
This component definition specifies the default properties for image controls.


<imagesettings > <shortcut > <icon > ... </icon> <iconpublic > ... </iconpublic> <hotspot > ... </hotspot> </shortcut> <pointer > <defaultconeangle > ... </defaultconeangle> </pointer> </imagesettings>

<imagesettings >


<shortcut >


<icon > ... </icon>

The default icon to use for private links.

<iconpublic > ... </iconpublic>

The default icon to use for shareable links.

<hotspot > ... </hotspot>

The default offset to use for the link graphic relative to the actual link location on the image.



<pointer >


<defaultconeangle > ... </defaultconeangle>

The default cone angle for the image cone pointer. Default is 90. Valid values are 180, 120, 90, 60, 45, 30 and 5E.


