Rolemaster Classic - Character Creation

Before we get started

Familiarity with the Rolemaster Classic (RMC) ruleset is assumed, and this guide relies on that pre-knowledge. Players should know what modules their GameMaster (GM) intends to use and these should be their first point to ask detailed questions about their Character Record, particularly when it comes to Campaign Options.

Other questions regarding specific nuances of the Fantasy Grounds user interface are best answered by referring to the Fantasy Grounds Basic documentation.

A screenshot of the Character Sheets Main Tab. The values are empty, as nothing has been entered yet.

Many of the screens, actions and options require access to the Rolemaster Classic ruleset. This is typically provided by the GM, but can be purchased by the player also (although overridden by the GM (in some cases) for a specified campaign).

Character Sheet Introduction

The Fantasy Grounds RMC character record consists of several individual sheets, comprising various aspects of your character. These sheets can be accessed by tabs running along the right hand side of the character window. 

The tabs consist of the following major groupings:

  • Main: The basic attributes of a character, including Name, Profession, Stats, Resistances, Movement, Initiative, Hits, Exhaustion, Power Points (if any), and Languages.

  • Combat: Weapons, Armor and their associated effects on movement.

  • Skills: The acquisition, display and maintenance of the wide-ranging skills that a character can have.

  • Spells: Assuming the character can cast spells, this tab contains the details of the Spell Lists that the character has learned, and provides a way to track new list acquisition.

  • Inventory: Equipment, coinage and encumbrance.

  • Notes: Information regarding the character’s background details, appearance and notes.

The various RMC modules (Arms Law, Character Law, etc...) have been formatted to allow players to drag and drop the links for items such as profession, race, equipment and more onto appropriate locations on the various sheets. This will copy all relevant (but default) details into that location. The ruleset will automatically add and calculate the various modifiers (racial, stat, item, etc…) to the appropriate areas and tabs of the character sheet.


In order to stop unnecessary duplication, several items found through the Character sheet need to be explained.

  1. Sidebar - Indicates the right hand area of the tabletop. It shows various campaign related data which can be accessed via buttons in the sidebar. Please refer to the Fantasy Grounds Basic documentation (Campaign Data) for more information.

  2. Drag and Drop - where the player selects a virtual object by "grabbing" it and dragging it to a different location or onto another virtual object/location. Please refer to the Fantasy Grounds Basic documentation (Campaign Data) for more information.

  3. Drop-down lists - On the right hand of some fields, you will notice a small black triangle graphic, which indicates that this field has pre-filled values available for selection.

  4. Iron Crown - Typically shown with a red background, this small icon can be used a couple of ways. The first is to obtain further information/detail by clicking the icon. This causes a window to appear, with the requested data. A second way it can be used is to drag information from a window or table, and drop it into a location. One example would be to drag a listed profession (found in the documentation or the Profession sidebar ) onto the character sheet, specifically the ‘Professions’ location of the Main tab. Another is to drag a piece of equipment from the list of items shown by the ‘Items’ sidebar icon into the Inventory tab.

    Used to designate items where additional information can be obtained, or used to drag and drop to other sections of the document.
  5. Magnifying Glass - When the magnifying glass is clicked, it brings up a separate window which provides much greater detail regarding the area it is located. This typically will expand upon the area in which the icon is located. In other cases, it might provide additional functionality for the given section. For example, the icon located in the ‘Stats’ section (as shown at right) provides the player access to the ‘Stats’ window of the character sheet.

  6. ‘+’ Symbol on Numeric Fields - This indicates this value can be easily added to the Modifier, found in the bottom left corner of the tabletop (shown on the left). For example, if a player clicked the Memory stat’s Total ‘+’ symbol, then that total would be automatically added to the Modifier. The player could also have dragged the same value over the top of the Modifier, and gotten the same result. For more information, refer to the Fantasy Grounds Basic documentation.

  7. ‘Grey’ colored fields - As you use the various windows and screens of Fantasy Grounds, you will notice that some of the fields are ‘grey’. This indicates that the field is a calculated value, and is not directly modifiable by the GM or player. In the example shown above, the ‘Current’ and ‘Total’ fields are grey, while the two other fields are directly modifiable.

  8. ‘Edit List’ button - This button allows the player to edit the list or entries in the area in which it appears. For more information, refer to the Fantasy Grounds Basic documentation.

  9. Manually Maintained - Designated by a ‘(✤)’ in the field definition, this indicates that the field will remain empty, unless the player or GM enters a value. However, when such a field has a value entered, the ruleset will be recognized and respond to the value, by impact respective calculations. For example, assume the player has a set of ‘Shaalk’ lock picks, which provide a +20 bonus to the skill “Open Locks”. In order for the player to receive this bonus, this amount must be manually entered into the Skill listing found on the Skills tab, specifically into the ‘Item’ field of that skill. When done, the ‘Total’ bonus for the skill will reflect that 20 point adjustment. Now if the item was lost or broken, the bonus will stay in effect until the value is manually removed from the field. A suggested method of tracking these kinds of adjustments is to keep track of them using the various tab sections in ‘Notes’.

Character Sheet - Main Tab

The Main tab of the character sheet is broken into several labeled sections. Each section will be discussed, as well as various aspects of each field, icon, button or column.

Tabs (Area A)

Found on the right hand side of each page, the tab sections allow you to rapidly move through the various ‘pages’ of the character sheet.

Identity (Area A)

This section provides the user the place to enter their Character Name, as well as their Profession.

Character Name - Player fillable, this section allows the user to enter a wide range of characters, including some special characters.

Profession - A character’s profession is a reflection of his training and thought patterns. In Fantasy Grounds, you can enter the Profession in three different ways:

  1. Typing - If the user chooses, they can type the name of a recognized Profession into this area. Please note: spelling is especially important here, and a misspelled Profession will cause wide ranging impacts.

  2. Drop Down Selection - Click the arrow, and a small selection window will appear at the bottom of the field, allowing the user to select a Profession.

  3. Drag and Drop - This requires opening the Profession item on the Sidebar. Once opened, the user can narrow the selection by using the ‘Group’ selector at the top of the window, or use the various filters at the bottom of the sheet. In the provided example, such filtering has occurred by using the ‘Group’ selector to only display “Character Law” Professions. Once the list has been displayed, further information about the Profession may be obtained by clicking the entries Iron Crown icon. To make the choice, drag the same red icon to the Character sheet, and release it over the Profession field.

Portrait and Tokens (Area C)

Portrait - The Portrait field (when empty) is a black bordered box just to the right of the character’s Profession. Clicking on this box (or the current Portrait) causes a dialog box to pop up allowing the user to select a new character Portrait. Please note: what you see in here depends on what products you have. If the resources are available, then the player can navigate through the icons shown, until they come to the portrait wanted.

Token - A small graphical icon used in the Combat Tracker and displayed on the map. Please note that if a portrait has already been selected then (by default) the space for the token will already contain a smaller version of the portrait. Additionally, token access is controlled by the GM. If the GM allows the players to change their token, the GM must first share the tokens to the players. To change the Token, select the ‘Tokens’ icon in the Sidebar, navigate to the proper Token folder, then drag and drop the chosen token over the top of the small circle that appears here (if no portrait is used), or over the smaller version of the Portrait.

“Speak as” bubble - The small speech bubble at the top right of the portrait can be used by both players and GMs to add this character to their list of 'speakers'. This allows GMs and players (who can control more than one character) to select which of the characters will 'speak' when she types in chat. When done so, that character's name will be prefixed before the typed text.

Personal (Area D)

This section contains information about the personal aspects of the character, such as Height and Age. It should be noted that certain personal aspects (such as gender, height, weight, eye and hair color) may be constrained, depending on the campaign and/or racial selection. Depending on the aspect, it may or may not have associated impacts across the character sheet. For example, the Height and racial makeup of a character plays a role in determining the character’s Base Movement Rate. In all these matters, it is best to discuss the available options with your GM if you have any questions.

Race - Similar to the Profession selection above, this field allows the user to enter the data in the same three ways; type, drop-down list and drag and drop. Similarly, the user can use the ‘Races’ Sidebar item to open the list of Races that are allowed in this campaign. Please note that this selection has wide-ranging effects across the character sheet.

Realm - If the user chose a spell casting Profession, then this field will be pre-populated by the Realm associated with their Profession. However, if the user is not a caster, then this field will need to be filled in by the user. Ask your GM or refer to the RMC Character Law for more information.

Level - Indicates the current level of the Character. New RMC characters start at level 0 (zero), and are leveled to first level through character development.

Current XP - Indicates the current XP of the Character.

Gender - User fillable, and any value can be chosen by the user. Note that this field has no ruleset implications.

Hair, Eyes, Age: Self-explanatory. This is a user fillable field, so please select a suitable value, as determined by the choices available for the campaign..

Height and Weight: Values are expected to be in Imperial units, such as 5’ 8” (short for five feet, 8 inches), or ‘148’ for Weight (in pounds). These values (even if empty) will affect other aspects of the character sheet, such as Base Movement Rate and Encumbrance.

App - Short for Appearance. This optional stat is represented by a 1-100 value. Note that this field has no ruleset implications.

Next Level - The number of Experience Points necessary to gain the next character level.

Stats (Area E)

Statistics (Stats) shows the various mental and/or physical characteristics of your character. These stats will change through the character’s lifetime, and are managed here.

Magnifying Glass - This brings up the Stats window, which provides much greater detail regarding the various Stats, particularly their modifiers. This window also allows the player to place modifiers onto those stats, indicating various things such as magic, background points, talents, etc. Furthermore, the window this icon produces, provides the player a way to both generate their initial stats and make Stat Gain rolls. More detail can be found by referring to “Window 1: Stats”.

Stat Name - The full name of the Temporary stat.

Shadow Dice - Allows you to perform a stat roll of the Temporary stat where the dice appear. The Stats ‘Total’ value is automatically added to the roll when it is acted upon.

Abbr - The abbreviation for the stat. These are used heavily throughout the character sheet, such as entries on the Skills and Resistances areas.

Temp - This represents the character’s Temporary Stat, before modifications.

Dmg - (✤) Indicates any kind of damage/penalty done to the bonus of the Temporary stat, such as from disease, poison, magic or other causes.

Current - The current, calculated total bonus for this Temporary stat.

Total - Displays the total modifier for the various stats. Please note the “+” symbol in the upper right corner of this column.

Resistances (Area F)

Shows the player a shortened overview of the Resistances that the character has.

Magnifying Glass - Click the magnifying glass brings up a window that details the Resistances in much greater depth. It also provides the player a way to both view and modify various resistances, with perhaps things like Background choices. More detail can be found by referring to “Window 2: Resistances.”

Stat Name - The full name of the Resistance.

Shadow Dice - Allows you to perform a resistance roll of the given type.The Stats ‘Total’ value is automatically added to the roll when it is acted upon.

Total - Displays the total modifier for the Resistance, including all modifications (seen and unseen). Please note the “+” symbol in the upper right corner of this column.

Move & Init (Area G)

Magnifying Glass - Click the magnifying glass brings up a window that details the Base Movement Rate and Initiative in greater depth. It also provides the player a way to both see and apply modifiers to both areas. See “Area G - Move & Init” for the additional details.

Move - The final Base Movement Rate (BMR) of the character, as affected by various modifiers.

Move Shadow Dice - Allows the player to perform a “Movement MM” roll, plus appropriate modifiers. Please note that the Option “Optional Rules (GM): Other: Stat for Move Rolls” dictates which stats are used as modifiers for this roll.

Initiative - The last rolled Initiative of the character, which is impacted by various modifiers.

Initiative Shadow Dice - Allows the player to perform an Initiative roll, which automatically applies appropriate modifiers. Please note that the Option “Combat: Initiative: Dice used for Initiative” dictate the method of Initiative rolling. Please consult your GM for more details.

Exhaustion (Area H)

Provides a quick glance at the character’s exhaustion, both Maximum and current. Please note (as indicated by the field’s grey background) that this is a calculated value, and not modifiable. Additionally, there are three different options that the GM can use to help manage Exhaustion. They are found in the “Character (GM)” section of options, and are “Exhaustion: Automatically Track”, “Exhaustion: Multiply based on damage” and “Exhaustion: Penalty”. Please discuss any issues or concerns regarding exhaustion with your GM.

Max: The current maximum Exhaustion value of the character. This is primarily governed by the character’s Constitution stat.

Used: This indicates the character’s currently used exhaustion points. The values can be automatically tracked by the ruleset if the GM chooses to do so. Additionally, the player can update this value as needed.

Hits (Area I)

Informs the player of their character’s Hits. This area displays both the Maximum value and the current amount of damage. Please note that ‘Hits’ is a calculated value, and relies on the player properly completing the “Body Development” skill. Refer to “Character Sheet - Skills Tab’, specifically the ‘Body Development’ skill.

Max - The total Concussion Hits the character has.

Damage - (✤) The amount of current damage inflicted on the character.

Power Points (Area J)

Similar to the other areas, this section shows the player the character’s current Power Point (PP) status. Please note that these points are affected by two Options. “Optional Rules (GM): ChL #01: Bonus Based PPs” and “Optional Rules (GM): ChL #16: PP Development”. As usual, please discuss any questions regarding how the campaign handles PP’s with your GM.

Max: The character’s maximum total PP. Note that the small circled number in the upper right corner of this field shows the maximum number of spells allowed by their “Spell Adder”(if any).

Used: Similarly, this field indicates the character’s total used PPs. As in Max, the small circled number in the upper right corner indicates the total number of spells still able to be cast via their character’s “Spell Adder”.

Languages (Area K)

This details the various languages the character is trained in. Some languages are inherent in the character’s racial and cultural background, while others are obtained by training them via the Linguistics Skill. The various languages that can be learned are heavily dependent upon the setting, and are almost entirely determined by the GM.

Additionally, the listed languages allow the character to automatically understand Chat window conversations in other languages. This requires that the GM use (and map) additional languages to the campaigns languages, through the Language dialog found in Options. Please note that when the GM has mapped languages for the Campaign to use, that proper spelling of the entries is critical for proper functionality.

List editor button - This allows the player to add a new language to the list of the character’s known languages.

Language - Shows the name of the language as known in the campaign. Some special characters can be used here if needed.

Write - (✤) The ranks the character has in the written form of the language. If the language has no written form, then ask your GM how it should be listed.

Speak - (✤) The number of ranks the character has in the spoken form of the language. This could indicate transmitted languages too, such as purely mental languages. If the language has no spoken form, then ask your GM how it should be listed.

Stats Window

This window, accessible via the magnifying glass in the “Stats” section of the Main tab, gives the player all the relevant stat details regarding their character. Additionally, this window allows a player to generate initial stats for a new character, while at the same time allows for existing characters to make stat gain rolls.

Stat Name - The full name of the stat.

Shadow Dice - Allows you to perform a stat roll of the Temporary stat where the dice appear. The Stats ‘Total’ value is automatically added to the roll when it is performed.

Abbr - The abbreviation for the stat. These are used heavily throughout the character sheet, such as the Skills and Resistances areas.

Temp - This represents the character’s Temporary Stat, before modifications.

Pot - This indicates the character’s maximum Potential stat.

Bonus - This value indicates the bare bonus the character receives from their temporary stat, if any.

Race - Indicates the bonus to the Temporary stat from their racial selection.

Spec - (✤) This is a wildcard bonus, which can indicate a bonus from multiple areas. The values indicated here might represent background options, magical effects, equipment effects or even herbal bonuses. It is suggested that the reason for the various modifiers be kept track of on the Notes tab. 

Total - Displays the total bonus modifiers for the associated Temp stat. Please note the “+” symbol in the upper right corner of this column.

DP - This value indicates the amount of Development Points(DPs) the character obtains from their Temporary Stat. Note that these values are NOT affected by the various modifiers, only by Stat Gains (or losses) to the Temporary Stat.

Dmg - (✤) Indicates any kind of damage/penalty done to the bonus of the Temporary stat. The causes might include disease, poison, magic or other penalties. Note that values here do not affect the DPs assigned to a character.

Current - The current, calculated total bonus for this Temporary stat. If you notice, the grey color of the field indicates that this field is calculated and not directly modifiable.

Init Stat Gen Button - Provides a way for the player to generate the character’s initial stats. Please see “Window Stat Generation” for additional details.

Stat Gain - Gives the player an easy way to generate their Stat gain rolls, usually when gaining a new level. Please see “Window - Stat Gain” for additional details.

Resistances Window

This window, accessible via the Magnifying Glass in the “Resistances” section of the Main tab, gives the player much greater detail (and control) into the various Resistances the character has.

Bonus - This value indicates the bonus the character receives from their temporary stat, if any.

Race - Indicates the bonus to the Temporary stat from their racial selection.

Item - (✤) Displays any bonus the character has from an item they carry.

Spec - (✤) This is a wildcard bonus, which can indicate a bonus from multiple areas. The values indicated here might represent background options, magical effects, equipment effects or even herbal bonuses. It is suggested that the reason for the various modifiers be kept track of on the Notes tab. 

Misc - (✤) This is a wildcard bonus, which can indicate a bonus from multiple areas. The values indicated here might represent background options, magical effects, equipment effects or even herbal bonuses.It is suggested that the reason for the various modifiers be kept track of on the Notes tab. 

Total - Displays the total bonus modifiers for the associated Temp stat. Please note the “+” symbol in the upper right corner of this column.

Move & Init Window

This window provides the player a little more depth, and some control, of how the Base Movement Rate (BMR) and Initiative (Init) are calculated and tweaked. Please note that the impact of carried weight (see Inventory Tab - Encumbrance section) is not automatically reflected here. However, the Misc field can be used to record this appropriately.

Base Move Rate (Section A)

Race/Height - This field indicates the impact of either Race and/or Height to the BMR of the character. In this case, the height of the character is 5’8” (~ 173 cm), causing a “-5” reduction to the standard movement rate of the chosen racial background “Common Men”.

Stat - The impact, if any, of the character’s Temp stat. By default, an average of “AG/QU” is used, however please refer to the option “Optional Rules(GM) - Other: Stat for Move Rolls” to determine the specifics.

Misc - (✤) A location where the player can enter special modifiers to their BMR. This might include special equipment, talents or backgrounds.

Total - The total BMR of the character, after all modifiers have been applied.

Shadow Dice - When clicked, this generates a “Movement MM” roll, which is echoed to the Chat window.

Initiative (Section B)

Stat Bonus - Shows the effect of Quickness on the character’s Initiative rolls.

Misc Bonus - (✤) Allows the player to include a variety of modifiers for the character’s Initiative rolls. It is suggested that the reason for the modifier(s) be kept track of on the Notes tab.

Total Bonus - The total bonus for all Initiative modifiers. Please note the “+” symbol in the upper right corner of this column.

Initiative Result Shadow Dice - Used by the player to perform an Initiative roll, as determined by the options. Please refer to “Combat - Initiative: Dice used for Initiative” for what type of roll is performed. The Chat window records these rolls with the identifier of “[INITIATIVE]’

Initiative Result - The results of the last Initiative rolled by the player.

Stat Generation Window

The contents of this window will depend on the method of Stat generation selected by the GM, as set in the Campaign options(“Chl #07: Alternative Stat Generation Methods”).

Additionally, Initial Stat generation is also heavily influenced by two additional options regarding the treatment of stat rolls. The first, “Character: Stat Generation: Minimum acceptable roll” sets a value below which all rolls will be rerolled; by default this value is ‘20’. Additionally, the associated option “Character: Stat Generation: Always use minimum” determines where those minimal rolls are applied (Temp only, or Temp and Pot). Please refer to the Campaign’s Character Options entries for more information.

Furthermore, according to the Rolemaster Classic ruleset, the character’s “Primary” stats are automatically set to ‘90’, (both Temporary and Potential).

Please note that since many of the columns, icons and actions are similar, we will start with the “7.1: Random Fixed” generation method (as shown in the example). Relevant differences with the other two stat generation methods sections are discussed below.

Prime Stat - This indicates whether or not the stat is a Primary stat for the chosen Profession. Whatever value is rolled, these values are replaced with 90’s for both Temp and Pot.

Temp Roll - The generated roll for a particular Stat temporary value. Rerolls occur as determined by the options.

Pot Roll - The stat roll for a given Potential stat. Rerolls occur as determined by the options.

Shadow Dice - This allows the player to generate each stat type individually. Rerolls occur as determined by the options.

Temp - The value of the Temporary stat.

Pot - The value of the Potential stat.

Bonus - The current bonus, if any, provided by the associated Temp stat.

DPs - How many Development Points are generated by the value of the Temporary stat.

DP Total - The total Development Points generated by this character, given the current placement and value of the Temp stats.

Icon: Stat Pot table - Displays the table “05-01 Stats Potential Table”, which indicates how Stat potentials are generated.

Icon: Roll All - Instead of rolling each stat type individually, this button generates all die rolls at one time, assigning and rerolling the dice as necessary and determined by the options.

Icon: Apply - Assigns the rolls to the character.

Core: Random

Temp and potential stats are generated by 10 d100 rolls each. Potential stats are determined by referring to Table 5-01. Lastly, reordering the stats is allowed.

Of particular notice here are the up and down arrows next to each stat. This allows the character to reorder their stat values, swapping the associated Stat with the one in the direction indicated/clicked. Be aware that when moving a stat up or down multiple lines, you need to move and click your pointer on the correct up/down arrow as the stat moves with each click.

7.1 Random Fixed

Temp stats are generated by 10 d100 rolls, and placed into the stats in order of roll; no player rearrangement is allowed. The Potential stats are calculated as in Core:Random.

Refer to the image at the start of the “Window - Stat Generation” section for a full example of using this generation method.

7.2 Three Column

Three sets of 10 d100 are rolled. From this set of three, the player reorders the sets, selecting one to represent their temporary stats, and another to represent their Potential Stat (the third set is unused). The player can then reorder their temp stats as they see fit.

The notable addition to this method are the Left and Right arrows at the bottom of the three randomly rolled columns. These allow the player to arrange the three columns as they wish. The third column will be discarded upon player acceptance.

Stat Gain Window

This window provides the ability for the player to improve their character’s stats when it is determined they need to do so. Typically this occurs when the character moves from one level to the next.

Temp - This is the character’s Pot stat before any changes.

Pot - The character’s Potential for the given stat.

Difference - Shows the numerical difference between the Temp and Pot stats.

Roll - What the roll used to determine how the stat changed.

Result - Shows the change to the Temporary Stat, which can be determined by using the “Stat Gain Table” icon.

New Temp - The value of the character’s new Temp stat.

Icon: Stat Gain Table - Displays the table “05-02 Stat Gain Table”, which illustrates how stat gains occur.

Character Sheet - Combat Tab

This is where the character’s vital information regarding combat abilities and equipment is shown and aggregated. The sections are self explanatory..

Please note that equipment items listed in drop down boxes in the ‘Equipped Armor, Weapons & Power Point Item’ section are directly tied to items on the Inventory Tab. This means that inventory items are shown for selection, regardless of whether or not the Inventory tab indicates the item Equipped, Carried or Not Carried. This means that if a character deletes an item from their inventory, that item is removed from the appropriate drop-down box on this tab. For example: a character has a Shield equipped in their ‘Secondary Hand’, which provides a Shield bonus to DB. If the shield was deleted from the character’s inventory, the ‘Secondary Hand’ drop-down choice would go empty, and the DB modifier would similarly be affected. Please note that it may take a bit for the removal to appear.

Lastly, items listed here correctly reflect special attributes (like item names,bonuses, spell adders, etc...). In the example, the OB of the character with their special quarterstaff is ‘42’, which is an automated calculation derived from the character’s skill, as well as a +15 modifier (Background Option) on the Quarterstaff itself.


Attacks and Defenses - As indicated in the example, this section shows the character’s attacks from a variety of sources. Weapons and Shields are automatically populated from the players Inventory Tab, however Martial Arts and Spell Attacks must be added individually.The name of the attack may be modified by using the Iron Crown symbol to show it’s properties and unlocking it for editing. However, as shown in the example, there is limited space for the name.

OB - Offensive Bonus. This is a calculated value, and shows the total bonus for the attack from all sources.

Fum - The fumble range of the attack.

Range Modifications - This shows how range affects the attack (if it does).

Martial Arts Button

Allows the player to select a specific type of Martial art that they wish to list here in the Attack section.  As shown in the example, all four ranks of Martial arts are shown, for both Sweeps and Strikes.

Spell Attacks Button

Allows the player to select a specific spell attack, from a pre-generated list. This includes the standard Bolt and Ball attacks, but also a ‘Base Attack Spell’ which could indicate any number of different attacks.

Equipped Armor, Weapons and Power Point Items

Allows the player, via the drop down boxes, to choose which  equipment is used to calculate the various game modifiers.

Armor - The drop down consists of all the Armor category items in the players Inventory.

Helmet - The drop down consists of all the Helmet category items in the players Inventory.

Primary Hand - The drop down consists of all the Weapon items in the players Inventory.

Secondary Hand - The drop down consists of Weapon items that can be used in the off hand, such as throwing weapons and One Handed slashing as well as Shields. Please note that this field can be equipped regardless of what is used in the primary hand. In the example shown, although the character has a Two-Handed weapon equipped, the player can still choose to list a Long Sword in the Secondary Hand. Lastly, Shields do not currently update the Attacks and Defenses section. 

Spell Adder/PP Multiplier - Allows the player to select one item that influences Power Points. The impact of this is displayed on the Main Tab, Power Points section, as shown in the example to the right. Please note, due to the way that the ruleset works, only ONE item can be utilized for such modifications. Should the player have multiple items that provide such a modification then the recommended way to handle this is to make a notation on the Notes tab, then modify one item so that it incorporates both of the PP modifiers.

Armor Protection by Location

When a particular piece of Armor is equipped, the ruleset will automatically update these fields to reflect the type of protection provided. For example: you will see in the example that the Head and Torso are protected by Leather, while the arms and legs are protected by Metal. No face or Neck protection is provided from the equipped armor. For more information on what kind of protection 

Armor Type and Defensive Bonus

Note that all of these fields are locked from editing, with the exception of the ‘Other’ field in the Defensive Bonus section.

Armor Type - This indicates the type of armor as described by the RMC system. In the example provided, the character is wearing armor ‘AT 10’.

Stat - Shows the impact, if any, of the character’s QU bonus.

Magic - Shows the cumulative impact, if any, from any special bonuses the character has from their armor. Thus, if a character had two pieces of equipment that provided a +5 DB bonus, this field would show a combined +10 bonus.

AD - Short for Adrenal Defense. This provides the character’s bonus they have from training Adrenal Defense. Please note that this field is dependent upon two things; first the character cannot be wearing armor (AT 1), and secondly the option “Auto Calculate: Adrenal Defense” needs to be enabled by the GM in the Campaign Options.

Shield - When a shield is held (such as indicated in the ‘Secondary Hand’ drop down in the ‘Equipped’ section), any Shield bonus is displayed here. Please note that DB bonuses due to magic, quality or material will appear in the ‘Magic’ field.

Other - (✤) A location where the player can enter special modifiers to their DB. This might include special talents, magical effects, injuries or background options.

Total - The total DB of the character, after all modifiers have been applied.

Armor Maneuver Modifications

Most of these values come directly from the equipment being worn, and can be viewed by looking at the item’s properties on the Inventory sheet.

Min - Minimum Maneuver Modification indicates the Moving Maneuver penalty (if any) which is applied to combatants who are fully trained in maneuvering while wearing the given armor type.

Max - Maximum Maneuver Modification indicates the Moving Maneuver penalty (if any) being applied to a combatant who is totally untrained in the given armor type.

MM Pen - Shows what penalty is being given due to the armor being worn.

MM Pen Shadow Dice - Provides the player ready access to a ‘Generic Moving Maneuver’ roll. Double-click the dice to make the roll, however please refer to the option “Optional Rules(GM) - Other: Stat for MM Rolls” to determine the specifics.

Mis Pen - Missile Penalty. This modifier acts as a penalty to the missile OB for a combatant wearing the given armor. 

Qu Pen - Indicates the penalty to the Stat bonus for Quickness. Note this penalty can only reduce the armor wearer's Quickness Stat bonus. It will not reduce a combatant's overall DB below the level that it would be at with a zero Quickness stat bonus. This penalty can be offset by the character’s Strength bonus.

Character Sheet - Skills Tab

At the heart of Rolemaster are the vast number of skills available for the players character to access. Informationally dense, this page is a cornerstone of the RMC ruleset. Please note that some column names can be used to sort the skills. Thus clicking on ‘Rank’ will sort the list by ‘Rank’ Ascending the first time, and Descending the next. Also, the skills may be listed categorically by right-clicking in the ‘Skills’ list and selecting ‘Group’.

Iron Crown - Clicking this icon will pull up a separate window containing more detail for the skill and also allows for it to be edited. Please refer to: Window - Skill Properties’ for more information.

Skills - This field lists the name of the skill, typically as found in the Skills section of Character Law. However, in some cases the skill name will be different from the listed name. The primary example of this is weapons, and is illustrated by the example. The “Two Handed Weapon” skill has been renamed to ‘W - Quarterstaff - 2H (St/St/Ag)’. Similarly the ‘W2 - Net Gladiator - Thr (St/Ag/Ag)’’ skill is listed, instead of the default ‘Thrown Weapons’.

Skills Shadow Dice - Where appropriate, a set of shadow dice appear within the skill entry allowing the player to make a skill roll. Tip: Frequently used skill rolls can be dragged to the shortcuts in the bottom toolbar for easy access.

Calc - This field is short for “Skill Calculation” , and shows how the skill is both interpreted and acted upon by the Fantasy Grounds ruleset. The options include:

  • Base - Basic progression (rank * 5) Used for skills like Maneuvering in armor.

  • Hits - The character’s Base Hits, thus making the ‘Rk Bn’ field a manually maintained field. Here, the rolls for each Body Development rank are accumulated. Thus a character with 3 ranks in BD, with rolls of (7, 8, 9) needs ‘24’ entered here). This value directly feeds into multiple areas across the character sheet.  This calculation type also changes the stat bonus for the skill so that it acts as a percentage multiplier instead of adding to the skill total bonus.

  • Man - Short for Manual calculation. This indicates that this skill is manually maintained. This is used for some special skills, such as Ambush and Linguistics and learning Spell Lists. Please see the Character Law Reference, or consult with your GM for more information.

  • PP - Indicates this Skill influences the way that Power Points are gained, particularly when option “ChL #16: PP Development” enabled.

  • Std - Standard Progression for rank bonuses; thus a bonus of 5 for each rank up to 10, 2 per for ranks 11-20, 1 per for ranks 21-30, and ½ a point for ranks of 31+.

Cost - This indicates the Development Point cost to develop this skill, as defined for each Profession in the Rolemaster core rules.

Rank - This indicates the number of times the character has bought a training rank in this skill with their development points.

Rk Bn - Primarily used to indicate the bonus obtained from the skills ranks. In some cases, such as Body Development, the player uses this field to keep track of the character's trained Hits. For example, in the example shown, the player has indicated they have ‘13’ hits through development of the “Body Development” skill. This is determined by die rolls using their racial background’s hit die. For a ‘Common Man’, this is a ‘D8’, and they have rolled 2 such rolls, as indicated by the ranks in this skill. 

Stat - Shows the character’s stat modifiers for the skill. Each skill indicates the two (or sometimes three) stats that impact the skill.

Level - (✤) Shows what level modifiers the character has. These need to be manually entered and maintained each level. Please see the Character Law Reference, or consult with your GM for more information regarding level bonuses.

Item - (✤) Allows the player to indicate how a carried item impacts a skill. For example, a standard lock pick kit will add a +5 bonus to the skill ‘Pick Locks’.

Spec - (✤) This is a wildcard bonus, which can indicate a bonus from other sources. The values indicated here might represent background options, magical effects, equipment effects or even herbal bonuses.

For example, in the Skills tab example shown above, the player has indicated that there is a +10 bonus to their ‘W - Quarterstaff - 2H (St/St/Ag)’ skill. In this case, this was due to a Background option selected, and noted on the character’s Notes tab. It is suggested that the reason for the various modifiers be kept track of on the Notes tab.

Misc - (✤) This is another wildcard bonus, which can indicate an additional bonus from other sources. As for the Spec bonus, the values indicated here might represent background options, magical effects, equipment effects or even herbal bonuses. It is suggested that the reason for the various modifiers be kept track of on the Notes tab. 

Total - Displays the combined modifiers for the associated Skill.

Skill Dev Button - This will open a window to assist with skill development. Refer to the next section: “Window - Skill Development” for further information.

Window - Skill Development

This window is the area where the player will primarily select and develop their skills. Please note that all columns can be sorted, just as on the main Skill Tab, with the exception of ‘New’ and ‘DPs’. Skills may be listed categorically by right-clicking in the ‘Skills’ list and selecting ‘Group’.

Sections A-C display the same information as the Skills Tab on the main Character Record (see above). Section D is where a player makes choices about skill development when they ‘level up’ their character. The consequences of development choices are shown in Section E.

Skill Name (Section A)

Skills - Indicates the name of the skill, although this can be changed by editing the skill (using the Iron Crown Icon). Weapons can be edited with different names, allowing the player to better track weapons and their associated skill costs. For example, in the image to the right, you will notice that both the ‘Two Handed’ and ‘Thrown’ weapons have had their names changed to better reflect the actual weapon skill the character has developed.

Iron Crown Icon - Allows the player to view skill details.

Shadow Dice - Allows the player to perform a skill roll, with all modifiers, skill ranks, etc... applied.

Costs and Ranks (Section B)

Calc - Shows the calculation method used for the skill. See the prior section “Calc” field to see details on the various calculation methods.

Cost - This indicates the cost of developing the skill for this particular character, as defined for each Profession.

Rank - This indicates the number of times the character has bought a training rank in this skill with their development points.

Rk Bn - Primarily used to indicate the bonus obtained from the skills ranks. In some cases, such as Body Development, the player uses this field to keep track of the character's trained Hits.

Stat - Shows how the character’s stat impacts the skill. Each skill indicates the two (or sometimes three) stats that impact the skill.

Modifiers (Section C)

Please note that, with the exception of Total (Tot.), ALL of the fields in this section are manually maintained.

Level - (✤) Shows what level modifiers the character has, as indicated in the Rolemaster core rules.

Item - (✤) Allows the player to indicate how a carried item impacts a skill. It is suggested that the reason for the various modifiers be kept track of on the Notes tab. An example of that can be seen to the right.

Spec - (✤) This is a wildcard bonus, which can indicate a bonus from multiple areas. It is suggested that the reason for the various modifiers be kept track of on the Notes tab.

Misc - (✤) This is a wildcard bonus, which can indicate a bonus from multiple areas. It is suggested that the reason for the various modifiers be kept track of on the Notes tab.

Total - Displays the combined modifiers for the associated Skill.

Skill Type and DPs (Section D)

Class - This indicates whether or not the skill is a Primary Skill, or a Secondary skill. Note that this determines which Development Points (DPs) are spent when a skill is developed.

New - (✤) This field is used by the player to enter the number of ranks they wish to purchase for the given skill, in this development cycle. Thus if someone wished to purchase two ranks of ‘Ambush’, they would enter ‘2’ here.

DPs - This indicates, based on the Skills cost, how many Development Points have been spent purchasing ranks for this skill. Thus, a player buying two ranks in a skill with a cost of ‘1/4', would have ‘5’ listed here; 1 for the first rank, and 4 for the second.

DP Status (Section E)

In this section, the character’s Development Point totals are shown. One section for the character’s Primary Skills and a second one for their Secondary skills. Since the fields are so similar, there will only be one explanation for each of the three sets.

Avail - Shows the total amount of Development Points the character has available to them. This is derived from their “Development Stats” values, not their modifiers.

Cost - Shows how many Development Points the character has used.

Rem - Shows the total remaining Development Points the character has left to spend.

Add and Remove (Section F)

Primary skill Table - Displays the Primary skills table from Character Law. Skills can be dragged and dropped from that table into the Skills section.

Secondary Skill Table - Displays the Secondary skills table from Character Law. As before, skills can be dragged and dropped from that table into the Skills section.

Add All Primary - This adds all the Primary skills to the Skills section of this window. Note, that if you have renamed an existing Primary skill, such as ‘Weapon 1’ and you click this button, it WILL be added again.

Add All Secondary - This adds all the Secondary skills to the Skills section of this window. Note that as for Primary Skills, if you have renamed an existing Secondary skill, such as ‘Lore General’ and you click this button, it WILL be added again.

Remove Untrained Primary - This will remove every Primary skill from the Skills section that does not have at least one rank developed. This includes manually added skills. For example, if the player adds all six of their base Spell Lists as a convenience to indicate those they can train, clicking this button will wipe those entries unless they have at least one rank developed in them.

Remove Untrained Secondary - This will remove every Primary skill from the Skills section that does not have at least one rank developed.

Updating the Character to Reflect Chosen Skill Development (Section G)

Actions which primarily act upon the ‘New’ field.

Clear New Ranks - Clears all entries in the ‘New’ field column.

Remove New Ranks - Takes from the ‘Rank’ field the number indicated in the New field. Thus if someone had inadvertently hit the ‘Add New Ranks’ button, they could undo that by clicking this button once.

Add New Ranks - Applies the new ranks to the character, increasing the particular skill rank by the amount indicated in the ‘New’ field. Please note that the ‘New’ field is NOT cleared after hitting this button. This is so that the player can easily track a set of skills they wish to develop during their next development session.

Skill Properties Window

This window, accessible by clicking the “Iron Crown” symbol next to any skill, provides the player the ability to modify that particular skill. This window gives finer detail about the skill, and allows the player to edit the skill if necessary. 

Type - Indicates the type of skill that is being shown. The values include:

  • Offensive Bonus

  • Special

  • Maneuver, Moving

  • Maneuver, Static

Group - Allows a player to group skills under common categories. Defaults are provided, but if a player wants to develop their own category (for example ‘Common Used Skills’) they can. The choice here is reflected in the Skills tab when the player Groups skills.

Progression - The same as the ‘Calc’ column mentioned in the discussion of the main Skill Tab. The available values are:

  • Base - Basic progression (rank * 5) Used for skills like Maneuvering in armor.

  • Hits - The character’s Base Hits, thus making the ‘Rk Bn’ field a manually maintained field. Here, the rolls for each Body Development rank are accumulated. Thus a character with 3 ranks in BD, with rolls of (7, 8, 9) needs ‘24’ entered here). This value directly feeds into multiple areas across the character sheet.  This calculation type also changes the stat bonus for the skill so that it acts as a percentage multiplier instead of adding to the skill total bonus.

  • Man - Short for Manual calculation. This indicates that this skill is manually maintained. This is used for some special skills, such as Ambush and Linguistics and learning Spell Lists. Please see the Character Law Reference, or consult with your GM for more information.

  • PP - Indicates this Skill influences the way that Power Points are gained, particularly when option “ChL #16: PP Development” enabled.

  • Std - Standard Progression for rank bonuses; thus a bonus of 5 for each rank up to 10, 2 per for ranks 11-20, 1 per for ranks 21-30, and ½ a point for ranks of 31+.

Stats - Indicates the character stats that affect the skill. Most skills are influenced by two stats, however (as shown in the example), combat skills can have as many as three. Stat abbreviations are used to record the modifiers, each separated by the forward slash (‘/’).

Armor Pen - Short for Armor Penalty. It acts as a multiplier of the armor penalty.  This defaults to zero for static maneuvers and one for most movement maneuvers.  Swimming has a default value of 3.

Notes - Used to indicate specific notes about the skill. Especially useful for Campaign specific skills or modifications that the GM allows.

Description - Boilerplate text that is entirely editable by the player and GM.

Character Sheet - Spells Tab

This page provides the player a way to track various spell lists, and their progress towards learning them. 

Add Spell Lists (Section 1)

View Realm - This area consists of two different items; the ‘View Realm’ drop down list and the ‘View Realm Lists’ button.

View Realm drop-down - This can be used to select or change the Spell casting realm order to view or select spells. Please note that the list will default to the character’s spell realm. If the character has more than one realm (Hybrid casters), then only one of the realms is listed. Lastly, if the character has no spell casting ability, then the lists will default to Channeling.

View Realm Lists button - This button opens the Realm listing as selected by its companion drop-down list.

Spell Category - This area narrows down the ‘View Realm’ selection, allowing the player to easily add the categories of the Realm. This might include the Open and Closed lists, or various Professions Base spellcasting lists.

Spell Category drop-down - Similar to the ‘View Realm’, this button allows the player to select or change the spell list category they wish to select (for example ‘Mentalist’). It defaults to an empty entry.

Add Category Lists button - This button adds spells as defined by the Category and Realm drop-down lists. Note that this button adds ALL the spells of the chosen area. Lastly, these spells are listed for convenience.

Spell List - This area allows the player to browse and select a specific spell list that they are interested in having the character learn.

Spell list drop-down - This allows the character to select a specific spell list from the drop down. Please note that the selections are restricted by the Category and Realm drop-down lists.

Add Spell List button - Adds the spell (as designated in the ‘Spell List’ drop-down) to the character.

Spell Listing area (Section 2)

This section of the Spell tab gives the player a more detailed understanding of what spell lists the character has available.

Spell Lists - This is the name of the spell list, as chosen by the character. In this example, you can see the 6 Base lists the player has chosen for their Cleric character. As usual, the Iron Crown icon can be used to examine the Spell List in more detail.

Type - The same as Category above, this illustrates the area from which the spell comes. In the example, it shows that the player has chosen to list Cleric Base lists.

Base - An indicator of whether or not the spell list is a ‘Base’ list of the character.

Level - This column indicates the level to which a character has learned a particular spell list, and indicates the highest level spell currently learned. Thus in the example shown, this character has learned the Spell List ‘Protections’ all the way up to level 10. Should they learn the next section of spells in the Protections Spell list, then this would be changed to a greater value.

Chance Shadow Dice - These dice are used to perform the character’s Spell Gain roll. The chance is based on the number of skill ranks spent to learn this list.

Chance - This field indicates what the chance is that the character can learn a given list. If, as in the example, the character has spent DPs (10 in the example) to learn this list, then they have a 5% chance per rank of learning this list. Should the player then wish to make a spell acquisition roll, 50% would be added to their Spell Gain roll. If the Spell Gain roll should fail (a modified roll under 100), then the player should leave the Chance field untouched until such a time as they can add and develop the skill more. However, should the roll succeed, then three things need to happen:

  • The Chance field is emptied for that particular Spell List

  • The level to which that Spell list is learned is entered into the ‘Level’ field, typically 10. Please refer to section 3.2 of Spell Law, or consult with your GM, for more details.

  • The listed Skill ranks for that Spell List (on the Skills tab) have to be erased. For that matter, some players remove the Spell List from the Skills list completely, so that they don’t get confused by multiple lists. That decision is left to you and your GM.

Character Sheet - Inventory Tab

Shows the player the list of items that the Character is carrying as they participate in the Campaign. Correctly interpreting this page requires a good understanding how Rolemaster differentiates weight “worn” and weight “carried”.


The primary way items are added here is through the use of the ‘Items’ sidebar icon. Open the icon, narrow the choices down via the filters on the bottom of the window (if necessary), and drag the item(s) you wish to add onto the Equipment list on the Inventory tab. Note however that items, such weapons from ICE’s ‘Fantasy’ Weapons module, require your GM to make them available.

# - Indicates the quantity of items of this particular type that the character is carrying.

Name - The name of the item. This value can be edited and changed, such as the quarterstaff listed in the example, by editing the item.

Location - (✤) This indicates where the item is carried. User entered, this has no impact on the rest of the character sheet. However, should an entry indicate another item as it’s location, then the list will be re-arranged in a hierarchical manner, showing what items are found under another (as shown in the example).

Wt: This shows the individual item weight, such as ‘2’ for the Lantern (in the example). However, if the character was to have multiple lanterns, then the weight here would still indicate ‘2’.

DW: This shows the amount of “deadweight” that the character is carrying; that is weight that is not being worn (like the armor and helmet). The deadweight values are used to calculate Encumbrance, as shown in the ‘Encumbrance’ section found at the bottom of the window. Please note that for ‘Equipped’ armor, this field will show zero. For more information, please consult your GM and/or the reference section of “Character Law”.

Carried/Equipped icon: This field allows the player to indicate whether or not the item is “Carried”, “Equipped”, or “Not Carried”, with an icon indicating each status. If the item is “Not Carried”, it still lists a weight, but the ‘DW’ field shows no impact to encumbrance. For ‘Equipped’ items, unless it is worn armor, it counts towards total carried weight (and thus Encumbrance). However, in the case of Armor, the weight is negated by the ruleset. For example, notice how the weight of the “Leather Breastplate and Greaves” shows a DW of ‘0’, but the ‘Leather Coat’ shows ‘20’. That is because one set is being worn (the ‘Leather Breastplate and Greaves’), but the other one is being carried (the ‘Leather Coat’).

Iron Crown - Allows the player to see and/or edit the details of the item in question.


The coin names come from the campaign, as designated by the GM. The currency names can be customized by your GM by using the Options window’s ‘Currencies’ button. If they are not customized, then defaults are used to indicate the currency names. These are manually maintained fields.


This section details the impact of carried weight to the character’s Base Movement Rate.

Allowance - The “weight allowance” of a character, roughly equal to 10% of their own weight.

Load - The amount of “dead weight” or carried equipment the character has.

Penalty - Delineates the penalty to BMR due to the weight of carried equipment.

Stat - Shows how the character’s Strength bonus impacts any BMR penalties due to too much carried weight.

Misc - (✤) This is a wildcard bonus, which can indicate a bonus or penalty from multiple areas. It is suggested that the reason for the various modifiers be kept track of on the Notes tab for easy future reference.

Total - Displays the total of the modifiers that will be applied to BMR.

Character Sheet - Notes Tab

This page displays a variety of information about the player's character. This is purely informational text about the character, and it does allow for dragging results from various sections of the tabletop into this sheet (such as from the chat window). Please note that whatever text is entered here, it has no impact on any automated functions provided by the ruleset.  Additionally, each individual section on this tab will expand past the viewable space as needed, and can be viewed by using the scroll bar in that area.

Appearance: As the appearance section suggests, more detailed appearance, demeanor and attitudes can be entered here for a more full character background.

Notes: Is a grab-bag of various information, organized and maintained by the player. For example, in the example you see to the right, the player is keeping track of certain information obtained during the Background creation of their character.

GM Notes: Only the GM can view/edit these. This section provides the GM a place to keep track of various things about the character. This might include additional information about certain magical items, particular injuries that the player needs to keep track of, or any of a wide variety of information that might need to be recorded or otherwise lost.

Lastly, it is suggested that if a player wishes to maintain detailed notes regarding the campaign or game, that the Sidebar icon ‘Notes’ should be used.

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