Fantasy Grounds Forge
The Fantasy Grounds Forge (the FG Forge or FGF) is a new system where creators can share content for free or sell it. Forge users can then purchase or subscribe to content and any updates for it will automatically update within Fantasy Grounds Unity whenever the user runs an update. Whenever the creator pushes a new version in the Forge, these changes will get automatically installed whenever the user runs an update. Never again will users need to hunt down updates for modules, themes, or other community or third-party add-ons on multiple forum pages after an update. Creators will be able to see how many people are subscribed, earn money, receive donations (coming soon), ratings, and more.
Users should log into the Forge using their usual Fantasy Grounds account and accept the End User License Agreement to proceed.
FG Forge Access
Link: Fantasy Grounds Forge
NOTE: If you are receiving an error page that lists TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS or similar, this is because your Fantasy Grounds account has not yet been validated. Check your spam folder for an email requesting FG account email verification or contact Customer Support for more assistance.