Castles & Crusades Effects
Using Effect Features in Your Game
Effects are a built-in way to provide or modify automation in the C&C ruleset. There are many pre-written effects included in official C&C releases, but you may at times desire to create custom effects on your own to simplify tasks and computations you would usually handle manually. As effects can be complex, it is recommended that you slowly incorporate them into your campaign, so that you and your players can become familiar and comfortable with their use.
Campaign Effects
The campaign effects list can be accessed via a button in the upper right corner of the tabletop. The initial list may be empty or include a few examples depending on the modules you have loaded. Either way, you can add effects to the custom list as needed, which will save them for future use. To add an effect, either click the green Add button, or right click on the list and select the Create Item radial menu option. Each effect has these fields:
Label: See the Effect Label section below.
Duration: The duration indicates the number of rounds that an effect will last once applied. If the value is zero, then the effect will not expire.
Visibility: The eye icon can be toggle between visible and invisible, which will change the initial visibility when applied to an actor. Invisible effects can be viewed by the GM only, while visible effects can be viewed by everyone.
Combat Tracker
Effects can be applied to a combatant in the combat tracker by either clicking on the effect icon in the effects list (applies to current combatant) or dragging the effect icon to the desired combatant. You may also add a blank effect using the add button under the effects section. When an effect is applied to an actor in the combat tracker, a few additional fields are available.
Active State: By default, an effect is set to always be active (i.e. On). The active state can be toggled to Skip or Off. If set to Skip, the next application of the effect will be skipped, and then the effect will be set to On again. If set to Off, the effect will no longer be applied to rolls, but will remain in the CT.
Applied By: The active actor will be used as the source actor of an effect and shown in the lower right of the effect entry. If no actor is active, then this field is hidden. To set the source actor of an effect, drag the name field of a CT actor onto the label field of a CT effect entry. The source is usually just informational but may occasionally be used to support advanced effects (such as Marked). Click on the Applied By field to clear the source actor.
Targets: By default, effects are applied to relevant rolls for all targets. However, some effect components can be targeted (such as attack and damage modifiers). A targeting button is shown next to each effect entry. It can be dragged onto a CT entry or CT-linked token to specify that the effect is targeted to a specific actor or set of actors. Additional options to target all allies or enemies are available by right-clicking on the targeting button. The Targets field is hidden unless targets are defined. Click on the Targets field to clear the targets.
Effect Label Features
In the C&C ruleset, conditions and modifiers can be embedded into the effect label to modify rolls made by the actor.
Each effect component (description, condition, or modifier) needs to be separated by a semi-colon. Effect components that do not start with a modifier tag or a condition tag are treated as descriptive text only.
Conditions are usually available as single effects via buttons in the campaign effects list; but can also be added to other effects.
The modifiers applied by the condition are listed in the condition table below. Some conditions have been excluded from the table below because they do not have automated modifiers.
Condition names are not case-sensitive.
Multiple instances of the same condition do not stack.
Condition | Notes |
Bleeding | Bleeding inflicts one point of damage each round to the effected character. Optionally, number or die can be supplied for other ongoing damage values. For example, “Bleeding: 1d4” applies 1d4 damage each round. |
Blinded | Blinded actor suffers -10 to Attacks, -4 Str/Dex checks, -2 AC, and has no dex to AC. Actors attacking a blinded target gain +5 to attack |
Cowering | Attacks against actor gain +2. |
Deafened | Actor has -4 to initiative rolls. |
Defenseless | Attacks against actor gain +10. (Does not stack with Prone) |
Grappled | See Defenseless |
Invisible | See CONC4 (T) |
Paralyzed | See Defenseless |
Prone | Attacks against actor gain +5. (Does not stack with Defenseless) |
Stunned | Attacks against actor gain +2. |
Unconscious | See Defenseless |
(T) = Effects can be targeted to only apply to conditions against certain opponents
Modifiers are used to specify adjustments to different types of rolls.
Format: [tag]: [dice/number] [descriptors]
Modifiers are case-sensitive
If colon missing, modifiers assume no dice, numerical modifier, or descriptors.
Modifiers stack so long as their bonus type is blank or unique. If two modifiers have the same bonus type, only the larger value will be used.
When applying effects from PC sheet powers, bracketed ability tags ([STR],[DEX], etc.) can be added to the modifier dice and numerical portion to adjust by current PC attribute modifiers. The ability tags can be set to negative ([–INT]), half ([HWIS]) or double ([2CHA]). Additional bracketed tags include [LVL] for character level, [HLVL] for half-level and [2LVL] for double-level. (Note: for monster NPCs, level equates to hit dice.)
Modifier | Value | Descriptors | Notes |
Combat | |||
ATK | (D) | [range] | (T), Attack rolls |
AC | (N) | [range] | (T), Armor class defense |
DMG | (D) | [range], [damage type]* | (T), Damage rolls |
Abilities | |||
ABIL | (D) | [ability] | SIEGE checks. Ignored if a SAVE check is made. |
SAVE | (D) | [ability] | Saving throw-specific checks. Ignored if an ABIL check is made. |
STR | (N) |
| Strength modifier |
DEX | (N) |
| Dexterity modifier |
CON | (N) |
| Constitution modifier |
INT | (N) |
| Intelligence modifier |
WIS | (N) |
| Wisdom modifier |
CHA | (N) |
| Charisma modifier |
Damage | |||
DMGO | (D) | [damage type]* | Damage (Ongoing) |
REGEN | (D) |
| Regeneration. |
Situational | |||
CONC1 | (-) | [range]* | (T), 1/4 Concealment (AC:2) |
CONC2 | (-) | [range]* | (T), 1/2 Concealment (AC:4) |
CONC3 | (-) | [range]* | (T), 3/4 Concealment (AC:6) |
CONC4 | (-) | [range]* | (T), Full Concealment (AC:10) |
COVER1 | (-) | [range]* | (T), 1/4 Cover (AC:2) |
COVER2 | (-) | [range]* | (T), 1/2 Cover (AC:4) |
COVER3 | (-) | [range]* | (T), 3/4 Cover (AC:6) |
COVER4 | (-) | [range]* | (T), Full Cover (AC:10) |
(D) = Dice and numbers supported for value attribute
(N) = Only numbers supported for value attribute
(-) = Neither number nor dice supported for value attribute
(T) = Effects can be targeted to only apply to modifiers against certain opponents
[range] = melee, ranged
[damage type] = acid, cold, electricity, fire, poison, sonic, adamantine, bludgeoning, cold iron, epic, magic, mithral, piercing, silver, slashing, nonlethal
[ability name] = strength, constitution, dexterity, intelligence, wisdom, charisma
= Multiple entries of this descriptor type allowed.
Effect | Results | Notes |
ATK:2 | +2 bonus to all attacks |
ATK:2 melee | +2 bonus to all melee attacks | Currently there is no way to distinguish between melee and ranged for NPCs |
Bless; ATK:1; SAVE: 1 charisma | +1 bonus to all attack rolls; +1 bonus to charisma (fear) saving throws. | "Bless" is just a label. |
Charge; DMG:2; AC:–4 | +2 bonus to all damage and –4 penalty to AC when attacked. | "Charge" is just a label |
ABIL:2 strength | Will add 2 to Strength SIEGE checks. | This does not impact rolls against abilities/skills derived from strength. |
STR:2 | Calculates Strength rolls as if stat were 2 points higher. |
ABIL:2 | +2 bonus to ALL ability rolls. |
Shield of Faith; AC:2; SAVE:2 | +2 bonus to current AC and +2 bonus to ALL saving throw checks. | "Shield of Faith" is just a label |
IF and IFT: Conditional Effects
The IF and IFT modifiers do not directly modify rolls or statistics. Instead, they allow other modifiers within the same label to be conditionally applied. IF/IFT work as gatekeepers in an effect label. When processed, their conditionals evaluate to true or false. If a conditional evaluates to false, processing of the effect label stops. Order is important. The contents of an effect label are processed from left to right, and each modifier is applied immediately. For this reason, the most strait forward way to create conditional effects is to start the effect label with the IF/IFT modifier(s) to control everything that comes after. However, it is also possible to create more complex and layered automation within a single effect label by chaining multiple IF/IFT and other modifiers. The trick is to always remember everything to the right of a IF/IFT tag will only be processed if the conditional is true.
IF and IFT modifiers work in the same way, except they check their conditionals against different targets. IF checks the actor which has the effect placed on it. These are always checked regardless of how an action is triggered. However, IFT (aka If Target) tests its conditional against the other actor in an action. Therefore, IFT conditionals will only be checked for targeted actions. A common occurrence of this are the bonuses verse specific creature types gained by Rangers and Gnomes. For example, “IFT: Specific Type (Goblin, Kobold); ATK: 1 melee;” placed on a gnome would automate their Combat Expertise ability. However, “IF: Specific Type (Goblin, Kobold); ATK: 1 melee;” placed on the same gnome would do nothing, because they are not a goblin or kobold.
IF/IFT conditionals can be expressed as a condition or a conditional operator. Use conditions with the pattern “[IF/IFT]: [Condition];”. For example, “IF: Prone;” is true when the effect is on an actor with the Prone condition. Many conditions can be found in the table above, but any condition defined in the ruleset’s Effects window will work: bleeding, blinded, confused, cowering, dazed, dead, deafened, defenseless, entangled, frightened, grappled, incorporeal, invisible, paralyzed, prone, slowed, stunned, unconscious.
Conditional operators work the same way, except many of them require parameters. Use those with the pattern “[IF/IFT]:[Operator] ([parameters]);”. The operator defines what type of data the conditional will check, and the parameters define what values will evaluate to true. The earlier gnome combat expertise example used the “Specific Type” operator, which will check against the name of a monster NPC or the race of a PC/NPC. The parameters were “Goblin, Kobold”, meaning the conditional is true if the specific type was found to be either goblin or kobold. Note that multiple parameters can be included as a comma separated list. When more than one parameter is provided, only one of them must be true for the entire conditional to be true.
Conditional Operators:
Operator | Notes |
ALIGN ([alignment]) | If the creature indicated by the conditional effect has the given alignment, then this operator returns true. Neutral is assumed for creatures where not specified. Neutral can be provided as a parameter, but it will match with any alignment with at least one Neutral axis: NG, NE, TN |
ALIGN EXACT ([alignment]) | Align Exact provides alignment checking similar to the Align operator, except it only matches with the exact alignment(s) provided in the parameters. For example, checking for any lawful alignment would require three parameters: “IFT: Align Exact (LG, LN, LE);” Note: this is the only operator that can check for True Neutral. |
SIZE ([size]) | If the conditional effect target is of the correct size or larger/smaller based on the size greater/less than operation, then this operator returns true. Valid sizes are Large (L), Medium (M), or Small (S). Medium size is assumed for creatures where not specified. |
TYPE ([type][subtype]) | Checks the type and subtype (if one is provided) for the target. The type field is checked for a monster NPC, and PC or character NPCs have their race field checked. Races are treated as subtypes of humanoid. Valid Types: animal, aberration, magical beast, beast, celestial, construct, dragon, elemental, extraplanar, fey, fiend, giant, monstrous humanoid, humanoid, monstrosity, ooze, plant, undead, shapechanger, vermin Valid Subtypes: magical beast, beast, living construct, aarakocra, bullywug, demon, devil, dragonborn, dwarf, half-elf, elf, gith, gnoll, gnome, giant, goblinoid, grimlock, halfling, human, kenku, kuo-toa, kobold, lizardfolk, merfolk, half-orc, orc, quaggoth, sahuagin, shapechanger, thri-kreen, titan, troglodyte, yuan-ti, yugoloth, common, unique, extraordinary |
SPECIFIC TYPE ([type]) | Specific type serves a similar purpose as the Type operator, except it is tailored to support abilities that target more specifically than type and subtype. The parameters are search words compared against name for monster NPCs and race for PCs/character NPCs. If the word is found, the conditional is true. The search ignores matches that appear within an unhyphenated compound word, so “IFT: Specific Type (goblin)” will be true for “Torq the Goblin” or “Torg the Goblin-King” but not “Torq the Goblinslayer”. A list of space separated words can be provided as a single parameter. All words in such a list must be found for the conditional to be true. This is different from comma separated lists, which separate multiple parameters, as only one parameter needs to match for the conditional to be true. These two methods of listing search words can be combined to create complex searches. For example: “IFT: specific type (Gold Dragon, Red Dragon)” will be true if the target is a Gold or Red Dragon, but not a Black Dragon. |
Healthy | Conditional target has full HP. |
Wounded | Conditional target has any wounds. |
Bloodied | Conditional target has wounds greater than or equal to half its maximum hit points. |
STATUS [health status] | This operator works much like the Healthy/Wounded/Bloodied operators, except it’s key on the token health statuses of FGU. Valid health statuses depend on the “Combat: Wound Categories” setting. |
CUSTOM ([any text]) | Check the conditional target for a modifier matching the text parameter. This can be any text, allowing for effects to trigger on spell name, custom conditions, or anything else the CK desires.
Note that this operator does not allow multiple parameters. Commas provided in the parameter will be counted as part of the text to match. For example, “IF: Custom (Hungry, Thirsty)” will evaluate to true if the target has a condition “Hungry, Thirsty;”. Not “Hungry” or “Thirsty”. |
Condition Effect Examples:
Effect | Results | Notes |
IFT: Specific Type (Hill Giant); ATK: 2; | +2 bonus to attacks against Hill Giants | The order of the monster’s name doesn’t matter. It will match “Hill Giant” and “Giant, Hill”. |
IF: Confused; AC: -2; | -2 penalty to AC when attacked while confused. |
IFT: Align (E); ATK: 4; | +1 to hit any target of an evil alignment. NE, LE, CE. | The word “Evil” can be used as well. |
IF: Align Exact (True Neutral); AC: 4; | +4 to AC if alignment is True Neutral. | “N” or “TN” can be used in the place of “True Neutral”. |
IF: Status Critical; | Heal 1d4 hp each turn while health status is “Critical” | Only works if detailed wound descriptions are enabled in options. |
IFT: Size (< large); STR:4; | Increase Strength by 4 when rolling against a target of medium size or smaller. |
IFT: Type (Giant); AC:5; | +5 to AC against attacking creatures of type “Giant” |
IF: Healthy; ATK: 1; | +1 to attacks while at full HP. |
IFT: Custom (Red Hair); | +4 to attack targets with red hair. Specifically, if the target has an effect label “Red Hair” | The words “red hair” can be anything, and case is ignored. |