

function getExtensionInfo(lookupname)

This function can be used to retrieve information about a particular extension. The returned table contains information in the following fields:

  • name = [module display name]

  • author

  • description

  • version

  • loadorder

  • rulesetdependencies = [table with ruleset name as key, and table as value (minrelease, maxrelease)]

  • extensiondependencies = [table with extension name as key, and table as value (minversion, maxversion)]

  • exclusiongroups = [Integer indexed table of exclusion group names]


lookupname   (string)   
The “internal” name of the extension being targeted by the operation. (Same as file/folder name)

Return values

A table containing information about the extension, see above for details


function getExtensions()

This function returns a list of extensions loaded for this campaign.

To get more information on an extension, see getExtensionInfo.

Return values

An integer indexed table of string values containing the names of the extensions loaded.