ICRPG Character Sheet

Character Sheet Overview

The ICRPG characster sheet is made up from several different sheets organized by tabs along the right-hand side. The sheets contain the following information

  • Main: HP, armor, stats, effort, death roller, hero coin, miscellaneous rolls, and effects list.

  • Inventory: Inventory list (equipped, carried, spells, etc), tag list, and currencies

  • Notes: Story, notes, and list of languages

All three sheets have your character's name, token, bioform, and archetype at the top.

New Character Sheet

To create a new character first bring up a new character sheet. To do this, click the PCs button at the top of the right hand menu and in the window that opens, click the brown edit button at the bottom, then the green add button. Alternately, right click in that window and select the option to 'create item.'

Using the Character Sheet

After you've created a blank character and opened the character sheet, you'll see the Main tab on the character sheet. This tab contains the majority of the information you'll need to play your character, and will be where you spend most of your time.

Main Tab

NOTE: Any place you see the little d20 icon, that indicates that you initiate a roll by double-clicking on the graphical element, or by clicking the left mouse button, dragging your mouse over to the chat window, and releasing. Rolling like this is how you'll interact with your character sheet most often.

  1. Name, bioform, and archetype
    The top of the sheet contains the basic information about your character: name, bioform, archetype, portrait, and token. Entering a character name is simply a matter of typing it on the line. both bioform and archetype can be filled in this way as well, but if you're playing with CORE 2e (or a GM who has created their own archetypes or bioforms), you can select and drag the shortcut icon (the red square with the dragon symbol) onto the character sheet. When you do this, your character sheet will populate with the name of that item, as well as a link back to the bioform or archetype.

  2. Hit Points
    Your character's health stats are recorded here. The 'Hearts' box indicates how many hearts your character has, 'HP' indicates what your maximum hit points are, and 'Wounds' track how much damage your character has taken. In Fantasy Grounds, damage is counted up from 0, rather than down from your maximum HP.

  3. Armor
    Your character's armor is displayed here, and is the sum of both the BASE armor (starts at 10), and any armor you've gained from LOOT.

  4. Stats
    Your character's stats are listed here, with a column for the BASE stat, the bonus to the stat from LOOT, as well as the total. Note that the total is rollable, meaning you just have to click/drag or double-click on the number to initiate a stat roll.

  5. Effort
    Like stats, your character's effort is listed here with the appropriate BASE, LOOT, and TOTAL columns.

  6. Dying Timer
    When you're required to make a death roll, you can click the dice box labeled 'timer', and it will roll whatever dice are in that box (default is a d6, indicated by the rectangular silhouette), and set your death timer accordingly. Death timers are tracked as an effect on the combat tracker. You can change the dice you use for your death timer by selecting 'clear' from the right click menu, and then dragging/dropping your desired die onto the field.
    The Death Roll field is used to 'roll to pop', where rolling 20+ gets you back up with 1 hp. If you have a bonus to your roll (or reduce the threshold required to regain 1 hp), you can put the number in this box.

  7. Hero Coin
    Clicking this big hero coin icon will illuminate it golden yellow, indicating that you have a hero coin ready to be spent. Clicking it again will disable the golden color, and indicate in chat that you're using a hero coin.

  8. Other Rolls
    You may find that you want a big more specificity in the types and bonuses of different rolls, and that stats/effort aren't enough. You can add entries to the Other Rolls list, label them with text, drag/drop dice on the entry to set what dice to use, and enter whatever bonus you want. Double click on the line to activate the roll.
    If no dice is set for the roll, then whatever the bonus for that roll is, is added to the modifier stack at the bottom of the window. Then, whatever your next roll, it has the bonus added to it.

  9. Effects
    Effects are the way to track buffs, debuffs, timers, and any other ongoing effects. Here you can add effects that your character can apply, often due to some piece of loot or spell. Here you can specify the types of rolls its added to, as well as the duration. Effects here are described in more detail here.

Inventory Tab

  1. NOTE: The character sheet updates only after your cursor is moved out of the text box. Make sure you either tab or click to another field before changing tabs.

  1. Inventory
    This box is where your vast inventory of items is stored. The Name column displays the name of the item, and if that item grants any permanent stat bonuses, you can put them here to apply them. The system applies bonuses inside of parenthesis, using the format '+# [STAT]', where STAT is one of your stats: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA, BASIC, WEAPON, MAGIC, ULTIMATE, or ARMOR. You can add more than 1 stat by separating the clause with a comma. For example: '+1 STR, +1 CHA, +3 ARMOR' would add 1 STR, 1 CHA, and 3 ARMOR to the LOOT column of the appropriate stats.

    Items can either be added to this list by clicking the brown edit button in the top-right, then the green plus button, or by dragging an item from some other location (party sheet, chat, item library) and dropping it into the inventory list.

  2. Location
    This column is a convenient way to organize your inventory. Entering a location will group together items that have the same location. In addition, if there is a spot in your inventory that matches that location's name, all of the items will be grouped beneath that item. For example, if you have an item called "Backpack", then any other items with a location of "Backpack" will appear beneath the item entry for your backpack, and indented slightly. This is a great way to organize large storage methods, like a wagon, or a way to categories your spells.

  3. Carried and Equipped
    This column of buttons allows you to toggle which of your items are being carried, equipped, or neither. The satchel symbol means carried, while the shirt symbol means equipped.

  4. Tags
    Tags can be added to this list either by drag/dropping them from elsewhere, or with the brown edit button. Tags don't have any mechanical features that the ruleset uses, but it is a convenient way to track your character's tags as they earn them.

  5. Currency
    A simple collection of generic currency entries to fit whatever your game uses, as well as a free-form text box to list any miscellaneous treasure.

  6. Carried/Equip limits
    These two boxes show you how many items you have equipped and carried. There are no mechanics tied to this, it's purely there to display the information.

Notes Tab

  1. Story
    A place to put your backstory ideas.

  2. Languages
    A list of languages your character knows. This hooks into Fantasy Ground's language system, and allows you to type in chat in other languages, and only be understood by characters that also speak that language.

  3. Notes
    A place to put any other notes you take over the course of your game sessions.