Castles & Crusades NPC Sheet

Castles & Crusades NPC Sheet

See the Campaign Data topic for basic information on campaign data list management and NPC records.

The NPC record in the C&C ruleset consists of 4 tabs: Main, Abilities, Spells, and Other.

Main Tab

The NPC sheet main tab is used to record most of an NPC’s details. The available fields differ greatly depending on the Monster/Character toggle at the bottom of the window. For the most part, entering NPC data exactly as stated in the bestiaries will be enough to enable basic attack and save automation from the respective fields.

Common Fields

  • Non-ID Name: The name presented to players in the Combat Tracker when the NPC is unidentified.

  • HD: The number and type of hit dice for the NPC. This can be listed in various ways including: “3 (d6 +1)”, “3d6+3”, etc. Be sure to start the HD description with the number of dice for NPC monsters, as it is parsed and used in several monster rolls.

  • AC: Default Armor Class.

  • Move: Move speed in feet.

  • Attacks: This is an interactive attack string defining both attacks and damage using the following format:
    <# of attacks> <name> <attack bonus> (<damage>)
    For example, “2 claw +1 (1d6+1)” defines a claw attack that occurs twice, adds 1 to the base attack, and deals 1d6+1 damage each. The number of attacks and attack bonus are optional, and multiple attacks may be entered in a comma separated list.

    Hovering the mouse over the field will highlight the currently selected attack or damage. Double clicking, dragging to a target, or dragging to the chat window will trigger the current roll. Attacks defined with a “# of attacks” will still roll only one attack by default. This is to allow these attacks to be spread over multiple targets. You may also roll them all at once by holding the ALT key while triggering the attack.

  • Special: A summary list of relevant special abilities.

  • XP: Experience reward for defeating the NPC.

  • Alignment: NPC’s default alignment.

NPC Character Fields

  • Race: NPC Race.

  • Class: NPC Class.

  • Level: NPC’s level. It is important to include this field for many ability rolls that add level to the result.

  • HP: The total max HP of the NPC.

  • Bonus to Hit: Bonus to hit granted by class levels.

  • Abilities: This collection of fields stores the standard array of attributes for an NPC with PC statistics. Double clicking or dragging the field to chat will trigger a roll. By default, this roll is an ability check adding the NPC’s level and attribute modifier. Holding the SHIFT key while rolling will instead trigger a saving throw. Holding the ALT key while rolling, will prevent level from being added to the final result.

  • Primes: A list indicating which attributes are “Prime”.

  • Equipment: A list of the NPC’s treasure and possessions.

NPC Monster Fields

  • Resistance: Special abilities specifically aimed at resistance to effects or damage.

  • Vulnerability: Damage or effects to which the monster is particularly vulnerable.

  • Saves: This is an interactive text string used to store and roll saves for NPC monsters. Most published material will only list the primary saves using the abbreviations M (mental) and P (physical). More than one save may be added if separated by commas or new lines. They can be rolled by double clicking or dragging the desired save text to chat. If no secondary saves are listed, such a roll can be triggered by clicking/dragging the save field’s label instead.

    For more complex monster saves, an optional save type and save override can be added. Complex saves use the following format:
    <description of save> (<save type>) <override>
    The description is text used to identify the save and match it with effects that target specific saves. They can contain spaces, but only the first word will be used for effect matching. Save type explicitly marks the save as primary or secondary, either the entire word or an abbreviation (sec, s) can be used. The save override is a numerical value to use in place of the monster’s HD when rolling in cases where a custom monster gains a bonus to a specific type of save. For example, a custom monster with secondary mental saves but a bonus vs charm effects might use a save like this: ”M Charms (s) +5”.

  • # Encountered: Reflects the average number of creatures encountered

  • Intelligence: General level of mental aptitude

  • Type: Monster Classification

  • Treasure: Treasure Type

Abilities Tab

Aside from the exceptions below the NPC Abilities tab works exactly as the one on the PC character sheet. See <Link> for details.

  • The NPC sheet does not yet have the same level of drag and drop support as the PC character sheet. Racial and class abilities can be dropped directly into the Abilities list, but they are added one at a time by dragging the ability.

  • While the NPC sheet is locked, the Abilities tab will be read-only. While in read-only mode, you are still able to roll abilities and expand hidden fields.

  • NPC monster abilities work differently from PC/NPC abilities. The level toggle becomes an HD toggle to determine if it is added to the roll. Also, attribute bonuses are not added to monster abilities.

Spells Tab

Aside from the exceptions below the NPC Spells tab works exactly as the one on the PC character sheet. See <Link> for details.

  • The NPC sheet does not yet have the same level of drag and drop support as the PC character sheet. As such, spell blocks must be added manually before spells can be added. You may do so using the add button at the bottom right of the window. Note: the add button only appears when the NPC is unlocked.

  • While the NPC sheet is locked, the Spells tab will be in a semi-read-only state. The tab mod is forced to “Standard” and most fields become read-only. While in read-only mode, the spell actions such as toggling cast spells and rolling damage/healing will be available, but spells and spell data may not be changed.

Other Tab

The other tab is a catch all rich text field for any NPC information that doesn’t fit in other tabs. It can be used for any purpose, but, in published module, it typically contains a more detailed description of the NPC.