5E Character Sheet

Video Tutorials

The following video tutorials were created to compliment the 5e Character Sheet page below.


Character Sheet Overview

The 5e character sheet consists of several individual sheets organized by tabs along the right hand side. The sheets contain the following information.

  • Main: Character Class and level, abilities, hit points, wounds, saves, defenses, speed, senses, and overview of common combat totals.

  • Skills: Skill details.

  • Abilities: Feats, special abilities, class features and traits, proficiencies and languages.

  • Inventory: Equipment, coins and encumbrance.

  • Notes: Character background details, appearance and notes.

  • Log: Used for organized play

  • Actions: Weapon, spell and other action details

In order to create a character the user must first have opened any modules which contain character creation information - such as the Player’s Handbook. There are three methods of creating a character; either using the character wizard, drag and drop, or completely manual entry. Use of the character wizard is beyond the scope of this article, but users can refer to this video for a run down of how to use it:

If you create a character using the character wizard or by manually typing in all of the information then refer to the reference section of this article below for further information on how everything works in the character sheet.

Creating a New Character Tutorial

First, make sure that you have opened all of the modules you expect to use to create your character. Then open the character window by clicking on the Characters button on the right hand side panel. Now either click on the green ‘+’ button at the bottom right or right click inside the character window and select ‘create new’. This will open a new blank character sheet.

In order to demonstrate many of the features of Fantasy Grounds as well as outlining a suggested method of creating a character that automates as much as possible and gives a highly functional character sheet let's create a Dwarven Cleric. Along the way we'll also find out what all the buttons, boxes and crosses you find scattered about do.

Add Ability Scores

Unlike the method detailed in the Player's Handbook (PHB) we're going to start with the character's ability scores. To edit an ability score click in the box of the ability you want to edit and type in the new number. So go ahead and edit the numbers to give the character the following abilities from top to bottom; 14,12,13,10,15,8. We are using the standard array here but obviously you can use whatever method you want to determine your character's abilities. Once you have finished you will notice that Fantasy Grounds has taken those scores and adjusted various other aspects of the sheet such as saving throws, initiative and perception and if you look at the Skills tab you'll find some numbers in the 'Total' column as well. Any time that you alter your abilities Fantasy Grounds will recalculate such dependent scores; so for example if your Wisdom increased to 16, giving you a +3 instead of a +2 bonus any saving throw or skill which relied on Wisdom would increase by one point, as would your passive perception.

Add Race

Next up we'll add our race into the sheet. Click on the Races button on the right hand menu and this will open a list of races that are available to you from any module that you have open. Find Dwarf in that list and click and hold on the link icon to the left of ‘Dwarf’ and drag and drop it onto the ‘Race’ section of the character sheet. You will get a pop up asking you to select a subrace; select Hill Dwarf and then click on the tick icon at the bottom of the window.

Once you have done this you'll notice that several things have happened. The chat window shows that a whole host of information has been entered into the character sheet automatically. Your character's CON has increased by 2 points to 15, WIS has gone up to 16, speed has been entered into the character sheet and Darkvision has appeared under senses. Hill Dwarf has appeared in the Race section of the character sheet along with two icons; one of which opens a page containing information about the dwarf race and the other opens a page of information about the Hill dwarf subrace.  If you check the abilities tab a number of Traits have been added, along with some languages. To the right of each trait you can click the icon to bring up information about the trait.

Add Background

Next thing we want to do is add a background to our character. Click on the ‘Backgrounds’ button on the right hand menu, to bring up a list of available backgrounds. The one we want is 'Acolyte' so go ahead and drag the icon beside the name into the 'Background' section of the character sheet. Once again you'll notice that the chat box shows that  Fantasy Grounds has added more information into the character sheet. Click on the 'skills' tab and you will see that the little stars beside the skills 'Insight' and 'Religion' have turned yellow. This indicates that your character is proficient in those skills and you will note that the bonus in the 'Total' column reflects this.

Add Class

We are now ready to get our class into the sheet. Open the class list by clicking on the Classes in the right hand menu and drag 'Cleric' into the 'Class & Level' section on the Main tab of the character sheet. You will get a pop up asking you to select two skills. We already got 'Insight' and 'Religion' from our background so let's select 'History' and 'Medicine'. Click on the tick and another selection box will appear asking you to select a Domain. This time select 'Life Domain' and click the tick to finish. As before many changes have automatically been made. We now have hit points, more class features, some proficiencies and languages. Also note that on the main tab the stars next to WIS and CHA saving throws have lit up showing that we have proficiency with saving throws involving those abilities.

Get Equipment

It’s time to give our character some equipment. Click on the Inventory tab down the right of the character sheet and note that Fantasy Grounds has filled in the boxes for maximum weight and Lift, Push, Pull based on our character's strength ability. Click on the Items button on the right hand menu to open the items window. At the top of this window are buttons for Armor, Weapons, and Gear (ignore the templates button - we won’t be using that). Click on the Armor button and this will open a list of available armor. Our Cleric is proficient with Heavy Armor and shields so let's give them some Chain Mail and a shield. Find Chain Mail under the Heavy Armor heading and drag the icon to the left of the name and drop it into the inventory. Then do the same with Shield.

Let’s now give our Cleric some weapons. Click on the weapons button at the top of the items window and scroll down until you find Warhammer. Drag the icon next to it and drop that into the inventory. Do the same with Light Crossbow. Scroll down until you find 'Warhammer' under the Martial Weapons category and drag the icon beside it into the inventory tab. While we are here give the character a light crossbow (under Simple Ranged Weapons); drag it across just like you did the Warhammer.

Now click on the Gear button at the top of the Items window and drag and drop into the inventory Crossbow Bolts (20); an Amulet (under Holy Symbol); and an Explorer’s Pack (under equipment Packs).

Whilst you were doing all this you may have noticed that the weight of all this gear has been accumulated for you in the box marked 'current' in the encumbrance section. To the right of the 'WT' column you'll see a line of symbols. If you click on these symbols it will cycle through three options 'equipped', 'carried' and 'not carried'. If an item is 'not carried' then it will not be added to the character's encumbrance. You can also click any of the icons to the extreme right of any item in the list to get more information about them. If you now check the Main tab on the character sheet you can see that your Armor Class (AC) has gone up to 18 due to the character now wearing Chain Mail and carrying a shield; and finally if you flip over to the 'Actions' tab you'll find that Fantasy Grounds has added the selected weapons to the weapons list along with their attack and damage rolls.

Domain Spells

Our Cleric is a spellcaster, so our next step is to add some spells to the Actions tab of our character sheet. Clerics have two sources of spells; the first comes from their Domain and the rest come from the plain fact that they are a Cleric. Domain spells are always prepared and don't count towards the number that the cleric can prepare in any one day. For this and other reasons we want to separate out the Domain Spells on the Actions tab. First thing is to open the 'Abilities' tab and then click the icon next to 'Life Domain' under 'Features'. This page has a list of Spells and Features which the Cleric receives because they chose the Life Domain. Leave this page open and switch over to the 'Actions' tab.

Down at the bottom right of the Actions page click on the star button which will create a new power group headed ‘Powers’. Underneath it two boxes have appeared; click on the right hand box and type in ‘Domain Spells’ and press TAB. The title of the power group changes to 'Domain Spells' and we can now drag the two first level Domain spells Bless and Cure Wounds from the Life Domain page. It is important that you drag the two spells onto the bar which says 'Domain Spells'. You will see as you drag the spells that each of them creates a new line with the name of the spell on the left and the name of the power on the right. We don't need the line with <<New Spell>> in it any longer so click on the small red icon at the bottom of the actions tab to bring up edit mode and then click the little red circle with the white line through it next to that line twice to delete it.

Next we want to organize our 'Domain Spells' power so that Fantasy Grounds can automate the casting of these spells using the correct attack rolls and saving throws. To do this click on the magnifying glass at the end of the 'Domain Spells' heading. In the dialog which opens up you will see a little sword (action) icon next to 'Group type'. Click the sword and it will change into a book (spell) icon. Below that click the box next to 'Ability' until it reads 'Wis'. The 'Attack' and 'Save DC' boxes should read 'Base' - leave them as they are. Now close the dialog.

Get more spells

We can now sort out the rest of our Cleric's spells. We need to give her 3 cantrips and she can prepare 4 1st level spells. Click on the classes in the right hand menu and then click on the spell lists button at the top of the window that opens. This opens the class spell lists; we want Cleric so click on that to open the Cleric spell list. You can now drag the links for the following spells into the action tab.
Cantrips:  Guidance, Sacred Flame and Spare the Dying.
1st level Command, Detect Magic, Healing Word and Shield of Faith.

(Note that technically a Cleric has access to all of the 1st level spells so you could just drag all of them in; however this can make the character sheet rather unwieldy and most characters don’t use all of the spells anyway. You can, however, if you wish drag in all of the spells that your Cleric could potentially cast).

Creating Effects

If you click on the magnifying glass at the end of any of the lines at the end of spells, or some of the other things in the actions tab, you will open up details of the effects that can be applied when the spell is cast or the action is made. Effects are one of the most powerful features of Fantasy Grounds, but a detailed review is beyond the scope of this tutorial. Refer to this article for a full rundown of what effects are and how to use them:

Our Cleric has a warhammer, which is a versatile weapon, meaning it can be used either one-or two-handed.  Whilst using her weapon two-handed she won’t be able to also use her shield and so we want to be able to temporarily remove the shield benefit from her armor class. One way to do this is to create a simple effect.

Create a new power group by clicking on the star icon at the bottom of the actions tab; and type No shield into both the left and right boxes. Right click over the box and select ‘Add Action’ from the radial menu and then click on ‘Add Effect’. A new line will appear with a magnifying glass at the end of it; click on the magnifying glass to bring up the effects dialog. Type in No Shield; AC:-2 into the box. Then click on the ‘Targets’ word next to the box that says targeting and this will change ‘Targets’ to ‘Self’. Leave everything else as it is and close the dialog.

Now when our Cleric is wielding her warhammer two-handed she can apply this effect to herself and Fantasy Grounds will then take into account her lower armor class value when resolving attacks against her.

Finish off Abilities

Let's go to the Abilities tab now and finish off anything we need to do here. Under traits we can see that we have Dwarven Combat Training which gives us proficiency with certain weapons; and the feature ‘Bonus Proficiency (Life}’ gives us proficiency with heavy armor. We can just leave these as they are but if you want to you can edit the proficiencies on the Abilities tab to reflect this. Click on the 'Armor' line and edit out 'Light Armor, medium armor, shields' and replace it with 'All, shields'. Below on the Weapons line, add in 'battleaxe, handaxe, light hammer and warhammer'. These are purely cosmetic changes.

Down at the bottom you can see that we have to choose a couple of languages. Edit out 'Two of your choice' and add in two more languages each on a separate line; let's say Orcish and Giant.

Next up, let's look at tool proficiency. Our Cleric can choose to be proficient in any of the tools mentioned, so let's go ahead and assume we pick 'Smith's tools'. Go ahead and add 'Smith's Tools' at the end of 'Tool proficiency'. The text tells us we can add our proficiency to any checks made whilst using these tools. If you open the skills tab you'll note that there isn't a skill for Smith's Tools (or indeed any tool). This is largely because tools aren't tied to a particular ability. However for the sake of this tutorial let's create one. Click the green + button at the top right of the page and in the line which appears type ‘Smith’s Tools’ and press TAB.  Let's say we will use DEX as the ability so click the 'STAT' box until DEX appears, then click the star to the left of the skill to make our Cleric proficient in the skill.


Open the notes sheet and you will find a number of editable fields. I'll leave you to fill in Gender, Age, Height, Weight, Alignment and Faction. All of these can be edited by clicking on the line and typing in whatever you want. Note that your size was automatically entered when you dragged in your race.

For personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds and Flaws you can just type in whatever you want here too but you can also use the information in your 'background'. Click on the main page and then click on the little icon next to 'Acolyte' to open your background sheet. If you scroll down you'll see several tables linked at the bottom of the sheet. Click on 'Acolyte Personality Trait' and a table will pop up. Click the dice icon at the top of the table and look in the chat window for the result. Now drag the little icon against the number you rolled into the personality trait part of the notes. You can go ahead and do the same for the Ideal, Bonds and Flaws.

Finishing Touches

Go back to the main tab now and click on the line below 'NAME' and give your character a name. Now click on the box on the top left of the page. This will open up the portraits folder and what you have in here will depend very much on what products you have. Click any of the brown bags  to open up its contents and then click on the portrait you want. Note that by default the portrait also adds a token into the right hand top box. Your DM can change this token to another if you or the DM so choose.

Using the Character Sheet

Now that we have seen how to create a character, we need to know how to use the sheet within Fantasy Grounds in a real game of Dungeons & Dragons. We'll go through each of the tabs and pick out the pertinent information. Let’s first have a look at some of the common icons that you’ll find throughout the character sheet and what they do. (The images are all taken from the default theme; if you are using another  theme then the images will be different but will still appear in the same places and function identically).



This is a link icon. Clicking on this will open whatever the icon is linked to. In the main tab of the character sheet, for example, there are links to the character’s background, race and subrace.

This is the magnifying glass symbol, which when clicked on, will open a dialog box with more information and editable options.

The small dice icon in the bottom left of this box indicates a rollable box. Double click on the box to make this roll. You’ll see these boxes on the ability scores and saving throw boxes as well as in the initiative box.

The small ‘+’ button at the top left of a box indicates that you can give this entry a temporary boost or penalty. Hover the mouse over the ‘+’ until the cursor changes to a hand sign. You can then hold the CTRL key and use the middle mouse wheel to add or subtract a bonus or penalty to the figure in the box. A small bubble will replace the ‘+’ showing what the bonus or penalty is.

Main Tab

This is the main tab of the character sheet. The numbered areas are described below:

  1. Your class, level, background and race are all shown in this area. Clicking on any of the link  icons will open a page with a detailed description of the subject. Your proficiency modifier is shown in the top right and next to that is a small magnifying glass which, when clicked on, will open a dialog box. Inside this dialog you can see links to the class and class specialization, as well as being able to edit the current XP and the XP to the next level, as well as manually add in a class and level. You can also change the caster type here by clicking on the box below Caster. This cycles through full, half and â…“ caster. Generally apart from XP to the next level you don’t need to edit anything in this dialog. You will also find the Level Up button here which you can click on to level up if you are using the character wizard. If you are leveling up via drag and drop then just drop the class you want to level up in on the class and level line.

  2. You can edit ability scores by clicking inside the box you want to edit and typing in a new value. You can also make an ability check by double clicking inside the box for the ability score you want to roll a check for.

  3. The saving throw values are automatically calculated and shown in these boxes. You can add a temporary penalty or malus by using the ‘+’ arrow (see above). If the character is proficient in a saving throw the small star at the bottom right of the box will be yellow. You can click on this star icon to add or remove proficiency to a particular saving throw. To make a saving throw double click in this box.

  4. Any special senses will be shown in this area as well as the character’s passive perception score. You can edit this line to add more or change the current senses. A bonus or penalty can be added to the perception value by using the ‘+’ icon.

  5. This line shows some basic combat values for the character. All three buttons can have temporary bonuses or penalties using the ‘+’ icon (see above). Double clicking in the initiative box will roll initiative and add that value to the Combat Tracker (if the character is on the Combat Tracker). Clicking on the magnifying glass will open the Combat Calc dialog and allow editing of any of the values (should manual intervention ever be needed).

  6. This area shows the hit points, temporary hit points, and wounds that the character currently has. You can spend hit dice to heal using the large dice icon with the number on it and make death saving throws by clicking on the dice icon under death. The magnifying glass opens the health calc dialog which can be used to add bonus hit points and change the statistic on which hit points gained at level up are granted.

  7. This is a tick box which can be used to indicate if the character has inspiration. Click on the small circle to add inspiration and click it again to remove it once it has been used.

Skills Tab

  1. To make a skill check double click the rollable box or click and drag the dice into the chat box.

  2. Skill bonuses are automatically calculated based on ability scores and any proficiencies the character class has. You can change the ability that any skill is based on by clicking in the STAT box next to the skill and cycling through the abilities.

  3. To the left of the skill name is a star icon which indicates the level of proficiency the character has in this skill. Clicking on the star icon will cycle through proficient, double proficient, half proficient and not proficient. 

  4. Miscellaneous bonuses (such as might accrue from a magic item) can be typed into the 'MISC' boxes beside each skill.

  5. Click the link icon to the extreme right of the skill to bring up details of the skill.

  6. Note the little marker beside the Stealth skill which indicates that it is a special skill and if 'Armor disadvantage' has been checked in the AC dialog on the main tab this skill will be rolled with disadvantage.

To create a new skill

  • Click the green + icon at the top of the list or right click on the skill list and choose 'Create new item'

  • Type in a name for the skill

  • Click on the 'STAT' box until you get the correct ability on which the skill is based.

  • Click the little icon on the extreme right and type in a description of the skill and how it should be used.

  • Set the relevant proficiency level by clicking the star as appropriate.

Abilities Tab

  1. This tab is divided into several sections and what resides in this area will depend on your class, race, background and level. All of the information in this sheet is for information purposes only (but see languages below).

  2. Each line can be clicked upon and fully edited.

  3. Click the link icon on the right of any line to open the link.

  4. To create new entries click the green + sign at the end of each category.

  5. You can also drag entries for feats, features and traits from any open class or feat list.

  6. You can delete entries by right clicking on it and selecting delete, or by clicking the edit button at the bottom of the sheet and then clicking twice on the red button next to the entry you want to delete.

  7. Ensure that languages are correctly spelled and entered since Fantasy Grounds uses this information to determine whether a character can understand a language being used by the DM. If the character does understand the language then a translation of what is being said will appear in chat. If the character has not set their languages correctly then this will interfere with this process. If the character has the ability to speak multiple languages (such as when under the influence of a spell) adding ‘tongues’, ‘polyglot’, or ‘comprehend languages’ as a language will allow the character to understand any language.

Inventory Tab

  • Items can be added to the inventory either by dragging and dropping them from the items list accessed from the right hand UI menu or by typing them directly into the inventory.

  • The top part of the sheet under equipment is divided into columns:

    • # the number of the particular item carried. This number can be edited.
      Note: Fantasy Grounds doesn't automate usage (since it can't know this), so if the character uses equipment that would be used up (such as a torch) the usage has to be recorded manually.

    • NAME: This is the name of the item and can be edited.

    • LOCATION: This is used to indicate where the item is kept on the character. You can type whatever is appropriate such as Right Hand, Legs, Feet etc. You can also type in the name of a container such as a Backpack and the items will be grouped up in that container. You may also have a container within a container which also contains items.

    • Attunement: This line shows what items the character has currently attuned to. When an item that requires attunement is added to the inventory a check mark will appear next to the item in this column. Clicking on the check box will attune the item and increment the number at the top of the list. You can click on a check mark to un-attune an item. 

    • WT: This is the weight of a single copy of the item.
      Note if the character has more than one copy this number does not change but see encumbrance below.

    • Carried/Equipped: This row of icons shows whether the item is carried, equipped or not carried. You can cycle through the states by clicking on the icon. If the item is armor or a shield then if the icon is set to 'equipped' that item or shield will be used to calculate the character's Armor Class. If the item is a weapon then when set to equipped the weapon will be added to the weapons section of the actions tab. If an item is 'not carried' then it is not added to the character's encumbrance total. This is useful for setting up such things as pack animals. Add a new entry and give it a suitable name and set the icon to 'not carried'. Now enter the same name into the location for any items that the character uses his pack animal to carry and make sure the 'Carried/Equipped' icon is unchecked. This can also be used for things as a Bag of Holding or similar magic items.

    • Icon: Click on this to get further information on the item

  • The treasure section records the treasure carried by the character.

  • Each of the boxes will fill up with coins of different values and accumulate from the party sheet when the DM distributes treasure. The player can edit any of the values manually as well, when spending gold for example.

  • Players can also enter treasure items below the coin slots simply by typing into the blank line. Pressing return brings up a new line.

  • Encumbrance is calculated at the bottom of the sheet.

    • The left hand side records the maximum carry and Lift, Push, Drag maximum weights are.
      Note if the DM is using the variant encumbrance rules then 'Encumbered' and 'Heavy' boxes will also be present.

    • The right hand box is the current carried weight based on the items carried.

    • This encumbrance is fully calculated so for example if 10 torches each weighing 1lb are carried the weight will be 10lb. This weight changes dynamically whenever an item is added or deleted, the number of a particular item carried changes or the encumbrance box is checked or unchecked against a particular item.

    • The values here can be affected by special traits such as the Bugbear’s Powerful Build.
      Note: These numbers are there for the players reference only, Fantasy Grounds does not use these numbers automatically to, for example, make a heavily encumbered character roll attack rolls at disadvantage.

Notes Tab

This tab contains informational text about your character. Text can be entered manually or dragged from table entries or from the chat box and dropped into the appropriate section. The Size value is automatically entered into this section from the character’s race selection.

Actions Tab

This Actions sheet is where characters will spend the majority of their time during combat. It can be divided up into three distinctive parts, Weapons, Spells and Powers.


  1. Weapons appear on this list when:

    • Weapons in the character’s inventory are set to ‘Equipped’

    • A weapon is dragged and dropped directly into the Actions tab (in which case it is also added into the inventory. If a weapon already exists in the actions tab then no new entry will be created in the actions tab but another instance of the item will be added to the inventory).

    • Weapons can also be manually created directly in the weapons section by clicking on the sword icon at the bottom of the window and typing in the information into the dialog that opens.

    • The weapon type will be recognized by Fantasy Grounds and an icon showing melee, ranged or thrown will appear next to the attack roll. If a weapon can be used either in melee or from range (such as a dagger) two entries will appear, one for each possibility. (This icon can be clicked on to change the weapon type if needed).

    • If the weapon is a ranged weapon (or can be used in that way) an 'Ammo' box will be created below the weapon name. Entering a number into this box will cause that number of check boxes to appear beside it.

    • The weapon's attack roll will be computed based on the default ability for the type of attack (STR - melee, DEX - ranged), and will include the character's proficiency bonus.

    • The weapon's damage roll will also be computed using the default ability modifier, and will also show the damage type.

    • If a weapon has the 'finesse' property Fantasy Grounds will use whichever ability (STR or DEX) has the best bonus to calculate attack and damage rolls.

    • If the weapon is magical any magical bonuses to attack and damage rolls will also be correctly computed by Fantasy Grounds.

    • Additionally if the weapon has a property such as 'magic' or 'silver' this will be automatically added to the damage line, thus allowing the weapon to overcome immunities or resistances to its damage type.

    • If a weapon has the ‘crit range’ property then Fantasy Grounds will automatically use that range when determining whether a hit is a critical hit.

    • The ‘Hand’ icon to the left of the attack roll box can be clicked on to cycle through the options for this weapon. A weapon can be designated as Primary Hand, Two Hands, and Off-Hand. If a weapon has the versatile property the damage will correctly change to the dice used by the weapon when used in two hands. Similarly if a weapon is used off hand then any ability bonus to damage will be removed.

    • If you click the magnifying glass to the right of the 'WEAPONS' header line you open a dialog where you can edit the crit range of melee and ranged weapons and specify additional dice for melee and ranged weapons on a critical hit.
      Note that this will apply to all weapons of the type selected and not just single weapons which might have such special abilities.

    • In 'preparation' mode (see below) an icon to the left of the weapon line shows if the weapon is carried, equipped or unequipped. Only weapons which are noted as equipped will appear here in 'Combat' mode.
      Note: Fantasy Grounds defaults all weapons entered in the actions tab by dragging and dropping to proficient. This is indicated by the small yellow star in the bottom right of the attack roll box. Click this to make the character not proficient should this be the case.

  2. To make an attack roll:

    • For a weapon attack to be effective the character must have been properly placed on the Combat Tracker (the DM will do this) and must have a target selected - See the 5E Combat Tracker article for details of how to do this.

    • To make the attack double click on the Attack dice. You can also drag this dice into the dice roller (chat window) or you can drag and drop it directly onto a target either on a map or on the Combat Tracker.

    • If you hold down SHIFT whilst making the attack (either by clicking or drag/dropping) you are telling Fantasy Grounds that this is an opportunity attack.

    • If the attack uses ammo (such as a bow) then one of the ammo check boxes will be automatically checked off. If the character has no ammo left the attack roll will still be made but a message indicating that the character has run out of ammo will be displayed in the chat box.
      NOTE: If you use the attack from a hot key ammo depletion will not be automatically calculated.

    • Fantasy Grounds will now calculate your hit roll, taking account of all relevant bonuses and penalties. It depends on what options the DM has chosen how much information you will see in the chat window about the roll. One way or another you will find out if you hit the target.

  3. To make a damage roll:

    • As with attack rolls the character must be properly placed on the Combat Tracker and have a target selected.

    • Double click the damage box or drag the damage box into the dice roller, or onto a target token in the Combat Tracker or a map.

    • If you scored a critical hit from your attack roll, Fantasy Grounds will automatically roll all the additional dice needed. If, for some reason, you want to roll critical damage manually hold down the SHIFT key as you make the roll or drag/drop the dice.

    • Fantasy Grounds will then apply the damage to the target taking account of any resistances or immunities that the target might have.


  1. A new line headed 'Spells' is created in the actions tab when a spell-casting class is added to the main tab.

  2. If a second spell-casting class is added a new spell casting group will be created for that class.

  3. Spells are added to the actions tab by either being created by the user or by dragging and dropping from the source material. The latter method is highly recommended.

  4. In the case of multi-classing into more than one spell-casting class it is important that spells are dragged and dropped into the correct group.

  5. When dropped into the Actions tab spells will be separated automatically into their correct level, within their group.

  6. As far as is necessary, Fantasy Grounds will automatically 'parse' the spell and create one or more effects allowing the attack, damage, healing, saving throws and effects to be applied automatically to the target. Not every spell has or needs effects - especially those spells which are 'Theatre of the Mind' in nature.

  7. A number of possible icons could be present depending on what the spell does. To use any of them make sure that both caster and target are on the Combat Tracker and that a target has been selected. A single click will then cause the action to take place.

  8. The possible icons and their function are:



This 'casts' the spell onto the target. A cast can cause an attack to be made or a saving throw to be forced on the target.

This is used to make an attack on the target. The detail after the button tells the user whether the attack is ranged or melee and the bonus or penalty to the attack. Note: that this is performed automatically if the 'cast' button is used.

This forces a saving throw on the target. The boxed text indicates the type of saving throw to be made and the difficulty of that save. If the target takes only half damage on a successful save then an (H) will appear after the DC. Note: this will be performed automatically if the 'cast' button is used.

This is used to allocate damage to the target. The line following the button shows the number and type of dice which will be thrown, any bonus or penalty that might apply and the damage type.

Using this button will heal the target of wounds. The line following the button details how many and what type of dice are thrown together with any bonus or penalty.

This applies the effect, shown in the box following the button, to the target.

Spell Power Group
  1. When the first spell is dragged into the Actions tab it will create a new spell power group (Spells (Cantrip), Spells (Level 1)) etc.

  2. Provided the class has already been dragged into the main tab of the character sheet the correct ability modifier for that class will have been allocated to the group automatically.

  3. By clicking on the magnifying glass on any of the header lines the power group dialog can be opened and if necessary edited. 

  4. In the ability box click through the options until the correct ability modifier for the class shows.

  5. The 'Attack' box defaults to 'Base' and if the correct ability is shown in the 'Ability' box then this does not need to be altered. However it can be edited to show the exact ability if this is desired. The large yellow star shows that the character can use their proficiency bonus in the calculation of the attack roll. Uncheck this if for some reason they should not get this bonus. The additional box is used to enter any bonus that the character might have to any of their spell attacks such as from a magic item.

  6. The 'Save DC' box also defaults to 'Base' and can also be left as is, if the Ability option is correct. Again the proficiency star can be unchecked if proficiency is not available and the additional box can be used to record any bonus to the saving throw DC from a magic item.

  7. The boxes to the right of the proficiency icon on the Attack and Save DC lines can be used to add in any bonus to attack or saves. For example, the character may have a magic item that gives such a bonus. 

In the final box of the dialog the number of spells that the character can prepare can be noted in the box provided (if the character was created using drag and drop then a number will have automatically been added to this box).

NOTE: Fantasy Grounds does not use this box to limit the number of spells that the character can have either in the character sheet or prepared. However it is necessary to have an entry in this box so that unprepared spells are hidden in combat mode - see below for more information.

Spell Slots and preparation
  1. The number of spell slots that a caster has available are noted as small circles in the Spell Groups section.

  2. Fantasy Grounds does not automatically check off spell slots when a spell is cast because the caster has the option of casting some spells at a higher level slot and the program cannot know that. Therefore when the player casts a spell they must check off the appropriate slot manually.

  3. When the player takes a long rest (or in the case of certain classes a short rest) all spell slots are recovered. If spell slots are recovered by any other means (such as the Wizard's Arcane Recover trait) then this must be done manually, again because Fantasy Grounds cannot know what the player's intentions are.

  4. If the character is multi-classed then the correct number of spell slots are automatically calculated in accordance with the rules in the Player's Handbook.

  5. Players can manually change the number of spell slots by first clicking the 'Mode' box down at the bottom of the page until 'Preparation' appears and then editing the numbers under each spell level.

  6. Whilst in preparation mode note that there is a small check-box beside each spell (except Cantrips). By checking these boxes the player can determine which spells she will prepare.

  7. When the Mode is now changed to 'Combat' a star symbol will show next to prepared spells. Additionally if a number has been entered into the spells prepared meta data section of the spell power group any unprepared spells will be hidden.

  8. If the player has entered a 'prepared' number in the Spell Power Group then when she uses her last spell slot all spells (except Cantrips) will be removed from the actions tab.
    NOTE: By entering a number here any unprepared spells will also be hidden in combat mode as well as having the above effect.

  9. If the character is a Warlock (or a multiclass character has some Warlock levels) then instead of (or in addition to) spell slots they will have 'Pact Magic' slots. These operate in the same way as spell slots in terms of usage and recovery.


The final group which can appear on the Actions tab is powers. These are generally everything which is not a weapon or a spell; it could include Traits or features from the character's race or class, feats, magic items and a great deal more. Powers can also be set up to keep track of such items as a Monk's Ki points, a Sorcerer's sorcery points or a fighter's Superiority dice.

  1. To set up a new power group click on the star icon at the bottom of the character sheet.

  2. This will create a new group with two blank boxes; in the left hand box type in a name for the power. In the right hand box type in a name for the Power Group. When you tab out of the right hand box the name you added here will appear as the power group header.

  3. Once a Power Group has been added then new traits or powers can be added to that group, either by using the green + icon at the end of the group header, or by right clicking and selecting Create item.

  4. Click on the magnifying glass at the end of the Power Group line to bring up the editing dialog.

  5. Users can toggle the sword or spell icon below the Power Group name to show whether this is a spell or attack group.

  6. Click on the box next to 'Ability' to cycle through the various abilities that can be set for this group. Once set all attacks and saves will use this ability to calculate attack and save DCs. Attack and save DCs can also be individually set by clicking on the 'Base' box and cycling through the options. If either of these are set to 'Base' then the attack or save will use the ability shown in the 'Ability' box.

  7. The yellow star indicates proficiency in the attack or save for the power group. Click this to remove if the character is not proficient.

  8. A number can be entered into the box beside the star to give a bonus to attacks or save DC if the character has such a bonus form, for example, a magic item.

  9. Users can also set up a number of uses for the Group by number of uses per day (long rest), per rest (short rest) or once (one use only). Such uses will be restored if the character takes a long or short rest depending on the setting. Single use items are not restored on a rest of any kind.

Mode and Display

  1. At the very bottom of the Actions tab there are two buttons 'Mode' and 'Display'. Together these make the actions tab show different information depending on what they are set at. In each case you can cycle through the options by clicking on the box.

  2. Mode: Cycles through Standard, Preparation and Combat

    • Standard is the mode most commonly used for editing any powers on the actions tab

    • Preparation is the mode used to check off prepared spells, edit the number of uses a powers has and to edit spell slots. In addition the user can alter the status of any weapons that the character has. In preparation mode symbols show in the weapons section whether a weapon is carried, not carried or equipped. Users can click the icon to change the options and only those weapons designated as equipped will then appear on the sheet in 'Combat' mode.

    • Combat, as its name suggests is the mode which will be used when the character is in combat and is therefore the one used most often. In combat mode any unprepared spells will not be shown (provided a number of spells has been entered in the meta data of the spell power group - see above; additionally any unequipped weapons will not be shown in the weapon actions section).

  3. Display: Cycles through Group, Summary and Actions

    • Group shows all of the actions in their groups.

    • Summary shows only the left hand column for each action

    • Actions displays all of the effect buttons for each action where one has been set up.

  4. The mode and display are not interdependent and can be set in any combination. It is suggested that 'Combat' and 'Actions' are the best combination for ease of use during normal play.