PFRPG2 Effects
PFRPG2 Effects
See Tracking Conditions and Effects for basic effects information.
What is an Effect?
One of the most powerful features of the built in PFRPG2 ruleset is effects. It is also, judging by the number of forum posts, the area where most users find the learning curve steepest. In Fantasy Grounds an effect is anything which gives the character either a bonus or penalty of some kind to a dice roll they are about to make. In order for the effect to be properly executed the character must be on the Combat Tracker (CT) and either they or another actor must make an action (usually a dice roll) which involves the character. In other words effects are checked when a character attacks, does damage, makes a saving throw, ability or skill check. Effects are also checked when that same character is attacked, or damaged or has a saving throw, ability check or skill check forced on them (such as from a spell).
Note that effects do not change the base statistic, they are applied when they would act on an action (dice roll) and the action descriptive text in the chat window will show a summary of the total “EFFECTS” applied to a roll.
Using Effect Features in Your Game
Effects in the PFRPG2 ruleset can be very complex, once you decide to take advantage of all of the functionality available. Many features provided in this section can be handled manually by calculations done by the players and GM, similar to sitting around the gaming table. It’s recommended that you slowly add effect capabilities to your game until the comfort level of you and your players has been reached.
While effects can be entered manually, the effects system was also designed to pull the effect information directly from the ability or spell description text by parsing the words. The effectiveness of this auto parsing is restricted as the spell descriptions within Pathfinder Second Edition don’t adhere to a specific wording standard.
The effect system was built to handle 80-90% of the rules available in the game system (excluding automatic parsing of effects from spell description text). PFRPG2 can be a very complex game, as it is built using exception-based game design principles. The primary focus of the effects system is to support the abilities and spells in the core rulebooks. There will be some powers and effects that will not be able to be represented in the current version of the ruleset.
Campaign Effects
In addition to the effect text field and visibility fields, the PFRPG2 ruleset adds an effect expenditure toggle button and duration fields. The effect text field can contain one or more modifiers or conditions that adjust rolls made by that CT actor.
Expenditure: By default, an effect is applied to all future rolls until the duration expires. The expenditure button can be toggled to Action, Roll or Singles as well. If set to Action, the effect will be applied to the next relevant action (set of rolls)(i.e. area of effect attack rolls as a set). If set to Roll, the effect will be applied to the next relevant single roll. If set to Singles, each component of the effect will be applied once when relevant, then removed. (See below for effect label components.)
Duration: The duration consists of two fields indicating a numerical value and a unit period (round, minute, hour, day). If the numerical duration is zero (or empty), then the effect does not expire. Durations of Hours and Days are informational only, the duration will not be reduced when in the combat tracker.
Combat Tracker
When an effect is applied to an actor in the combat tracker, in addition to the fields added in Campaign Effects, a few additional fields have been added.
Active State: By default, an effect is set to always be active (i.e. On). The active state can be toggled to Skip or Off. If set to Skip, the next application of the effect will be skipped, and then the effect will be set to On again. If set to Off, the effect will no longer be applied to rolls, but will remain in the CT.
Duration: When the main duration field is set to Start/End Turn values, an additional field will be shown to track the initiative number when the duration should start/end.
Applied By: The active actor will be used as the source actor of an effect, and shown in the lower right of the effect entry. If no actor is active, then this field is hidden. To set the source actor of an effect, drag the name field of a CT actor onto the label field of a CT effect entry. The source is usually just informational, but may occasionally be used to support advanced effects (such as Marked). Click on the Applied By field to clear the source actor.
Targets: By default, effects are applied to relevant rolls for all targets. However, some effect components can be targeted (such as attack and damage modifiers). A targeting button is shown next to each effect entry, and can be dragged onto a CT entry or CT-linked token to specify that the effect is targeted to a specific actor or set of actors. Additional options to target all allies or enemies are available by right-clicking on the targeting button. The Targets field is hidden unless targets are defined. Click on the Targets field to clear the targets.
Effect Text Field Features
In the PFRPG2 ruleset, conditions and modifiers can be embedded into the effect text field in order to modify rolls made by the actor.
Each description, condition or modifier needs to be separated by a semi-colon within the effect text field, and these are called effect components. Effect components that do not start with a modifier tag or a condition tag are treated as descriptive text only.
Not case-sensitive.
Do not stack
Condition | Value | FG Modifiers Applied (pseudo effects) | Notes |
Actions | |||
ProneTakenCover | (-) | AC: 4 circumstance, ranged | You are prone and have used the "Take Cover" action. Only applied if you also have the Prone condition. |
Basic Conditions | |||
Blinded | (-) | PERC: -4 status (if vision is only precise sense) Manually remove if not appropriate Target and attackers undetected - DC 11 flat check to hit target if you're attacking or attacker is undetected if you're being attacked (you're flat-footed). | Overrides dazzled. Handle manually: Treat all terrain as difficult terrain. Can’t detect anything using vision. Critically fail Perception checks that require you to be able to see. Immune to visual effects (handle this manually for now). Note: Attacks against a blinded target currently apply a -2 circumstance penalty to the target’s AC, but don’t consider them flat footed for IFT effects. If the target has other senses, or has changed the degree of detection between itself and its attacker, then the flat-footed portion of the Blinded condition may not apply and targeted effects used to replicate desired functionality (flat-footed, etc.). |
Broken | (-) |
| Affects objects. No current FG functionality. Future implementation within object/item effects. |
Clumsy | (N) |
| -N to Dex based checks and DCs. |
Concealed | (-) | See CONC modifier below. | (T), Concealed. (Attacks must pass DC 5 flat check to affect the target.) |
Confused | (-) | Flat-footed; | Information only. Handle manually: attack most recent creature to attack you since your last turn, or manually roll 1d4 to determine activity for this round. DC 11 flat check if take damage to recover from the confusion and end the condition |
Controlled | (-) |
| Information only, not automated: attack most recent creature to attack you since your last turn, or manually roll 1d4 to determine activity for this round. DC 11 flat check if take damage to recover from the confusion and end the condition |
Dazzled | (-) |
| All creatures and objects are concealed from you |
Dead | (-) |
| FG state. No current specific functionality. |
Deafened | (-) | PERC: -2 status (For Perception based Initiative checks and checks that involve sounds with other senses) Manually remove if not appropriate. | -2 status penalty for Perception based Initiative checks. Automatically fail/critically fail perception checks that require hearing. -2 status penalty to perception checks that involve sounds with other senses. If performing an action with the auditory trait, must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or the action is lost. Immune to auditory effects |
Doomed | (N) |
| Handle manually: The dying value at which you die is reduced by your doomed value. If your maximum dying value is reduced to 0, you instantly die. When you die, you’re no longer doomed. Your doomed value decreases by 1 each time you get a full night’s rest. |
Drained | (N) | ABIL: -(N) constitution, status; SKILL: -(N) constitution, status; SAVE: -(N) fortitude, status | Manually apply (N)*level HP loss and reduction in max HP. Reduce Drained level by 1 when gaining the benefits of proper rest (once per 24 hour period). |
Dying | (N) |
| You are unconscious. Handle Manually: Dying: 4 = dead. Lose the dying condition when return to 1 or more Hit Points. |
Encumbered | (-) | Clumsy: 1 | Handle Manually: Speed -10 feet (speed minimum = 5 feet). |
Enfeebled | (N) |
| Take a status penalty equal to the enfeebled value on strength based rolls: strength based attack rolls, strength based damage rolls, and Strength-based checks. NPC damage application is applied to melee damage and ranged damage with the thrown trait. |
Fascinated | (-) | SKILL:-2 status; PERC: -2 status | Can’t use actions with the concentrate trait unless they or their intended consequences are related to the subject of the fascination. |
Fatigued | (-) | AC: -1 status; SAVE: -1 status; | You take a –1 status penalty to AC and saving throws. While exploring, you can’t choose an exploration activity. Recover with a full night's rest. |
Flat-footed | (-) | AC: -2 circumstance |
Fleeing | (-) |
| Informational only. |
Friendly | (-) |
| Informational only. |
Frightened | (N) | SKILL: -(N) status; PERC: -(N) status; ABIL: -(N) status; AC: -(N) status; SAVE: -(N) status; DC: -(N) status | Will reduce level at the end of turn. When level is 0 the whole effect line will be removed. The level won’t be reduced at the end of the turn if an effect duration is set. Handle manually: Any conditions/afflictions that set a minimum value. |
Grabbed | (-) | Immobilized; Flat-footed | Handle manually: If you attempt a manipulate action while grabbed, you must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or it is lost. |
Helpful | (-) |
| Informational only. |
Hidden | (-) | See HIDDEN modifier below. | (T), Hidden - Target is barely perceptible (Attacks must pass DC 11 flat check to affect the target.) Note: Attacks by a hidden creature currently apply a -2 circumstance penalty to their target’s AC, but don’t consider them flat footed for IFT effects. If the target has other senses, or has changed the degree of detection between itself and its attacker, then the Hidden condition may not apply and targeted effects may be used to replicate desired functionality (flat-footed, etc.). |
Hostile | (-) |
| Informational only. |
Immobilized | (-) |
| Can’t use any action that has the move trait. Handle DC checks for external force moving immobile creature manually. |
Indifferent | (-) |
| Informational only. Assume creature is Indifferent unless specified otherwise. |
Invisible | (-) | Undetected; | Note: Attacks by an invisible creature currently apply a -2 circumstance penalty to their target’s AC, but don’t consider them flat footed for IFT effects. If the target has other senses, or has changed the degree of detection between itself and its attacker, then the Invisible condition may not apply and targeted effects may be used to replicate desired functionality (flat-footed, etc.). |
Observed | (-) |
| Informational only. Anything in plain view is observed by you. |
Paralyzed | (-) | Flat-footed | Can’t act except to Recall Knowledge and act in other ways that require only the use of your mind. |
Persistent Damage |
| Use PERS modifier effect - see below. |
Petrified | (-) |
| Can't act nor can you sense anything. Manually handle any attacks (vs. AC 9) and damage (dents) done to creature while petrified. |
Prone | (-) | Flat-footed; ATK:-2 circumstance; | You are flat-footed and take a –2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls. Handle Manually: You can Take Cover while prone and gain cover against ranged attacks, even if you don’t have an object to get behind, gaining a +4 circumstance bonus to AC against ranged attacks (but you remain flat-footed) - apply the action ProneTakenCover condition if appropriate. |
Quickened | (-) |
| Handle manually: Gain one additional action. |
Restrained | (-) | Immobilized; Flat-footed | Handle manually: Can’t use any actions with the attack or manipulate traits except to attempt to Escape or Force Open your bonds. |
Sickened | (N) | SKILL: -(N) status; PERC: -(N) status; ABIL: -(N) status; AC: -(N) status; SAVE: -(N) status; DC: -(N) status |
Slowed | (N) |
| Handle manually: Regain (N) less actions at the start of turn. |
Stunned | (N) |
| Handle manually: Stunned usually includes a value, which indicates how many total actions you lose, possibly over multiple turns, from being stunned. Each time you regain actions (such as at the start of your turn), reduce the number you regain by your stunned value, then reduce your stunned value by the number of actions you lost. Overrides slowed. |
Stupefied | (N) | SPELLROLL: -(N) status; DC: -(N) status; INT: -2*(N) status; WIS: -2*(N) status; CHA: -2*(N) status | Handle manually: Spells disrupted if attempting to cast while stupefied - unless succeed at a flat check with a DC equal to 5 + your stupefied value. |
Unconscious | (-) | Blinded; Flat-footed; AC:-4 status; PERC: -4 status; SAVE:-4 status, reflex | Handle ManuallyProne effect should be applied separately. Recovery check at the start of the creature's turn. |
Undetected | (-) |
| When you are undetected by a creature, that creature cannot see you at all. DC 11 flat check to be able to target you. Note: Attacks by an undetected creature currently apply a -2 circumstance penalty to their target’s AC, but don’t consider them flat footed for IFT effects. If the target has other senses, or has changed the degree of detection between itself and its attacker, then the Undetected condition may not apply and targeted effects may be used to replicate desired functionality (flat-footed, etc.). |
Unfriendly | (-) |
| Informational only. |
Unnoticed | (-) |
| Informational only. If you are unnoticed by a creature, that creature has no idea you are present at all. |
Wounded | (N) |
| Handle Manually If Wounded and gain Dying (or increase Dying level) add Wounded value. The wounded condition ends if someone successfully restores Hit Points to you with Treat Wounds, or if you are restored to full Hit Points and rest for 10 minutes. |
Special | |||
SHIELDBLOCK ** | (-) |
| Applies only to PCs The condition indicates that the actor will use their shield to block the next damage action. The hardness of the first equipped unbroken shield in their inventory will be used and any excess will be applied as damage to this shield. If this results in the shield being broken or destroyed, then shield will be changed from “equipped” to “carried and no longer apply its effects to AC when raised or when shieldblock is used in future. |
| Applies to the actor who is being attacked and use effect targeting to the PC with the shield. The condition indicates that the PC who the effect is targeted to will use their shield to block the next damage action against the actor with this condition. The hardness of the first equipped unbroken shield in blocking PC’s inventory will be used and any excess will be applied as damage to this shield. If this results in the shield being broken or destroyed, then shield will be changed from “equipped” to “carried and no longer apply its effects to AC when raised or when shieldblock is used in future. |
(T) = Effects can be targeted to only apply to conditions against certain opponents.
(N) = Condition has a numerical value - format <condition name>:<value> e.g. "Enervated: 1" Note: Cannot be used with Conditional (IF/IFT) effects.
Format: [tag]: [dice/number] [descriptors]
If colon missing, assume no dice, numerical modifier or descriptors.
Modifiers stack as long as their bonus type is blank or unique. If two modifiers have the same bonus type, only the larger value will be used.
Use only a single entry for each descriptor type, unless that descriptor is indicated as allowing multiple entries by an asterisk (*) after the descriptor.
When applying effects from PC sheet powers, bracketed ability tags ([STR],[DEX],...) can be added to the modifier dice and numerical portion to adjust by current PC attribute modifiers. The ability tags can be set to negative ([-INT]), half ([HWIS]) or double ([2CHA]).HA]).
Modifier | Value | Descriptors | Notes |
Combat | |||
INIT | (N) | [bonus] | Initiative checks |
ATK | (N) | [bonus], [range], [distance], opportunity, [trait] | (T), Attack rolls Note: this includes spell attack rolls too. |
AC | (N) | [bonus], [range], opportunity | (T), Armor class defense |
ACDEXCAP | (N) | [range] | (T), Set AC dexterity modifier cap. PC Only. The lowest AC dex cap across all effects and currently equipped armor will be used. |
DMG | (D) | [bonus], [range], [damage type]*, [proflevel], [trait] | (T), Damage actions |
DMGS | (D) | [bonus], [range], [damage type]*, [proflevel], [trait] | (T), Spell Damage rolls (where damage action set as "Spell Dmg?" = "Yes"). |
DMGDICE | (N) | - | Adds N base damage dice to the damage roll. N must be 1 or more. |
DMGDIESTEP | (N) | - | Changes the damage base damage die by N steps, where the steps are d4, d6, d8, d12. The die cannot go above d12 nor can it go below d4. |
DMGCOMBINE | - | - | The next damage roll will be stored for combination with a subsequent damage roll. See ‘Combining Damage” in the “How to Use” Wiki page. |
HEAL | (D) | - | (T), Applied to healing actions, doesn’t trigger healing in itself. |
DC | (N) | [bonus] | Modifies base DC for a cast/save action. |
SPELLROLL | (N) | [bonus], [range], opportunity, [trait] | (T), Modifies spell attack roll action. |
MAP | (N) | [bonus], [range], opportunity, [trait] | (T), Usually a negative value. Changes the Multiple Attack Penalty. MAP is used for attack #2, MAP * 2 is used for attack #3+. Note: Only applied to PC weapon attack action #1. Rolls made using a weapon attack action from the #2 or #3 fields override any MAP effect |
MAP2 | (N) | [bonus], [range], opportunity, [trait] | (T), Usually a negative value. Changes the Multiple Attack Penalty for attack #2. Overrides MAP for attack #2. Plus see note in MAP above. |
MAP3 | (N) | [bonus], [range], opportunity, [trait] | (T), Usually a negative value. Changes the Multiple Attack Penalty for attacks #3+. Overrides MAP for attacks #3+. Plus see note in MAP above. |
RANGEINC1MOD | (N) | [bonus], [range], opportunity, [trait] | (T), applies the modifier if the ranged attack is within the first range increment. Note: relies on range calculations, which requires the source and the target tokens to be present on the same map with the grid enabled (the grid can be visible or invisible). |
RANGEINC2MOD | (N) | [bonus], [range], opportunity, [trait] | (T), applies the modifier if the ranged attack is within the second range increment. Note: relies on range calculations, which requires the source and the target tokens to be present on the same map with the grid enabled (the grid can be visible or invisible). |
IGNOREVOLLEYPEN | (-) | N/A | Ranged attack action: Ignores ranged attack volley penalty. Apply to attacker. |
IGNORECONC | (-) | N/A | (T), Attack action: Ignore concealment. Apply to attacker. |
HIDDENDC | (N) | [range], [trait], [distance] | (T), Applied to attacker - set the hidden flat check DC. Use only one HIDDENDC effect at a time. 0 = no flat check. |
CONCEALEDDC | (N) | [range], [trait], [distance] | (T), Applied to attacker - set the concealed flat check DC. Use only one CONCEALEDDCeffect at a time. 0 = no flat check. |
Saving throw related | |||
SAVE | (N) | [bonus], [save], [trait] | Saving throws. [trait] allows an effect to apply to a saving throw with a matching trait. |
SAVERESULT | (N) | [result], [save], [trait] | (N) is the number of steps up, or down (if negative), the result changes if the effect matches the [save] and single [trait] data of the saving throw action. |
SAVEDAMAGEPER | (N) | [result], [save], [trait] | (N) is a percentage value (0, 50 or 100) that is applied to the next damage roll after a saving throw action for the same ability/spell. |
Abilities | |||
ABIL | (N) | [bonus], [ability] | Ability checks Note: Dice based modifiers removed in first implementation for PFRPG2 |
STR | (N) | [bonus] | Strength ability score - applied as a change to the ability score (not the ability modifier). Currently PF1 functionality of steps of 2 resulting in an ability modifier change of 1. |
DEX | (N) | [bonus] | Dexterity ability score - applied as a change to the ability score (not the ability modifier). Currently PF1 functionality of steps of 2 resulting in an ability modifier change of 1. |
CON | (N) | [bonus] | Constitution ability score - applied as a change to the ability score (not the ability modifier). Currently PF1 functionality of steps of 2 resulting in an ability modifier change of 1. |
INT | (N) | [bonus] | Intelligence ability score - applied as a change to the ability score (not the ability modifier). Currently PF1 functionality of steps of 2 resulting in an ability modifier change of 1. |
WIS | (N) | [bonus] | Wisdom ability score - applied as a change to the ability score (not the ability modifier). Currently PF1 functionality of steps of 2 resulting in an ability modifier change of 1. |
CHA | (N) | [bonus] | Charisma ability score - applied as a change to the ability score (not the ability modifier). Currently PF1 functionality of steps of 2 resulting in an ability modifier change of 1. |
Damage | |||
DMGTYPE | (-) | [damage type] | (T), Adds damage type to all damage rolls. |
DMGSTYPE | (-) | [damage type] | (T), Adds damage type to spell damage rolls (where damage action set as "Spell Dmg?" = "Yes"). |
DMGBASETYPE | (-) | [damage type] | (T), Replaces the damage action base damage type with the new type. It is assume that the first damage type of the first damage instance is the base damage type. Note: there should only be one active DMGBASETYPE effect active for any given damage action. |
DMGO | (D) | [damage type]* | Damage (Ongoing) - applied at the end of a turn. |
DMG2H | (-) | N/A | Uses the two-hand weapon trait die type for the weapon’s base damage. If the weapon doesn’t have the two-hand trait then no change will be made to the base damage dice. |
PERS | (D) | [damage type]* | Persistent damage (Ongoing) - applied at the end of a turn. The flat check DC to remove at the end of a creature’s turn is set at 15 unless the DC is overridden in the combat tracker entry (GM only). NOTE: Can also use (D) persistent, [damage type] as a damage entry to apply the PERS effect when rolling damage |
FHEAL | (D) | - | Fast Healing. Applied at the start of the creature’s turn. |
REGEN | (D) | [special] | Regeneration. Use and/or clause to specify damage types which can overcome regeneration. Applied at the start of the creature’s turn. |
IMMUNE | (-) | [damage type], all | (T), Immune to damage type or all damage (if "all" specified). NOTE: exceptions - use ! to indicate damage types that negate the immunity. . |
RESIST | (N) | [damage type], all | (T), Resistance to damage type. Must include a damage type. NOTE: exceptions - use ! to indicate damage types that negate the resistance. |
WEAK | (N) | [damage type] | (T), Weakness to a specific damage type. Damage type of "all" is not supported. |
Situational | |||
CONC | (-) | [range]* | (T), Concealment (Attacks must pass DC 5 flat check to affect the target.) |
HIDDEN | (-) | [range]* | (T), Target is barely perceptible (Attacks must pass DC 11 flat check to affect the target.) Note: Note: Attacks by a hidden creature currently apply a -2 circumstance penalty to their target’s AC, but don’t consider them flat footed for IFT effects. If the target has other senses, or has changed the degree of detection between itself and its attacker, then the HIDDEN modifier may not apply and targeted effects may be used to replicate desired functionality (flat-footed, etc.). |
LCOVER | (-) | [range]* | (T), Lesser Cover (AC: 1 circumstance) |
COVER | (-) | [range]* | (T), Cover (AC: 2 circumstance; SAVE: 2 reflex, circumstance, area) TODO - best way to determine the save is vs. an area effect? Currently this is a blanket circumstance bonus to reflex saves. Handle Manually: +2 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks to Hide, Sneak, or otherwise avoid detection. |
GCOVER | (-) | [range]* | (T), Greater Cover (AC: 4 circumstance; SAVE: 4 reflex, circumstance, area) TODO - best way to determine the save is vs. an area effect? Currently this is a blanket circumstance bonus to reflex saves. Handle Manually: +4 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks to Hide, Sneak, or otherwise avoid detection. |
Misc | |||
PROF | (N) | [bonus], [range], opportunity, [trait] | Applies a proficiency modifier to relevant actions. [range], opportunity, [trait] only valid for attack actions |
PERC | (N) | [bonus] | Perception checks. |
SKILL | (N) | [bonus], [skill], [ability], [activity name] | Skill checks, not including perception. Doesn't apply to Perception checks. |
SPEED | (N) | [bonus] | Speed. Used to modify base land speed - displayed in chat at the start of an actor’s turn. |
TRAIT | (S) | - | Adds the trait to actions that support traits - currently only the damage action. For example: TRAIT: fatal d12 would add “fatal d12” to the traits of a damage action, and would be triggered if the action was rolling critical damage. |
| [ability name] | Used for NPC ability restricted use - usually includes a duration which indicates when the ability can be used again. [ability name] is the name of the ability and will remove an auto applied [USED] flag from the matching ability name (not including traits) when the effect expires. Note: This is just a reminder, it doesn’t prevent use of the ability. |
(D) = Dice and numbers supported for value attribute
(N) = Only numbers supported for value attribute
(-) = Neither number nor dice supported for value attribute
(S) = a word or words (string)
(T) = Effects can be targeted to only apply to modifiers against certain opponents
[bonus] = circumstance, item, status.
[range] = melee, ranged
[damage type] = acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic, force, negative, positive, adamantine, bludgeoning, cold iron, epic, magic, piercing, silver, slashing, chaotic, evil, good, lawful, nonlethal, spell, critical,, precision, poison, mental, area, splash, bleed, ghost touch, vitality, void, spirit
Note 1: damage types of physical, magic (and by extension, nonmagical = (not)magic) are determined at run time. Physical damage is determined if bludgeoning, piercing or slashing is part of the individual damage entry. Magic is determined if magic, magical or spell is already part of the damage type - nonmagical is set if magic isn't present.
Note 2: If “persistent, [damage type]” is used for a damage action, then a PERS effect will be applied.
[proflevel] = trained, expert, master, legendary. Currently weapon damage actions only: filters DMG effects based on the proficiency level of the weapon. For example (Weapon Specialization); DMG: 2 expert; DMG: 3 master; DMG: 4 legendary
[activity name] = the name of the activity being rolled from the PC activity tab. Note: recall knowledge will apply to all recall knowledge activity checks.
[distance] = the distance in feet within which the effect is valid, only valid when source and target tokens are placed on a map with a grid present to allow distance calculations; the DISTXX filter will be ignored if distance is not available. Format = DISTXX - where XX is the distance in feet. Note there is no space or colon between DIST and the distance, for example: DIST30 would apply the effect if the target is 30 feet or closer to the attacker.
[save] = fortitude, reflex or will. Leave blank for all.
[result] = critical-success, success, failure, critical-failure
[skill name] = any skill name in lowercase
[save] = fortitude, reflex or will. Leave blank for all.
[trait] - A single trait. Adds a trait filter for the action - this can be any single trait that could be attached to an action. For example: trap, poison, necromancy, arcane, etc.. There is a special "magic" trait that is auto added to saves that contain a magic tradition trait (arcane, divine, occult or primal) or a spell school trait - this caters for saves vs. "magic". Note: damage types of the same name will take precedence and a trait that has the same name as a damage type will be treated as a damage type.
* = Multiple entries of this descriptor type allowed.
Special Components
Examples: FAIL, AURA, ...
Unique format for each tag
Special Tag (case sensitive) | Notes |
IF: [condition OR conditional operator] | Ignores the remainder of the effect components within the effect label, unless the source actor has the specified condition. |
IFT: [condition OR conditional operator] | Ignores the remainder of the effect components within the effect label, unless the opposing actor has the specified condition. |
Conditional Operators
Not case-sensitive
Operator | Notes |
ALIGN ([alignment]) | If the creature indicated by the conditional effect has the given alignment, then this operator returns true. Neutral is assumed for creatures where not specified. True neutral checking is not supported due to necessary assumptions to make this feature work for majority of cases automatically. |
SIZE ([size]) SIZE ([>= OR <= OR > OR < OR =][size]) | If the conditional effect target is of the correct size or larger/smaller based on the size greater/less than operation, then this operator returns true. Medium size is assumed for creatures where not specified. |
TYPE ([creature type]*) | If the creature indicated by the conditional effect has the given trait, then this operator returns true. Note: This is the same as the TRAIT operator and is included for compatibility with older effects. |
TRAIT ([creature trait]*) | If the creature indicated by the conditional effect has the given trait, then this operator returns true. |
Wounded | If the conditional effect target has any wounds, then this operator returns true. |
Bloodied | If the conditional effect target has wounds greater than or equal to half its hit points, then this operator returns true. |
CUSTOM () | Allows for testing user created conditions. The condition to be tested is added in brackets after the custom keyword. Thus the syntax would be IF: CUSTOM (condition) or IFT: CUSTOM (condition). If the 'condition' is present on the target (for IFT) or actor (for IF) then the function will return true. The 'condition' to be tested for is applied as the custom condition name only (essentially a label), it does not include the 'custom' keyword. For example: Apply the text 'Quarry' to a target and then check with 'IFT: CUSTOM (Quarry);' |
[alignment] = LG, LN, LE, NG, NE, CG, CN, CE, lawful, lawful good, lawful neutral, lawful evil, neutral good, neutral evil, chaotic, chaotic good, chaotic neutral, chaotic evil, good, evil
[size] = F, D, T, S, M, L, H, G, C, fine, diminutive, tiny, small, medium, large, huge, gargantuan, colossal
[creature type] = matches against a trait name from the creature Traits field (multiple traits in the traits field must be separated by a comma). Note: this is the same as creature trait and is included for compatibility with older effects..
[creature trait] = matches against a trait name from the creature Traits field (multiple traits in the traits field must be separated by a comma).
* = Multiple entries of this descriptor type allowed.
PC Specific Notes - Combat tracker effects
When applying effects from the Actions tab of the PC sheet to the combat tracker, special tags can be inserted to provide numerical bonuses based on the PC's current attributes when the effect action is applied. The tags are enclosed within square brackets: [...]
Note: if a further descriptor follows the tag you may need to include a comma - e.g. DMG: [2LVL], fire
These tags can also be used from the campaign effects list, and dragged to creatures in the Combat Tracker - the tags need the data to exist within the creature record, so may not work for all creatures in the combat tracker.
PC tag | Notes |
STR | PC Strength bonus |
DEX | PC Dexterity bonus |
CON | PC Constitution bonus |
INT | PC Intelligence bonus |
WIS | PC Wisdom bonus |
CHA | PC Charisma bonus |
LVL | PC total level |
CL | Caster level from the spell class. For example (note the space): 2 [CL] = 2 + Caster Level |
OCL | Odd caster level from the spell class. CL 1 = 1, CL 3 = 2, CL5 = 3, etc.. |
ECL | Caster level from the spell class. CL 1 = 0, CL 2 = 1, CL 4 = 2, etc.. |
SL | Spell slot level - the level of the spell slot the spell resides in. |
[Hother tag] | Half of the other tag bonus. For example: [HLVL] = half level. |
[Tother tag] | Third of the other tag bonus. For example: [TLVL] = third level. |
[Qother tag] | Quarter of the other tag bonus. For example: [QLVL] = quarter level. |
[Eother tag] | Every even step of the other tag bonus. For example: [ELVL] = every even level. Level 1 = 0, Levels 2&3 = 2, Levels 4&5 = 3, etc.. |
[Oother tag] | Every odd step of the other tag bonus. For example: [OLVL] = every odd level. Levels 1&2 = 1, Levels 3&4 = 2, Levels 5&6 = 3, etc.. |
[nother tag] | Multiply other tag by n where n is 2-9. For example: [3LVL] = 3 x level. |
[-other tag] | Negative the other tag bonus (including half and double). For example: [-LVL] = - level. |
+-n [other tag] | Note the space between n and the [ character. Add (+) or subtract (-) the value n from the tag bonus. For example: 2 [LVL] = level + 2. This is similar to [other tag]+-n |
[other tag]+-n | Add (+) or subtract (-) the value n from the tag bonus. For example: [LVL]+2 = level + 2. This is similar to +-X [other tag] |
other tag = one of: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA, LVL or CL
+- = one of either + or - to do the appropriate addition or subtraction.
PC Specific Notes - Character effects
When applying character effects to the Combat section of the PC sheet, special tags can be inserted to provide numerical bonuses based on the PC's current attributes. These tags are enclosed in curly brackets: {...} and the value of the variable is substituted when the effect is required (during an appropriate action). To determine what the substitution will be, hover over the title/name of the entry in character effects (not the effect string itself) and the complete effect, with dynamic variables replaced, will be shown as a tooltip.
Note: if a further descriptor follows the tag you may need to include a comma - e.g. DMG: {2LVL}, fire
PC tag | Notes |
STR | PC Strength bonus |
DEX | PC Dexterity bonus |
CON | PC Constitution bonus |
INT | PC Intelligence bonus |
WIS | PC Wisdom bonus |
CHA | PC Charisma bonus |
LVL | PC total level |
AC | Current total AC value of the character as reported in the “Total” AC field (not including any effects). |
{Hother tag} | Half of the other tag bonus. For example: {HLVL} = half level. |
{Tother tag} | Third of the other tag bonus. For example: [TLVL] = third level. |
{Qother tag} | Quarter of the other tag bonus. For example: [QLVL] = quarter level. |
{Eother tag} | Every even step of the other tag bonus. For example: [ELVL] = every even level. Level 1 = 0, Levels 2&3 = 2, Levels 4&5 = 3, etc.. |
{Oother tag} | Every odd step of the other tag bonus. For example: [OLVL] = every odd level. Levels 1&2 = 1, Levels 3&4 = 2, Levels 5&6 = 3, etc.. |
{nother tag} | Multiply other tag by n where n is 2-9. For example: {3LVL} = 3 x level. |
{-other tag} | Negative the other tag bonus (including half and double). For example: {-LVL} = - level. |
+-n {other tag} | Note the space between n and the { character. Add (+) or subtract (-) the value n from the tag bonus. For example: 2 {LVL} = level + 2. This is similar to [other tag]+-n |
{other tag}+-n | Add (+) or subtract (-) the value n from the tag bonus. For example: {LVL}+2 = level + 2. This is similar to +-n {other tag} |
{XABC} | Substitute the three character ABC cross reference code (Xref) into the PC effect. For example: DMG: 4 melee, {XBIR}; AC: -1 will substitute the value for the BIR xref stored in the PC sheet. |
other tag = one of: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA, LVL.
+- = one of either + or - to do the appropriate addition or subtraction.
ATK: 2 circumstance
SAVE: 1 status
DMGO: 2d6 fire
DMG: 1d6 cold
RESIST: 5 fire; RESIST: 5 cold
IFT: CUSTOM(Hunt Prey); MAP:-3 If the target has the “Hunt Prey” custom condition then the multi attack penalty against that target will be -3 for attack #2 and -6 for attacks 3+.
RESIST: 5 fire,cold
PC Sheet > Applied to the Combat Tracker from the PC Sheet
RESIST: 2 [WIS] physical
ATK: [-DEX] item
DMG: 2d6+1 [CON] slashing
PC Effect (in the PC Sheet Combat tab)
RESIST: {2WIS} physical
DMG: 4 melee, {XBIR}; AC: -1
ATK: {-DEX} item
DMG: 2d6+1 {CON} slashing
Power Text | Effect Label | Other Effect Fields |
+1 to next d20 roll | ATK:1; SKILL:1; ABIL:1; SAVE:1; PERC: 1 | (Duration: 1)(Expend on Roll) |
+2 to your next attack and damage roll | ATK:2; DMG:2 | (Duration: 1)(Expend on Single Usage) |