Using Tokens
Tokens are visual representations of a character or objects on the tabletop. Tokens can be found in the token box accessible via the sidebar on the right-hand side of the tabletop.
Tokens can be placed on a campaign map or image to denote the position of the character or object. If dragged from a combat tracker entry, the token will be linked to that combat tracker entry and will gain a faction underlay (based on CT Space/Size field) and a reach underlay (based on Reach field, visible when mouse over token).
Also, tokens can be placed on character records (PC or NPC) or encounter records to preset tokens for addition to the combat tracker, or simply to provide a visual representation of that character.
Finally, tokens can be placed on the hotkey bar for quick duplication of tokens. This is useful for placing tokens to denote objects that appear commonly in encounters (such as fire tokens for a non-linear wall of fire, etc.). Just drag from the hotkey bar onto the map, just like you would drag from the token box
Token Assets
The Asset window contains all of the tokens available for the current user. Token folders are used to group tokens from by module or sub-folder. Double-click a token folder to view its contents. Only tokens installed locally on a user’s machine will be visible in the Assets window.
See Using the Assets Window for Tokens, Portraits and Images
Loading Locations
Data Tokens: Any tokens stored in the FG data directory under the tokens/ subfolder. They are stored in a top-level Data token folder.
Module Tokens: Any tokens stored in the tokens subfolder of an installed module. The tokens for each module are stored in token folders named by module.
Ruleset Tokens: Any tokens stored in the tokens subfolder of an installed ruleset. They are stored in a top-level Ruleset token folder.
Note: The recommended image format is PNG for the best transparency support. Token file sizes should be monitored for practical purposes, as larger files take longer to share, especially so with a larger number of players. Most tokens available online use a 100x100 for medium and smaller sized creatures and 200x200 pixels for anything larger than medium. The number of tokens in the campaign can also affect performance. The number of token files should be kept to the minimum necessary to run the game for best performance.
Map Tokens
Once tokens are added to a map, additional token features become available.
Add Single Token: Drag a token from the token box, a token field within a record window or from the hotkey bar; and drop on a map. To link a token to the combat tracker, drag the token from the associated token field within the combat tracker entry.
Add Faction Tokens: Drag and drop the faction icon from the combat tracker onto a map. The tokens will be linked to the combat tracker.
If tokens were placed when creating an encounter, they will be added automatically when the encounter is added to the combat tracker.
Delete Single Token: Right-click on a token, and select the Delete Token->Delete This Token menu option.
Delete All Map Tokens: Right-click on a token, and select the Delete Token->Delete All Tokens menu option.
If a token was added from the combat tracker, it will be removed automatically when the CT entry is deleted. If a token was added during encounter placement, it will be removed automatically when the encounter window is closed.
Map tokens can be moved within and between maps.
Click and Drag
Just click and drag the token to the desired location on a map. To move a set of tokens as a group, see the next topic.
Keyboard Movement
Use the arrow keys or to move up, down, left and right or use the number pad arrow keys to move in 8 directions. Your token will move by one grid square (or hex) in that direction. Hold CTRL and the arrow key to move by a smaller amount.
If Line of Sight is enabled on a map, player tokens can only move into an area where they have line of sight.
One or more map tokens can be "selected". When a set of tokens is selected, they can be moved or targets can be assigned as a group. Selected tokens are denoted by a black circle underneath the token.
Toggle Single Token Selection: Click on a token to select only that token. If that token was already selected by itself, it will be unselected instead.
Add/Remove Selected Tokens: SHIFT-click on a token to add/remove the token from the set of selected tokens.
Token Selection Tool: Use the token selection tool to select a group of tokens. The token selection tool can be activated via the Image window toolbar or by right-clicking on the image and selecting the Selection Modes->Token Selection Mode. Click and drag the box around the tokens to select. SHIFT-click and drag to drag a freehand region around the tokens to select.
A token is set to the active state when the combat tracker entry it is linked gets its turn in the CT. The GM can also target the token active state by clicking on the associated token field in the CT. Active tokens are denoted by a white circle underneath the token.
Map tokens can be rotated to different orientations by Holding shift, then using the mouse wheel while hovering over a token, or by right-clicking on the token and selecting the Rotate Left/Right menu options. When the token facing option is enabled, a small yellow pointer will be rotated around the token instead of the token orientation changing.
Each map token can target any token on the same map. Targets are denoted by arrows between the tokens targeting each other. The targeting arrows are visible when hovering the cursor over a token, or when the token is selected. If not hovering or selecting a token, the active token targets will be shown (i.e. active characters for players, active CT entry for GM). When assigning targets the selected tokens will be used. If no targets are selected, then the active token will be used (i.e. active character for players, active CT entry for GM).
Toggle Target: CTRL-click on a token to toggle targeting of that token.
Clear Targets: Click the Clear Targets button in the image window toolbar. Clears all targets for the active/selected tokens.
Target Friendly Units: Click the Target Friendly Units button in the image window toolbar. For active/selected tokens, sets all tokens with the same faction as targets. Token factions are set when tokens are added from the CT.
Target Enemy Units: Click the Target Enemy Units button in the image window toolbar. For active/selected tokens, sets all tokens that don't have the same faction as targets. Token factions are set when tokens are added from the CT.
Targeting Mode: Click the Target Mode button in the image window toolbar; or by right clicking on the image and selecting the Selection Modes->Token Target Mode menu option. Click and drag the box around the tokens to target with the active/selected tokens. SHIFT-click and drag to drag a freehand region around the tokens to target.
For FG, maps and tokens are just an image file. When placing a token on a map, FG tracks the map-to-token global scale, as well as an individual token scale.
For newer rulesets when a grid is defined on a map, the map-to-token scale is set automatically by adjusting the token to fit within a single grid square (or the number of squares denoted in the CT for CT-linked tokens).
In older rulesets or when a grid is not defined, the map-to-token scale is not set automatically. Use the mouse wheel to zoom the map until the tokens are the right scale relative to the map; then right click on a token, and select the Lock Token Scale menu option. The map-to-token scale can be released using the same method.
To change the individual token scale, hold CTRL while using the mouse wheel to adjust the individual token scale up and down. Hold CTRL and middle click to reset the token scaling back to the default (or right click and select the Reset Individual Token Scale menu option).
Tokens can have 3 different visibility states: always visible, always invisible and mask-sensitive visibility. With mask sensitive visibility, the token is only visible if the center of the token is in an unmasked region of the map.
For CT-linked tokens, PC token visibility defaults to always visible, and NPC token visibility can be toggled through the GM combat tracker between always invisible and mask-sensitive visibility. For other tokens, the default visibility is mask-sensitive.
To manually set the visibility of a token, right click on the token and select the Visibility menu option you desire.
Creating a Token Module
It is recommended that users create modules for their tokens rather than storing them in the FG data folders. See this video on how to create a token module. Make sure that you have the file name extensions option ticked in Windows (click on view from the menu bar on any window) before doing so. On a Mac right click over the zip file and select Get Info and scroll down and use the toggle arrows to open the Name & Extension section. Uncheck the box labelled Hide Extension.