Press Kit - SmiteWorks USA, LLC

Press Kit - SmiteWorks USA, LLC


SmiteWorks is the small Indie team responsible for the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop. Fantasy Grounds allows gamers to play traditional pen-and-paper style roleplaying games. With the aid of over 150 community developers and partnerships with key RPG publishers, gamers' online experience is tailored to a host of different game systems.

Company history can be found on the About SmiteWorks USA, LLC. page.


Fantasy Grounds VTT - Where Legends Are Played: YouTube



There are far more images available for SmiteWorks USA, LLC, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!

Logo & Icon

Download logo files as .zip (1MB):

Smiteworks logo: .PNG - 426x426 - 32-bit - 169KB

Awards & Recognition


Selected Articles

  • "Excellent reviews coming in for Fantasy Grounds Unity on Steam"
    - Steam Reviews, Steam

  • "Very Positive reviews for the older Fantasy Grounds (Classic) program on Steam"
    - Steam Reviews, Steam

  • "Fantasy Grounds is for real."
    - I. Perez, RPGNow

  • “Review: Fantasy Grounds II meets your virtual tabletop gaming needs”
    - Jim Norris, PCWorld.com

Team & Repeating Collaborators

Doug Davison
Developer, Co-Owner & President

John Gregory
Lead Developer, Co-Owner

Adam Bradford
Chief Development Officer

Carl Pinder
Sr. Software Developer

Dominic Morta
Ruleset Developer

Cameron Schwach
Ruleset Developer

Joshua Utter
Software Developer

James Holloway
Production Coordinator

Derek Batting
Customer Support

Joseph Belcher
Customer Support

Bryce Mousseau
Streaming Specialist

Joshua Watmough
Contract Artist

Brad Bounds
Head of Marketing

Paulette Anderson
Social Media Manager

Previous Team & Collaborators

Zeph Ponos
Contract Developer (through 2018)

Jen Page
Marketing Specialist and Graphic Designer (through October 2020)

David Middleton
Customer Support Team Lead (through 2021)

Steven Melton
Software Developer (through 2021)