
This component definition specifies the graphical properties of the hot key bar.

The hot key bar consists of twelve slots. Each slot has a label string, specifying the function key number and modifier keys used to trigger the hot key slot. In addition to this, each slot has the actual content placed in it represented using a label string or an icon or series of icons.


<hotkeybar > <frame > ... </frame> <location > <offset > ... </offset> <height > ... </height> </location> <title > <frame > ... </frame> <frameoffset > ... </frameoffset> <margin > ... </margin> <font > ... </font> </title> <label > <margin > ... </margin> <font > ... </font> </label> <iconmargins > ... </iconmargins> </hotkeybar>

<hotkeybar >


<frame > ... </frame>

The name of a frame resource used to render the background of each slot

<location >

The position of the bar relative to the bottom of the desktop

<offset > ... </offset>

A pixel offset between the bottom of the desktop and the hot key bar

<height > ... </height>

The height of the bar in pixels



<title >

Properties for the title string

<frame > ... </frame>

The name of a frame resource used to draw the title frame

<frameoffset > ... </frameoffset>

A comma separated list of four numbers specifying the pixel margins applied to the frame when drawn

<margin > ... </margin>

A pixel offset between the top left corners of the hot key slot and the title, in the form "x,y"

<font > ... </font>

The name of a font resource defining the font to use when drawing the title



<label >

Properties for the value label string

<margin > ... </margin>

A pair of number values specifying the horizontal margin (left and right) and the vertical margin (top) to use when drawing the label, relative to the hot key slot position

<font > ... </font>

The name of a font resource used to draw the label



<iconmargins > ... </iconmargins>

A comma separated list of four numbers specifying the pixel margins applied when icons are drawn inside the slot. Icons are drawn clipped inside the resulting borders.
