Savage Worlds Character Sheet

Savage Worlds Character Sheet

Character Sheet Overview

The Savage Worlds character sheet is comprised of several individual sheets organized by tabs along the right hand side. The sheets contain the following information.

  • Main: Edges, Hindrances and Abilities. Also Character's race, age, description and allies

  • Traits: Attributes, Derived Stats, Skills, Wounds and Fatigue tracker, XP and languages

  • Combat: Details of combat actions

  • Powers: Details of all Powers known to the character.

  • Inventory: Equipment carried, equipped or used by the character split across a number of tabs as well as accumulated currency and details of encumbrance.

  • Notes: Character notes

It is possible that there will be other tabs here; for example if you are using the Savage Worlds Adventure Deck then a new tab will appear on the character sheet allowing cards to be viewed and used.

Common Sheet

At the top of each sheet remains a static section shown on the graphic to the right. Details of this section follow:

  • Name: Click on the line to enter a name for the character.

  • Wild Card: Note the symbol to the right of the name. The exact icon which appears will depend on the setting being used but in all cases this indicates that the character is a 'Wild Card'. Right click over this icon to bring up a radial menu from which you can toggle the wild card on or off and also select the default wild card dice (usually a d6).

  • Setting: Click on the line to type in the setting in which the character will be playing. The small icon next to this can be clicked on to bring up a small dialog box. This can be used to type in modifiers for this particular setting. Click on the line to type in the name of the modifier and use CTRL+mouse wheel to increment or decrement the modifier or simply type in a value. The value can be positive or negative. To add more modifiers right click and select 'Create Item' from the radial menu. To delete a modifier right click and select delete from the radial menu. The modifiers here do not directly impact on any other part of the character sheet and should be seen as informative rather than active.

  • Race: To populate this line it is suggested that the race be dragged and dropped here from the source material. For example open the Savage Worlds player guide and click on the 'races' section. Now click and hold on the small icon to the left of the race you want to play and drag it to the race line in the character sheet. The benefit of this is that this creates a link to the source material for future reference. The name of the race can now be edited without disturbing the link - for example dragging in 'Dwarves' can be edited to the more aesthetic 'Dwarf'. If you change your mind a new race can be dragged in and this will overwrite the entry and create a new link. If drag/drop is not available then the race can simply be entered by clicking and typing a name. No other part of the character sheet will be directly impacted by creating an entry here.

  • Rank: Click on this line and type in a rank for your character. Savage Worlds recognises 5 ranks, being Novice, Seasoned, Veteran, Heroic and Legendary, however the name on the character sheet rank can be anything that you want.

  • Character Summary: This small dialog can be opened by clicking on the '+' icon at the end of the 'Rank' line. It shows a summary of the points which the character has invested in attributes and skills as well as the number of edges and experience points (EXP) earned and any Hindrances that the character has. The 'Rank here will equate to one of the ranks recognised by Savage Worlds. So, for example, a character with 26 XP will have the 'Seasoned' rank but on the character sheet she might have the rank of Sergeant. Additionally this summary dialog will also show the number of advances available to the character.


  • XP: This box shows the number of experience points that the character has earned. Both GM and players can edit this figure either by clicking and typing in a value or by CTRL+mouse wheel up or down. Fantasy Grounds will track the XP and will note in the character summary (see above) what the character's rank is and how many advances the character has. XP is usually awarded by the GM at the end of each gaming session.

  • Bennies: The 'Bennies' (slang term for 'benefits') box shows how many of these the character has left. The actual amount of Bennies the character has will vary according to a whole range of factors. A player can right click over the Bennies box to bring up a radial menu which allows for the player to use Bennies to either make a reroll, soak wounds or remove shaken. See below for details on shaken and wound soaking. If the character has no Bennies left no roll will be made. Note that players cannot directly edit the amount of Bennies; only the GM can do that.

  • Portrait: By clicking on the box next to the 'Bennies' box the player or GM can open up the portraits dialog. From here a portrait for the player can be selected either by dragging and dropping into the portrait icon or by double clicking a portrait in the dialog. The small speech bubble at the top right of the portrait can be used by the GM to add this character to his list of 'speakers'. Likewise a player who is controlling more than one character can use this to select which of the characters will 'speak' when she types in chat.

  • Token: To give the character a token open the 'Tokens' dialog from the menu down the right hand side of the main interface and drag a token onto the small icon at the top right of the character sheet. Generally this will be done by the GM but if tokens have been shared with players it is possible for them to do this as well. Note that if a portrait has already been selected then the space for the token will already contain a smaller version of the portrait. This can be overwritten by dragging in a token; it can also be cleared by right clicking and selecting 'clear token' from the radial menu. Tokens are used to represent the character on the Combat Tracker and on any battlemaps. NOTE: If the GM has selected the option 'No Power Points' to 'Off' and the character has selected an Arcane Type then the Token icon will not be visible. To allocate a token 'No Power Points' should be set to 'On', a token allocated and then the option reset back to 'Off'.

  • Power Points: This will only appear if the conditions stated above are true. It simply shows the total power points and the amount the character has left. Both boxes can be edited by player or GM. The amount of power points granted and/or used is not automated in the character sheet.

  • Mini Sheet: Finally players can click on the small icon to the bottom right of this section of the character sheet to open the mini sheet. More information on the mini sheet is given below.

Main Sheet

This sheet contains most of the important information relating to the character.


  • There are 5 attributes, Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength and Vigor.

  • Attributes are expressed in terms of a dice value starting with the lowest being a d4 and ascending through d6, d8, d10 and capping at d12. Starting character's attributes all default to a d4.

  • Each point of increase or decrease changes the value of the dice by 1; so a value of d6 can be increased by 1 point to a d8 or decreased to a value of d4.


  • It is possible to increase the d12 by one or two points. This does not add any further dice however but simply one or two points. Such an increase is shown as a small bubble with the appropriate value in the bottom right of the dice.

  • To edit an attribute dice hover over the dice icon and use CTRL+mouse wheel up or down to change the value.

  • An attribute can also have a value assigned by right clicking over the dice beside the attribute and selecting 'Assign Dice' from the radial menu.

  • Attribute dice can have bonuses assigned to them by right clicking and selecting 'Bonuses' from the radial menu. This brings up a small dialog. Type in a description of the bonus in the line provided and assign a value (either negative or positive) by CTRL+mouse wheel up or down or by typing a value directly into the box. Additional bonuses can be added by right clicking in the dialog and selecting 'Create Item' from the radial menu. Existing bonuses can be deleted by right clicking on them and selecting 'delete item' from the radial menu.

  • The accumulated result of any such bonuses (whether negative or positive) will appear next to the attribute dice as a small bubble with the value of the bonus in it.

  • Attributes can also be boosted or lowered by right clicking over the dice and selecting 'Boost/Lower' from the radial menu. Boosting a dice by one increases the dice to the next highest level. For example a d6 would become a d8. A small green arrow will appear to show that the dice has been boosted. If it is boosted a second time then two green arrows will appear. A lowered dice is shown with a red arrow or if lowered twice with two red arrows. Boosting a d12 will show the green arrows and a small bubble with +1 or +2 in the lower right of the dice. A d4 cannot be lowered. Boosted and lowered dice can be reset by selecting the 'default' option from the 'boost/lower' radial menu.

  • To make an attribute roll double click on the dice or click and drag the dice into the dice roller.

  • Note that when making such a roll Fantasy Grounds knows that the character is a 'Wild Card' and will roll the additional d6 that this state allows.

  • Furthermore if either or both of the rolls comes up with an 'Ace' (a maximum value such as a 6 on a d6) Fantasy Grounds will automatically make the additional roll (and will continue making any further rolls should the 'Ace' dice also be an Ace).

  • Fantasy Grounds will then show the final dice roll in chat, taking the highest value of all the dice rolls.

  • Any numerical bonuses to the particular roll will be added to the final result.

  • For example if a character with an agility of d10 with a bonus of +1 makes an agility roll then a d10 and a d6 are rolled. If the d10 came up with a 4 and the d6 with a 6 then the d6 is rolled again. If the result of that is a 2 then the 6 is added to the 2 before the bonus of 1 is figured in for a final total of 9.

Derived Statistics

The numbers on this part of the sheet are dependant upon or derived from certain aspects of the character's attributes, hindrances or edges. In each case the 'Base' value is shown down the left hand side. The numbers found to the right of the statistic's name is the base value as altered by any modifiers and is the value which is used when any of these statistics come into play.


  • This is the character's movement speed and it defaults to six.

  • The number in the box cannot be directly edited but modifiers can be applied which will alter the final value.

  • To add, delete or edit modifiers right click on the number in the white box and select 'Modifiers' from the radial menu to open the modifiers dialog.

  • Add a modifier by typing in a description in the line provided and then edit the number in the box either by CTRL+mouse wheel or by clicking in the box and typing a number.

  • The number can be positive or negative.

  • To add another modifier right click within the dialog and select 'Create Item' from the radial menu.

  • To delete a modifier right click on it and select delete from the menu.

  • Note the small tick box to the left of the modifier. This can be used to switch the modifier off or on.

  • For example suppose you wanted to create a Dwarven character. Dwarves have a Pace of only 5 so a modifier would need to be created to reduce the default value by 1 point as shown on the graphic to the right.

  • The final value for Pace will be the accumulated bonuses or penalties as applied to the default value of 6.


  • Parry is a measure of how hard your character is to hit.

  • It's base value is 2 plus half of your character's fighting skill. If your character has no fighting skill the base value will be 2.

  • Fantasy Grounds will automatically calculate the base value.

  • Should the fighting skill increase or decrease or be modified in any way, Parry will be dynamically updated by Fantasy Grounds.

  • In addition to base value Parry can also have bonuses from a shield or from certain weapons. Such bonuses are not calculated automatically by Fantasy Grounds and so modifiers will need to be created for them.

  • To create, edit or delete a modifier for Parry right click on the number in the white box and select 'Modifiers' from the radial menu.

  • In the modifiers dialog type a name for the modifier and enter a value (either positive or negative) by CTRL+mouse wheel or click and type a value.

  • Add new modifiers by right clicking in the dialog and selecting 'Create Item'.

  • To delete a modifier right click on it and select 'Delete Item' from the radial menu.

  • Note the small icon to the left of the modifier which can be used to switch the modifier off or on.

  • Note also that if the character has a numerical bonus to a stat used in calculating Parry, half of the fixed modifier is added rounded down. So, for example, a fighting skill of d12 + 1 adds 6 to Parry whereas if the skill is d12 + 2 then 7 is added.


  • The toughness statistic shows the target number that is required for a damage roll to cause harm to the character.

  • The base calculation is 2 plus half of the character's Vigor.

  • As with Parry Fantasy Grounds calculates the base value and will dynamically alter the value if Vigor should ever change.

  • Note the additional small box to the left of the Toughness total box. This is the character's armor box.

  • If the character has armor in his inventory that armor and it's associated bonus is added automatically to the armor modifiers box but the bonus is not applied.

  • To view the armors right click over the small box with the shield icon and select modifiers. This will then bring up a dialog with all of the armors listed together with their potential bonus.

  • Entries in this dialog can be edited, deleted and added to in the same way as the dialog for Parry and Pace.

  • Players can then use the small check box to the left of the armor to select which armor that the character is actually wearing. Note the character can only wear one type of armor at a time. Armor bonuses (even those which cover a specific body part only) do not stack. For example in the graphic to the right the player has the choice of one of the three armors which the character owns. He should not select more than one of the armors. NOTE: Fantasy Grounds will not prevent the player from selecting multiple armours.

  • If any armor is worn then the total bonus from that armor is shown in the small armor box as well as being added to the Toughness total.

  • This armor value is then used by Fantasy Grounds when calculating damage caused by weaponry which has an armor piercing value. For example if a character is wearing armor which adds a bonus of +2 to his toughness and gets hit by a projectile which has an armor piercing value of 1 then one point of his armor (and therefore his toughness) is ignored when calculating whether the character was hit or not.

  • Fantasy Grounds also uses the armor value when calculating hits from area of effect weapons or spells which negate armor.

  • Apart from armor Toughness can include bonuses from a number of different sources.

  • Such bonuses are not automatically calculated and the player will need to include the bonus as a modifier to the stat.

  • To add, edit or delete a bonus right click over the white box and select 'Modifiers' from the radial menu.

  • The procedure for such adding, editing and deleting is the same as for Parry (see above).

  • As with modifiers to all derived statistics a small check box can be used to switch the modifier on or off.

  • If Vigor exceeds a d12 the calculation of Toughness is the same as for Parry (see above).


  • Charisma is a measure of a character's appearance or likeability.

  • It has a value of 0 unless the character as any hindrances or edges which impact on this statistic.

  • All such modifiers are entered into the character sheet in the same way that those for Parry, Toughness and Pace are.


This area of the character sheet is used to track some important information about the character's state of health.


  • When damage is rolled against a character Fantasy Grounds will automatically calculate the result of that damage.

  • If the result is that the character suffers one or more wounds then that number of wounds is automatically checked off the character sheet. (See also 'Soak' below).

  • Players can also add or remove wounds by clicking on any of the check circles in this area of the character sheet.

  • If one or more wounds are recorded here, and provided the GM has set the option 'Auto-apply penalty: Wounds', then Fantasy Grounds will automatically make all Trait (attribute and skill) checks with the relevant penalty. NOTE: wounds also cause penalties to movement but Fantasy Grounds does not automatically apply that penalty to the character sheet.

  • Wounds are not automatically removed when, for example, the character is healed. Recovering wounds needs therefore to be done manually.


  • A variety of circumstances can have the effect of making the character suffer from fatigue.

  • Fatigue is not automatically applied or removed by Fantasy Grounds; it is a manual operation done by the player.

  • To apply or remove fatigue click on the circles.

  • Each level of fatigue causes the character to make all Trait checks at a penalty of -1 per level. Such a penalty is automatically applied by Fantasy Grounds when any appropriate roll is made provided that the GM has set the option 'Auto-apply penalty:Fatigue'.

Shaken and Incapacitated

  • The shaken and incapacitated icons can be toggled on (lit) or off (greyed out).

  • If a character is damaged sufficiently in combat to cause them to become shaken then the shaken toggle will be lit up.

  • Similarly if a character suffers sufficient wounds or fatigue to incapacitate them then the incapacitated toggle will be automatically switch on.

  • Both states can also be toggled on or off manually by clicking on them.

  • If the character is shaken and she uses a Benny to remove shaken then the shaken toggle will automatically be switched off.

  • If the GM has the option 'Auto roll Shaken recovery' set to 'All' or 'PC only' then when the character's turn comes up on the Combat Tracker a Spirit roll will automatically be made and if a success the Shaken status will be removed.

  • If this option is not set then the Shaken status will not be toggled automatically if the player makes the Spirit check.

  • Similarly if the GM has set the option to automatically roll Incapacitated status then a Vigor roll will be made as soon as the character becomes Incapacitated. A roll will automatically be made on the Injury table and the result output to chat.


  • Clicking on this button will cause the character to use a Benny to make a Vigor roll in an attempt to remove (or soak) wounds she is about to receive.

  • If the character has no Bennies left a message to that effect will be displayed in chat and no roll will be made.

  • After the result of the hit is known but before the result is applied from the Combat Tracker the player may click on the soak button to make the soak attempt. Fantasy Grounds will then make the roll and apply the result to the damage line in the Combat Tracker. Fantasy Grounds will determine the success of the roll and remove any wounds 'soaked' and if appropriate also remove the shaken status if already present.

  • For example let's say the character already has one wound and is shaken from a previous hit. He gets damaged again for two wounds and decides to use a Benny to 'Soak' the fresh wounds. He clicks on the soak button and rolls sufficiently that the two fresh wounds get negated and it also wipes his shaken status. The GM then applies the result and the shaken status is automatically removed and the fresh wounds are not applied. The wound he had at the start however isn't changed.


  • The attacks section of the main sheet can be accessed via the 'Attacks' tab in the middle left of the sheet.

  • Any weapons which the character has in her inventory, and has the check box for weight ticked will be listed here with all of the information needed by Fantasy Grounds to make attacks.

  • Attacks can be deleted from here by right clicking and selecting 'Delete Item' from the radial menu. If the item is also an inventory item carried by the character it will be deleted from the inventory as well.

  • New attacks can be created here by right clicking on the sheet and selecting 'Create Item'. Items created here will not be added to the player's inventory unless the item is marked as equipment.

  • Right clicking on an attack will bring up a radial menu one of the options being to toggle the item as equipment. Marking the item as equipment will also enter it in the character's inventory. Marking an equipped item as non equipment will remove it from the character's inventory.

  • A small letter 'E' will appear in the upper left of the weapon icon to the left of the name if the attack relates to an equipped item.

  • The small star to the extreme left of the weapon line is a toggle which will add or remove this attack from the mini sheet. Click on the icon to toggle this on or off.

  • The small icon to the right of each attack line can be clicked on to bring up a dialog with information on the attack. Any of the fields in this dialog can be edited.

  • This graphic shows a number of different attacks chosen to illustrate most of the principles of what might be present in a list of attacks.

Attack Type

  • To the immediate left of the attack name is a small icon which varies according to what type of attack it is. The three possibilities are thrown, like the throwing axe; Ranged, like the Colt and Melee, like the sword.

  • The type of the weapon can be changed by right clicking over the icon and selecting 'Type'. This is useful, for example, when an attack relates to a weapon that might be used both as a melee or a thrown weapon such as a dagger.

  • Modifiers can be added to the attack by right clicking over the attack icon and selecting 'Bonuses'.

  • This will open a dialog box with a new line. Bonuses can be added, edited and deleted from this dialog.

  • To add a new bonus right click in the dialog and select 'Create Item' from the radial menu.

  • To delete right click over an existing modifier and select 'Delete item'.

  • Modifiers can be positive or negative.

  • The net result of any modifiers is shown in a small bubble with the number in it to the lower right of the attack icon.


  • If the weapon is ranged or thrown there will be an entry in the 'Range' column showing the ranges for close, medium and long range. Fantasy Grounds cannot calculate range automatically so the user will need to factor these into attacks and use the modifiers button in the bottom left of the UI to make any necessary adjustments.


  • The next column shows the damage which the weapon does.

  • In the case of melee weapons or attacks the damage will be the character's strength attribute plus another dice which varies with the power of the weapon. If the normal weapon damage is higher than the character's strength then the second dice in this box will be restricted to the same as the strength. For example a throwing axe has damage of strength + d6. If the character's strength is only d4 then the damage will be restricted to d4 + d4. On the other hand if the character's strength is d8 then the damage will be d8 + d6.

  • For ranged weapons, such as the Colt in the graphic to the right, damage is fixed and is not dependent on any attributes of the character.

  • If the weapon has any armor piercing qualities a small icon will appear here showing that fact (see ammunition).

Rate of Fire

  • The next column shows the Rate of fire (RoF) of the weapon. This represents the number of dice that can be used to attack with the weapon. If, for example, a character with a shooting skill of d8 fires a weapon with a RoF of two then the character can shoot 2d8 as well as his one Wild card die. The character can elect to fire each shot at a different target and can choose which attack he uses his wild card die with.

  • In order to ensure that only one such wild card dice is used, temporarily toggle the wild card off (see Wild Card) whilst making any attacks for which the wild card dice isn't needed.

  • If all of the shots are being made at one target it is possible to drag the dice, right clicking to add one more shooting dice for each shot and drop them into the dice roller or onto the target. For example suppose a character wanted to fire all three shots from a RoF 3 weapon at the same target. He could click and hold over the weapon attack, this will pick up the shooting dice and the wild dice. By right clicking twice he can now add two more 'shots' and then drop all of the dice onto the target. Fantasy Grounds will compute each hit separately applying any Aces and only rolling one wild dice to one of the shots. This won't work if the shots were to be allocated amongst 2 or three targets.


  • Any special information about the weapon will be given here.


Just about to tick off a bunch of ammo following a full burst

  • If a weapon uses ammunition, such as the Colt in the graphic above then an entry will appear directly below the damage box.

  • The small icon on the left of the ammunition line can be clicked on to expend one item of ammunition.

  • Right clicking on this icon will bring up a radial menu where the user can select ammunition use for a number of different situations such as double tap or burst fire.

  • To the right of the icon are two boxes which show the amount of ammunition left in the weapon and the maximum ammunition usually found in a clip of ammo for the weapon. In the case of the Colt in the graphic for example a clip of ammo for it contains 7 rounds. The 7/7 shows that the weapon has a full clip with no shots fired. Clicking once on the bullet icon will reduce the figures to 6/7 showing one bullet has been fired.

  • Note that Fantasy Grounds does not deplete ammunition dynamically nor does it detect that ammunition is all used up and so users can continue to attack even if ammunition for a particular weapon is depleted.

Making an attack

  • To make an attack double click on the melee/thrown/ranged icon next to the attack name. You can also left click on the icon and drag the resulting dice into the chat box. Both of these methods will only function correctly if a target has been properly selected.

  • As an alternative users can click on the icon and drag the dice and drop the them onto an enemy on the Combat Tracker or on a map.

  • Fantasy Grounds will automatically use the correct skill for the attack, depending on the type of attack. For example if the character has the shooting skill then shooting will be used by Fantasy Grounds for any attacks involving a ranged weapon.

  • If the character does not have any skill in the attack type then 'Unskilled' will be used to make the attack.

  • If the character has any bonuses or penalties to the attack, such as from having wounds or because the weapon is magical, those modifiers will be automatically figured into the attack.

  • Modifiers which stem from other sources such as low light or long range will not be automatically detected and the player would need to figure any such penalties out and add a modifier to the modifiers box before the attack is made.

  • Once the attack has been made Fantasy Grounds will then calculate whether the attack hits or not. Depending on what options the GM has set you will be informed of the result either in chat or by the GM.

  • If the attack exceeds the target number required by 4 or more (a raise) then the +Damage button beside the modifiers box in the bottom left of the UI will light up.

Rolling Damage

  • To make a damage roll double click on the damage dice box or drag the dice into the chat box. These methods will only work if a target has been properly selected.

  • As an alternative the damage dice can be dragged and dropped onto an enemy in the Combat Tracker or on a map.

  • If the weapon has the armor piercing modifier Fantasy Grounds will automatically take that into consideration when determining the amount of damage which gets through to the target.

  • If the character got a 'raise' with the attack roll the additional d6 damage will automatically be added.

  • Any 'Aces' will automatically be rolled and the result of all the dice rolls will be displayed in chat. (How much detail players see in chat will depend on what options the GM has set).

  • Damage is then computed automatically by Fantasy Grounds.

Creating a sub-attack

This player has set up a double tap as a sub attack

  • By right clicking on an existing item and selecting 'Create sub-attack' a new line for the same weapon will be created.

  • This allows for situations where an attack might have different statistics depending on the situation or circumstances.

  • For example a sword might be usable in one or two hands with more damage being dealt if wielded in two hands.

  • Similarly a firearm might use different types of ammo, each of which do different damage or have modifiers such as armor piercing.

  • Creating a sub attack does not create a new item in the character's inventory.

  • Once created give the attack a descriptive name so that it is distinguishable from the original and then click on the small icon to the right of the sub attack to bring up the editing dialog.

  • Any of the fields in this dialog can now be edited to reflect the changes necessary.

  • To delete a sub-attack right click over it and select 'delete item' from the radial menu.

  • Making an attack and dealing damage with a sub attack is done using the attack icon and the damage of the sub attack in the same way as described above for the original attack.

Creating a New Attack

  • Users can right click in the attacks sheet and select 'Create Attack' to add a new attack.

  • Type a name into the new line that appears and then click on the small icon to the right of the line to open the editing dialog.

  • Edit the fields to include whatever information is needed for the weapon.

  • Once complete the weapon will appear in the attacks section complete with all the necessary attacks, ammunition and damage as necessary.

  • This attack will not automatically appear in the users inventory. To make the attack a piece of equipment right click over the attack icon and select 'Mark as Equipment' from the radial menu.

  • Weapons created in this way can be added (by the GM) to the weapons section of Items by drag/drop. However it is recommended that weapons be created in Items rather than in player's attack list.


A list of possible Powers

  • Players can access this area by clicking on the 'Powers' tab in the middle of the Main section of the character sheet.

  • If powers have already been selected using the Powers tab from the right hand menu then this area will already be populated.

  • If an 'Arcane Type' and Powers are selected here then the information in the Powers tab of the character sheet will also be updated.

  • If no 'Arcane Type' has yet to be selected then a drop down menu will be here allowing for selection of one.

  • Once an Arcane Type has been selected the window will change and (if the option is set by the GM) the power points box will appear at the top of the Main sheet.

  • Populate the powers area by drag/dropping from the source material.

  • Powers can also be added by right clicking and selecting 'Create Power'.

  • Powers which have been dragged and dropped here will have a small icon at the right of the line which is a link to the source material. Created Powers will have a small book icon in the same place which can be clicked to open the editing dialog for the power.

  • Each Field in the power can be edited by clicking and typing in a new value. Damage dice can be edited by middle mouse clicking over the damage box.

  • Sub Powers can be created in the same way as sub attacks by right clicking over a power and selecting 'Create sub-power'.

  • The small star icon at the extreme left of each power can be use to toggle the power's appearance on the mini sheet.

  • Right clicking on the power symbol to the left of the name will bring up a radial menu. From here the user can select to add any bonuses to the power, delete the power or change its type.

Using Powers

  • Each power line has a symbol to the left of the name which can be used as it's 'attack' button.

  • The type of symbol will depend on the type of Arcane Power skill the character has selected. The graphic on the right shows the symbol if the 'Magic' arcane background has been selected.

  • To use the power double click or drag and drop from this symbol.

  • If this is an attack power such as 'bolt' then, if a target has been selected, the dice will be rolled as an attack against the target and the result calculated in the normal way.

  • For powers that do damage double click or drag/drop the damage dice following on from a successful hit.

  • For other powers the dice roll will be made against the target number in the normal way and the 'Raise Calculator' can be used in the normal way.

  • The effect of successes, failures and raises will depend on the power being used. Many effects are built into the Savage Worlds ruleset which can be applied to characters following on from the use of powers.

  • For example a successful casting of 'Armor' can cause the target's armor to increase by 2 points. To implement this find the Armour [Armor +2] entry in the effects list and drag it onto the recipient in the combat tracker.

  • All the normal rules for dice rolls apply; Wild Cards will get a Wild Die, Aces will be re-rolled etc.

  • NOTE: Fantasy Grounds does not calculate Power Points in any way, either giving them or depleting them when powers are used. This is therefore a manual operation which the player will have to manage. Editing the number of power points can be achieved by CTRL+mouse wheel (or simply clicking and typing in a new value) over any of the power point boxes which appear in the character sheet.

Skills Sheet

The skills sheet is split into three sections namely Skills, Edges and Hindrances.


The Skills section

  • On a new character this area will contain a default skill called 'Unskilled'. This entry cannot be deleted although it can be edited.

  • The 'Unskilled' entry is used for any skill roll that is made by the character for which he doesn't have the skill. For example if the character has no fighting skill and makes a melee attack with a sword Fantasy Grounds will use 'Unskilled' to make the roll.

  • Users can add skills to this section by dragging them from the source material and dropping here; or by right clicking and selecting 'Create Item' to create a new blank skill.

  • Skills which have been dragged and dropped will have a link to the source material to the right of their name.

  • All skills are linked to one of the character's Attributes.

  • Like Attributes skills have a value expressed in dice starting at d4 and capping at d12 + 2. (See Attributes for more information).

  • To increase or decrease a skill value CTRL+mouse wheel up or down over the dice icon.

  • Alternatively users can right click over the dice icon and select 'Assign' to give the skill a dice value directly.

  • Skills can be increased up to the dice value of the attribute that the skill is linked to. It can be increased above that but it costs two points for each dice increase over the attribute value.

  • For example if a character selected 'Repair' as a skill and the character's 'Smarts' attribute was a d6 then Repair could be increased from a d4 to d6 for one point. Increasing it to d8 would cost two points and to d10 another 2 points.

  • Players can get a total for the skill points used by opening up the character summary to view the number of skill points used. (see Common sheet for details of character summary).

  • Skills can have modifiers attached to them by right clicking and selecting 'Bonuses' from the radial menu.

  • Type a name for the modifier in the name field and then type (or CTRL+mouse wheel) a value into the box. The modifier can be positive or negative.

  • Modifiers can be added to this dialog by right clicking and selecting 'Create Item'. Modifiers can be deleted by right clicking on one and selecting 'delete' from the radial menu.

  • Skills can also be boosted or lowered by 1 or two points by right clicking over the dice icon and selecting 'Boost/Lower' from the radial menu.

  • When boosted or lowered green (boost) or red (lowered) arrows will appear over the dice icon.

  • To reset a boosted or lowered skill to it's original value right click and select 'Boost/Lower' and then 'Default' from the radial menu.

  • A skill specialization can be entered for a skill by right clicking on the dice icon and selecting 'Create Entry' and then 'Add specialization' from the radial menu.

  • To use a skill double click on the dice icon or drag it into the dice roller.

  • Fantasy Grounds will automatically add a Wild die to the roll, Aces will be re-rolled and added to the final result and any modifiers will also be accounted for.


  • Edges are something which the character is good at and which gives them an 'edge' in some way. It could be a bonus to an attribute or skill or it might negate a penalty which would apply under certain circumstances.

  • Populate this area by dragging the Edges from the source material and dropping them in here.

  • Note that Fantasy Grounds does not check to see whether the character is eligible to have the Edge. In other words a character could put any edge she likes in here even ones which legally she shouldn't have.

  • Users can enter new edges by right clicking in this area and selecting 'Create Item' from the radial menu. This will create a new line into which a name can be typed and, by clicking on the small book icon, open up a dialog into which the information concerning the edge can be input.

  • To delete an edge right click over it and select delete from the radial menu.

  • Nothing contained in an edge will immediately change the character sheet. Some edges will be taken into consideration during automation however; for example a character with the 'level headed' edge will be deal two cards for initiative and the best one will be taken.


  • These are the opposite of edges; providing the character with some kind of drawback.

  • All of the information pertinent to edges noted above apply to Hindrances.

Inventory Sheet

The inventory is the place where the character notes all of his stuff. This isn't necessarily stuff that is being carried around but also items or equipment which he might have stashed somewhere. The items owned are divided up across 4 tabs Mundane, Weapons, Armor and Vehicles with a fifth tab for notes. Also included in this part of the character sheet are details of any currency owned by the character and a calculation of encumbrance.

Mundane Items

A hero with a backpack full of equipment

  • Mundane items are those which are not weapons, armor or vehicles essentially.

  • Add items to this sheet by dragging and dropping from the source material.

  • You can also create new items by right clicking in the sheet and selecting 'Create Mundane Item' from the radial menu.

  • Items can be deleted by right clicking and selecting delete item from the radial menu.

  • Each listed item will show from left to right the number of items of this type, the name of the item, the location of the item, its weight and a check box indicating whether it is being carried by the character or not.

  • Each of these fields can be independently edited by clicking on them and typing in a new value.

  • Items can be allocated to a container by typing in the name of the container in the location field. For example if a backpack is carried by the character, items can be allocated to it by typing backpack into the location field. Such items will then be indented and alphabetized below the backpack entry in the list.

  • The location field can also be used to show where an item is stashed or is being carried by a pack mule etc. The location does not need to be present on the player.

  • The weight checkbox is used to indicate whether the item is being carried by the character or not. If this box is checked then the item will be included in the encumbrance calculation at the bottom of the sheet.

  • Clicking the icon at the far right of the item line will bring up the item dialog which allows the item's details to be edited.

  • If the item is identified then a small green icon will appear in the top left hand corner. If it is unidentified it will appear in red. (This is only relevant if the GM has set the option Item: Identification to 'On').


  • This lists any weapons which are owned by the character.

  • The list can be populated by drag/drop from the source material or items can be created by right clicking and selecting 'Create Weapon' from the radial menu.

  • From left to right the information on each line is the number of the item owned, an icon showing the weapon type, it's name, Range if applicable, damage dice, Rate of Fire (RoF), shots, weight and a checkbox to indicate it is being carried or not.

  • Items dragged into this area or created here will also appear in the main sheet under the Attacks section.

  • Much of what is discussed in the Attacks section regarding creating new weapons, adding modifiers and editing their details applies to weapons and users are referred to that section for further information.

  • As with Mundane items the accumulated weight of all weapons carried (i.e. those with the check box in the weight column ticked) by the character is added to the encumbrance total at the bottom of the sheet.

  • If the tick box at the end of a row is unchecked the weapon is not being used and it will be removed also from the list of attacks.


  • As it's name suggests this part of the inventory holds items that give the character some kind of protection from damage.

  • Populate this area by drag/drop from the source or right click and select 'Create Armor' from the radial menu.

  • As in other parts of the sheet items can be removed from the inventory by right clicking and selecting 'delete'.

  • Each entry has the following information from left to right; number of items, the item name (type), area protected, a numerical value for that protection, notes, weight and a tick box.

  • If the small tick box is ticked then the weight of the item will be added to the encumbrance total at the bottom of the sheet. Furthermore the item will be added to the list of potential modifiers in the armor box of the Toughness attribute.

  • The small icon at the extreme right of each line can be clicked on to open the editing dialog for the item.


  • This section can be used to list any vehicles owned or usable by the character.

  • As with all other inventory areas populate by drag/drop or right click and select 'Create vehicle' from the redial menu.

  • Existing vehicles can be removed by right clicking and selecting 'Delete Item'

  • Vehicles are not added to the character's encumbrance total.


  • Use the notes section to record any special information about any other items that the player owns.

  • For example this section could be used to note that the character owns a property or some other assets, where that assets are kept and what their value is.


This character has money to burn

  • This area can be used to record any money or treasures that the character has.

  • The left hand section can be used to record up to three different currencies. To edit simply type a currency type in the field and an amount into the white box.


  • Currency distributed by the GM from the party sheet will be deposited here and automatically added to any existing funds.

  • The area to the right can be used to record any other valuables that the character owns.

  • Users can continue typing beyond the three lines shown by pressing return to create a new line.


  • This small area shows the 'load limit', total weight carried and if appropriate any penalty which might be applied.

  • The total carried is automatically added up from items designated as being carried in any of the inventory tabs 'Mundane, Weapons and Armor'.

  • Any items which are not ticked as being carried are not figured into encumbrance.

  • The weight of multiple items of the same type are added even though the total carried isn't shown on the individual inventory entry. For example if the character is carrying 10 Grappling Hooks (for some weird reason) the weight noted against the item in the Mundane Inventory tab will still show as '2'. However the full 20lb. weight of the grappling hooks will be added to the total carried.

  • The 'Load Limit' should be entered by the player; it is not automatically entered by Fantasy Grounds.

  • Fantasy Grounds will compare the Total Carried with the Load Limit and work out any penalty to Strength and Agility checks. Such checks (including any dependent skill checks) will then have that penalty factored in to any rolls. NOTE: This will only apply automatically if the GM has set the appropriate option.

Notes Sheet

The notes sheet contains three sections for recording background and other information, Languages and Allies.


  • Type background or any other information into the notes space.

  • Notes can't have any formatting such as headers etc.

  • It is also possible to copy text from an external source and paste it into notes.


  • Languages can be added by dragging a language from the 'Languages' Dialog (accessed via the 'languages' button in options) if any are available there.

  • Languages can also be added by right clicking and selecting 'Create Item' from the radial menu or by clicking on the 'Edit List' button and then the green 'Add Item' button.

  • To delete a language right click and select 'Delete Item' or click on edit list and then on the red button which appears best to the languages listed.

  • If text is entered into chat in a language which the character understands then a translation of the language will appear in the player's chat window. (Note for this feature to function correctly characters must be on the party sheet).


  • Allies can be created by right clicking in this area and selecting 'Create Item' from the radial menu.

  • Alternatively they can be dragged and dropped from the 'Personalities' dialog (in the main menu down the right hand side of the UI - note it may be called something different depending on the setting)

  • Clicking on the small icon to the right of the Ally will bring up the editing dialog for that Ally.

Powers Tab

This area of the character sheet is a duplicate of the Powers listed in the powers tab of the main sheet. All of the information there applies equally to this area and it is not proposed to repeat it here. Users are therefore directed to that section for more information.

The Mini Sheet

A complete mini sheet with all attacks and powers at the character's disposal

  • By clicking on the small button marked 'mini' in the top right of the character sheet players can access the mini sheet.

  • The basic mini sheet contains the characters attributes, parry and toughness values as well as a tracker for bennies, power points (if applicable), wounds, fatigue, shaken and incapacitated and a 'soak' button.

  • Players can add some or all of their skills to the mini sheet by clicking on the small star icons to the top right of the skill's dice value.

  • By clicking on 'Attacks' at the top right of the mini sheet the player can add another section onto the mini sheet. This section will be blank unless the player has clicked on the small stars next to the attack in the attacks section of the main tab.


  • By moving the attack section to just below the standard mini sheet the attack sheet will 'dock' with the mini sheet.

  • Once docked the whole sheet can be moved around as one by clicking and holding anywhere within the top section of the sheet and moving the mouse button.

  • The additional attack section can be detached and moved independently by clicking and holding anywhere on it and moving the mouse button.

  • Powers which have had the small star icon next to them toggled on will also be shown on the mini sheet in the attacks section.

  • Players use any of their attributes, skills attacks or powers just like they would on the main character sheet.

  • The tracker buttons the soak button and the bennies section also operate exactly as they would on the main sheet.

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