PFRPG2 Action Symbols

The Pathfinder Second Edition rules make regular use of specific symbols within text to indicate the action/activity cost required to carry out the ability.

The default text fonts within Fantasy Grounds have been updated to include these 5 action/activity symbols, and can be included in text using this font as detailed below. If a theme doesn't use these fonts, or the fonts the theme uses do not contain these fonts, then the activity symbols will not appear.

Action text substitution (FG Classic and Unity)

Some key fields within the ruleset will replace commonly used activity text for their respective icon. This is not available in all fields, only those fields that commonly use action symbols - these are currently: Spell Casting and Effects fields, Item Activation and Description fields, and NPC Melee, Ranged and Action/Ability fields.

Use the following text in a field, lock and then unlock the record and the text will be replaced with a symbol (if the field supports action text substitution). If the text isn't replaced, then the ALT codes listed below can be used.

Note - FG Unity replacement only available from PFRPG2 ruleset release 14

Commonly used in text

  • [[F]] - Free action

  • [[A]] - One action

  • [[AA]] - Two actions

  • [[AAA]] - Three actions

  • [[R]] - Reaction

Commonly used when copying text from Paizo documents

  • [free-action] - Free action

  • [one-action] - One action

  • [two-actions] - Two actions

  • [three-actions] - Three actions

  • [reaction] - Reaction

Action symbol ALT codes (FG Classic only)

These codes can be used to directly insert the relevant symbol into a text field, there is no need to lock/unlock the record. Hold down the ALT key and type in the whole 4-digit code (including the leading 0) on the keyboard number pad (it must be the number pad), while typing the code nothing will be shown in the text field and when the ALT key is released the symbol will appear. If nothing appears then the font used for the field doesn't support the symbol

  • 0129 - Free action

  • 0141 - One Action

  • 0143 - Two actions

  • 0144 - Three actions

  • 0157 - Reaction.

If your device doesn't support ALT code (e.g. you don't have a number pad, and can't simulate a number page) then you can copy/paste the symbols from any other fields that contains the symbol as they are simply custom characters within the font - the same as any other text character.

Symbol representation within FG XML (FG Classic and Unity)

If you are working directly in FG XML, then use the following within the XML text. Note the semi-colon ; after the numbers:

  • Â - Free action

  • Â - One Action

  • Â - Two actions

  • Â - Three actions

  • Â - Reaction.