Power Points: This will only appear if the conditions stated above are true. It simply shows the total power points and the amount the character has left. Both boxes can be edited by player or GM. The amount of power points granted and/or used is not automated in the character sheet.
Mini Sheet: Finally players can click on the small icon to the bottom right of this section of the character sheet to open the mini sheet. More information on the mini sheet is given below.
Main Sheet
It is possible to increase the d12 by one or two points. This does not add any further dice however but simply one or two points. Such an increase is shown as a small bubble with the appropriate value in the bottom right of the dice.
To edit an attribute dice hover over the dice icon and use CTRL+mouse wheel up or down to change the value.
An attribute can also have a value assigned by right clicking over the dice beside the attribute and selecting 'Assign Dice' from the radial menu.
Attribute dice can have bonuses assigned to them by right clicking and selecting 'Bonuses' from the radial menu. This brings up a small dialog. Type in a description of the bonus in the line provided and assign a value (either negative or positive) by CTRL+mouse wheel up or down or by typing a value directly into the box. Additional bonuses can be added by right clicking in the dialog and selecting 'Create Item' from the radial menu. Existing bonuses can be deleted by right clicking on them and selecting 'delete item' from the radial menu.
The accumulated result of any such bonuses (whether negative or positive) will appear next to the attribute dice as a small bubble with the value of the bonus in it.
Attributes can also be boosted or lowered by right clicking over the dice and selecting 'Boost/Lower' from the radial menu. Boosting a dice by one increases the dice to the next highest level. For example a d6 would become a d8. A small green arrow will appear to show that the dice has been boosted. If it is boosted a second time then two green arrows will appear. A lowered dice is shown with a red arrow or if lowered twice with two red arrows. Boosting a d12 will show the green arrows and a small bubble with +1 or +2 in the lower right of the dice. A d4 cannot be lowered. Boosted and lowered dice can be reset by selecting the 'default' option from the 'boost/lower' radial menu.
The next column shows the damage which the weapon does.
In the case of melee weapons or attacks the damage will be the character's strength attribute plus another dice which varies with the power of the weapon. If the normal weapon damage is higher than the character's strength then the second dice in this box will be restricted to the same as the strength. For example a throwing axe has damage of strength + d6. If the character's strength is only d4 then the damage will be restricted to d4 + d4. On the other hand if the character's strength is d8 then the dmage damage will be d8 + d6.
For ranged weapons, such as the Colt in the graphic to the right, damage is fixed and is not dependant dependent on any attributes of the character.
If the weapon has any armor piercing qualities a small icon will appear here showing that fact (see ammunition).
The next column shows the Rate of fire (RoF) of the weapon. This represents the number of dice that can be used to attack with the weapon. If, for example, a character with a shooting skill of d8 fires a weapon with a RoF of two then the character can shoot 2d8 as well as his one Wild card die. The character can elect to fire each shot at a different target and can choose which attack he uses his wild card die with.
In order to ensure that only one such wild card dice is used, temporarily toggle the wild card off (see Wild Card) whilst making any attacks for which the wild card dice isn't needed.
If all of the shots are being made at one target it is possible to drag the dice, right clicking to add one more shooting dice for each shot and drop them into the dice roller or onto the target. For example suppose a character wanted to fire all three shots from a RoF 3 weapon at the same target. He could click and hold over the weapon attack, this will pick up the shooting dice and the wild dice. By right clicking twice he can now add two more 'shots' and then drop all of the dice onto the target. Fantasy Grounds will compute each hit separately applying any Aces and only rolling one wild dice to one of the shots. This won't work if the shots were to be allocated amongst 2 or three targets.
Players can access this area by clicking on the 'Powers' tab in the middle of the Main section of the character sheet.
If powers have already been selected using the Powers tab from the right hand menu then this area will already be populated.
If an 'Arcane Type' and Powers are selected here then the information in the Powers tab of the character sheet will also be updated.
If no 'Arcane Type' has yet to be selected then a drop down menu will be here allowing for selection of one.
Once an Arcane Type has been selected the window will change and (if the option is set by the GM) the power points box will appear at the top of the Main sheet.
Populate the powers area by drag/dropping from the source material.
Powers can also be added by right clicking and selecting 'Create Power'.
Powers which have been dragged and dropped here will have a small icon at the right of the line which is a link to the source material. Created Powers will have a small book icon in the same place which can be clicked to open the editing dialog for the power.
Each Field in the power can be edited by clicking and typing in a new value. Damage dice can be edited by middle mouse clicking over the damage box.
Sub Powers can be created in the same way as sub attacks by right clicking over a power and selecting 'Create sub-power'.
The small star icon at the extreme left of each power can be use to toggle the power's appearance on the mini sheet.
Right clicking on the power symbol to the left of the name will bring up a radial menu. From here the user can select to add any bonuses to the power, delete the power or change its type.
On a new character this area will contain a default skill called 'Unskilled'. This entry cannot be deleted although it can be edited.
The 'Unskilled' entry is used for any skill roll that is made by the character for which he doesn't have the skill. For example if the character has no fighting skill and makes a melee attack with a sword Fantasy Grounds will use 'Unskilled' to make the roll.
Users can add skills to this section by dragging them from the source material and dropping here; or by right clicking and selecting 'Create Item' to create a new blank skill.
Skills which have been dragged and dropped will have a link to the source material to the right of their name.
All skills are linked to one of the character's Attributes.
Like Attributes skills have a value expressed in dice starting at d4 and capping at d12 + 2. (See Attributes for more information).
To increase or decrease a skill value CTRL+mouse wheel up or down over the dice icon.
Alternatively users can right click over the dice icon and select 'Assign' to give the skill a dice value directly.
Skills can be increased up to the dice value of the attribute that the skill is linked to. It can be increased above that but it costs two points for each dice increase over the attribute value.
For example if a character selected 'Repair' as a skill and the character's 'Smarts' attribute was a d6 then Repair could be increased from a d4 to d6 for one point. Increasing it to d8 would cost two points and to d10 another 2 points.
Players can get a total for the skill points used by opening up the character summary to view the number of skill points used. (see Common sheet for details of character summary).
Skills can have modifiers attached to them by right clicking and selecting 'Bonuses' from the radial menu.
Type a name for the modifier in the name field and then type (or CTRL+mouse wheel) a value into the box. The modifier can be positive or negative.
Modifiers can be added to this dialog by right clicking and selecting 'Create Item'. Modifiers can be deleted by right clicking on one and selecting 'delete' from the radial menu.
Skills can also be boosted or lowered by 1 or two points by right clicking over the dice icon and selecting 'Boost/Lower' from the radial menu.
When boosted or lowered green (boost) or red (lowered) arrows will appear over the dice icon.
To reset a boosted or lowered skill to it's original value right click and select 'Boost/Lower' and then 'Default' from the radial menu.
A skill specialisation specialization can be entered for a skill by right clicking on the dice icon and selecting 'Create Entry' and then 'Add specialisationspecialization' from the radial menu.
To use a skill double click on the dice icon or drag it into the dice roller.
Fantasy Grounds will automatically add a Wild die to the roll, Aces will be re-rolled and added to the final result and any modifiers will also be accounted for.
This area of the character sheet is a duplicate of the Powers listed in the powers tab of the main sheet. All of the information there applies equally to this area and it is not proposed to repeat it here. Users are therefore directed to that section for more information.
The Mini Sheet