
This definition declares a folder under the campaign folder for use as a dynamic image file storage. Any files in this folder will be checked each time the application obtains the system focus. If images have been added or deleted, the data base node defined will be updated with new entries or have the entries for deleted images removed.

Each image detected will be created as an enumerated subnode under the root node specified. The data nodes created under the subnode will be a string field containing the name of the image, and an image field containing the image data.


<imageupdatefolder > <folder > ... </folder> <rootnode > ... </rootnode> <field > ... </field> <namefield > ... </namefield> </imageupdatefolder>

<imageupdatefolder >


<folder > ... </folder>

The name of the folder used

<rootnode > ... </rootnode>

A global data base identifier pointing to the data base node receiving the entries

<field > ... </field>

The name of the data base node, of type image, receiving the information about the image

<namefield > ... </namefield>

The name of the data base node, of type string, receiving the name of the image file, without the image file extension
