Linking with External Services and Applications

Linking with External Services and Applications

Sync Your Fantasy Grounds Account To Steam

Steps to Sync Your Accounts

In this screenshot tutorial we are going to show you how to sync your Fantasy Grounds account to Steam.

Syncing your account to Steam allows your Steam account to communicate with the Fantasy Grounds server so you can download any of the DLC that you purchase for Fantasy Grounds while using Steam.

One important thing to note: When you want to Complete a Bundle or start working to complete a Bundle like Dungeons & Dragons 5e, Devin Night Tokens, Deadlands, Castles & Crusades, etc, we recommend using either Steam or the Fantasy Grounds website to complete the bundle. Unfortunately the two different storefronts cannot communicate with each other to complete a bundle from both stores at once. So stick to either Steam or the Fantasy Grounds website for completing bundles.

Please be aware that Steam accounts should only be linked to one Fantasy Grounds account at a time. If it is linked to more than one account, it will need to be unlinked and relinked to the primary account. Never share your Steam or Fantasy Grounds password with other users.

1. There are two ways to sync your Fantasy Grounds account to Steam. The first way is going to the Fantasy Grounds website HERE: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/syncSteamAccount.php

The second way is going into your Fantasy Grounds Settings and in the purchases section click the SYNC tab.


Then inside of the SYNC section, click on the Link Steam button.


2. Which ever way you decide to access the Steam synchronization page, it will bring you to this screen on a browser that will pop up.

This is where you will need to be logged into your Steam account.

Once logged in, click on the Sign In Through Steam Button and follow any instructions.

3. Lastly, you will need to click on the Refresh Steam Purchases Button.

You can refresh your Steam purchases at any time if there is an item that is showing in your Steam account but not on your Fantasy Grounds account. Always give Steam at least 5 minutes or more to synchronize all items with Fantasy Grounds before resynching.

That is it! You are all sync'd up to Steam.

Just remember to make sure you go back to your Fantasy Grounds start up page and hit the Update Button anytime you purchase DLC on Steam.

Steps to Remove Your account

You can unlink your Steam account on the same webpage used to link your account originally.
Link: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/syncSteamAccount.php
You can also get there by clicking the Link Steam button on the Account tab in Settings as seen above.

Sync Your Fantasy Grounds Account To Paizo

In this screenshot tutorial you are going to learn how to sync your Fantasy Account to the Paizo website.

When you sync your Fantasy Grounds account to the Paizo website, it will give you the appropriate discounted price on several official Paizo PDF products that you have purchased from Paizo (if a discount applies to the item. There may be exceptions).

Generally, this works the other way as well. If you purchase a Paizo product from our Fantasy Grounds Store at regular price, you can most often go to the Paizo website and download that PDF.

Steps to Sync Your Accounts

The first thing you will need to do is go to the Paizo.com website and log into your account. If you do not already have an account, you will need to create one.

Once inside of your Paizo.com account, click on My Account in the upper-right corner of the site.

You are going to need to get a Activation Code, so next you will need to click on Manage Partner Authorizations in the My Partner Authorizations section. This will give you the code you will need.

Once you have your Activation Code, you will need to use this code to sync your Fantasy Account.

Now that you have your Activation Code, head over to the Paizo Account Synchronization page on the Fantasy Grounds website.
Link: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/syncPaizoAccount.php

Once you ha