. Resize Handle

Use this to expand or reduce the size of the Assets window. Drag and hold to change the size of the window.

12. Refresh List

Use this to refresh the folder assets.

  1. Shared

Shows all shared assets from the Assets window.

Grid View Examples


List View Examples

Adding Custom Tokens

You can add custom tokens from the Assets window.

  1. Open the Assets window

  2. Click on Folder to open your Data Folder

  3. Your operating system should open the tokens folder

  4. Place any PNG or JPG images here.

Adding Custom Portraits

You can add custom portraits from the Assets window.

  1. Open the Assets window

  2. Click on Folder to open your Data Folder

  3. Your operating system should open the tokens folder

  4. Navigate up to the root of the Data Folder and then into the Portraits folder.

  5. Place any PNG or JPG images here.

Adding Custom Images or Maps to your Campaign

Images must first be added to the Assets window and then from there they can be added to your campaign.

Add Image to Assets Window

You can add custom portraits from the Assets window.

  1. Open the Assets window

  2. Click on Folder to open your Data Folder

  3. Your operating system should open the tokens folder

  4. Navigate up to the root of the Data Folder and then into the Portraits folder.

  5. Place any PNG or JPG images here.

Add Image to Campaign

  1. Locate the image in your Assets Window. See the previous set of steps. If done properly, they should show up under a folder called campaign.

  2. Open your Images & Maps window in your current campaign. (the button may say Maps)

  3. Drag the image from the Assets Window to your Images & Maps window.