Combat |
Option | Description of action |
Add: Auto NPC initiative | Determines how NPC Initiative is determined when NPCs are added to the Combat Tracker. Group: The initiative of the first NPC of each type added to the Combat Tracker will be rolled randomly. Subsequent NPCs of the same type will then use the same initiative as the first. On: Initiative is rolled for each NPC as they are added to the Combat Tracker. Off: Initiative is not rolled when an NPC is added to the Combat Tracker. This means that the GM must determine it when they start generating Initiative via the Combat Trackers menu option.
Add: NPC numbering (*) | When adding an NPC to the Combat Tracker, this option determines whether a unique number is appended to the NPC name. Append: The next available number from 1 will be used. Core: Random: A random number will be used. Off: No number is appended.
Initiative: Dice used for Initiative | Selects the die rolling method used to generate the random element of the Initiative value. For more information on the exact definitions of various die rolls, and how to manage them, please refer to the Character Law Reference, section 1.6: ”Percentile (“1-100”) Rolls” Core: 2d10: Generates values between 2 and 20. d100: Generates a value between 01 and 100. Open Ended: Allows results lower than 0 or greater than 100. High Open Ended: Allows results greater than 100. Low Open Ended: Allows results of lower than 0.
Player: Ring bell on turn (*) | Generates a sound on a user controlled player's client when their PC is activated in the Combat Tracker. The specific sound generated is determined by the underlying computer’s settings. |
Player: Show turn order (*) | Controls the information shown to players in the Combat Tracker regarding Initiative and turn order of PCs and NPCs. On: The Combat Tracker allows players to see everyone's correct Initiative and turn order. Friendly: Combat Tracker will show the initiative and turn order only of other PCs. Off: The Combat Tracker displays no information regarding Initiative or turn order for any other PC or NPC.
RM Table Resolver: Resolve clears Stack | Controls how the Table Resolver handles accumulated entries. | Table Resolver: Results: Effect Visibility - Ally | Controls whether or not table result effects for allies are visible in the chat window and in the Combat Tracker. This includes all table results including, damage, criticals and fumbles. All: Table result effects applied to allies will be visible to the GM and players in the chat window and Combat Tracker. GM Only: Table result effects applied to allies will be visible to the GM only in the chat window and Combat Tracker.
RM Table Results: Effect Visibility - Non-ally | Controls whether or not table result effects for non-allies are visible in the chat window and in the Combat Tracker. This includes all table results including, damage, criticals and fumbles. GM Only: Table result effects applied to non-allies will be visible to the GM only in the chat window and Combat Tracker. All:Table result effects applied to non-allies will be visible to the GM and players in the chat window and Combat Tracker.
RM Table Results: Send description to chat | Controls whether or not table results will send the description to the chat window when it is applied to combatants in the Combat Tracker. This includes all table results including, damage, criticals and fumbles. GM Only: Table results applied will send the description to the chat window so only the GM can see. On: Table results applied will send the description to the chat window, stating what effect and to whom. Off: Table results are not shared to the chat window.
Table Resolver: Resolve clears Stack | Controls how the Table Resolver handles accumulated entries. |
Table Resolver: Table sort order | Changes the way that tabular data is shown by the Table Resolver. Standard: Keeps the sort order as given in the reference material. For example: in the standard rules this defaults to ascending for Arms Law entries, and descending for Character Law and Spell Law. Ascending: All tabular data is sorted High to Low. Descending: All tabular data is sorted Low to High.
| Table Results: Send to chat when applying | Controls whether or not table results are sent to the chat window when it is applied to combatants in the Combat Tracker. This includes all table results including, damage, criticals and fumbles. On: Table results applied are sent to the chat window, stating what effect and to whom. Off: Table results are not shared to the chat windowto ascending for Arms Law entries, and descending for Character Law and Spell Law. Ascending: All tabular data is sorted High to Low. Descending: All tabular data is sorted Low to High.
Turn: Show effects (*) | Determines whether effects applied to a creature will be displayed in the chat window as part of the turn notification message. |
Turn: Skip dead or unconscious actor | Alters the behavior of the “Next Actor” button (located on the Combat Tracker) in situations where an actor has zero or less hits, or where certain Effects have been applied. Off: The Combat Tracker will stop at the actors turn as normal. On: The Combat Tracker does not stop at the actor, skipping them as it progresses through the order.
Specifically, the skipping action is caused by any of the following conditions. The actor has zero or fewer hits. The actor has any of the “Unconscious”, “Dying” or “Dead” Effects applied to them.
Turn: Skip hidden actor (*) | Modifies the behavior of the “Next Actor” button on the Combat Tracker, specifically in regards to NPC’s that the GM has not yet made visible to the party. Off: The Combat Tracker will stop at the NPC's turn as normal. On: If an NPC is currently not visible to the players, then the “Next Actor” button will skip over the NPC so that the players continue to be unaware of the NPC.
Turn: Stop at round start (*) | Modifies the Combat Tracker’s ‘Next Actor’ button behavior, specifically when it is used to advance past the end of the Combat Trackers list of actors. |
View: Health - Ally | Determines how much information about an allies health is shown on the player's Combat Tracker. Detailed: Shows all Hit points, temporary hit points and wounds for all player characters. Status: Replaces the numbers with a health category which changes at 25% intervals approximately showing light, moderate, heavy and critical woundscategory description based on the View: Wound Categories setting.. Off: Shows no information about player and ally wounds at all on the Combat Tracker.
View: Health – Non-ally | Determines how much information about NPCs non-allies is shown on the player's Combat Tracker. Status: Shows wound categories which change at 25% intervals. These approximate light, moderate, heavy and critical wounds: Replaces the numbers with a health category description based on the View: Wound Categories setting.. Off: Shows no information about NPC wounds on the Combat Tracker. Detailed: Shows all Hit points, temporary hit points and wounds for all NPCs.
View: Wound Categories | When general health status is displayed in the player Combat Tracker, this option determines the level of information shown about the wound. Status: Four wound types are shown: Healthy, WoundedLight Damage, Heavy and DyingSevere Damage and Unconscious or Dead. Detailed: Six wound types are shown: Healthy, Light Damage, Moderate Damage, HeavySevere Damage, Critical Damage, DyingUnconscious or Dead).
Note: Default Option values are listed first and bolded. Additional options are shown in order of selection choice. Note: (*) Indicates a CoreRPG option. |