The Fantasy Grounds VTT Sidebar

The Fantasy Grounds VTT Sidebar

With the Fantasy Grounds VTT update 2021-12-15, the Sidebar underwent a transformative and functional update.
Users used to have to choose which buttons or groups of buttons they needed for their game. This system as been replaced with a new collapsible group system that will be discussed below.
There are no longer settings in Options for the Sidebar.

Another update, v4.1.14 on 2022-03-03, added the vertically-collapsible Sidebar toggle allowing for three different configurations. This feature was added after the Collapsible Sidebar video tutorial at the bottom of the article.

Note: The following Sidebar example is what is shown when using the generic CoreRPG ruleset that is included with Fantasy Grounds VTT and the default Core theme. Sidebar buttons will vary depending on which ruleset is loaded. For example, CoreRPG may have a Vehicles button specifically for vehicles, Basic Roleplaying (BRP) ruleset may have Powers, Professions, and Skills listed under the Character category, etc.

Shown: CoreRPG ruleset with Core theme and Throwback dice skin

Adjustable Vertical Size Toggle


The Sidebar now has a an arrow icon at the bottom that allows it to be toggled between it’s three stages:

  • Default - This is the full view with icons and full-size text labels.

  • Double-wide - This state creates two side-by-side columns of icons. This allows more open desk space while showing more icons without the need to scroll.

  • Compressed - This is a single-column view the width of a single icon.

In all modes, Categories are still collapsible and expandible to allow for even further customization.








Collapsible Categories

The Sidebar’s collapsible categories make it easy to conserve screen space while still having all button options readily available at the click of a chevron. Each button now has an unobtrusive graphical representation for at-a-glance recognition.







The sidebar, its buttons, frames, icons and text are all able to be themed by ruleset developers to match their ruleset aesthetic.

Sidebar Categories

The Sidebar is now broken down into the following categories:


  • Combat Tracker - Where PCs, NPCs, vehicles, etc. will be places to interact with environments, each other, lighting, map items, etc.

  • Party Sheet - A single screen to keep track of the entire party, including loot (inventory), order and Experience Points (XP) if applicable by ruleset.

  • Calendar - A screen for the Calendar Module which holds typical as well as custom calendars other rulesets or modules.

  • Dice - The dice screen allows you to change dice colors (where applicable), select custom Dice Packs, change dice scaling, toggle Panel Lock, and change Custom Dice Rolls

  • Modifiers - Allows you to set custom modifier presets or create custom modifiers

  • Effects - Apply or create custom effects such as lighting (Candle, Torch, Darkness spell, etc.) or Conditions (Blinded, Grappled, etc.)

  • Sound: Context - Controls for Sounds and sound sets. You can manage sounds, what they are linked to, if anything, change settings, import sound data, etc.

  • Options - Where most settings for Fantasy Grounds can be found. This includes Background Decals, Currencies, Languages, Token Lights, User Color and many more granular options for GMs and Players alike.


  • Modules - This is where you will find the Activation button to loading modules, Store button to purchase modules, packs, etc., Export button to export a custom module, or Builder button to create your own References.

  • Assets - This is where you will find Tokens, Portraits, Images or all of the above in one location

  • Books - This is where you will find the campaign information. Some older modules may have this information listed under Reference Manual in the list of items in the module, but they will open in the Books window.

  • Sound Sets - This window will show all Sounds and Sound Sets currently loaded and available.


  • Characters - This is where you can create new characters, load already-created characters, or, if you are running a D&D 5e campaign, use the Character Wizard.
    NOTE: If using the Character Wizard, be sure to load any modules that may contain races/species, classes, feats, spells, items, etc. beforehand so that the Character Wizard can utilize them.

  • Player Notes - Opens the Player Notes section where you can jot down notes before, during, or after your session. Players have access to their own individual notes as well.


  • Encounters - This brings up the Encounters window where you can open, drag, share or delete encounters for all currently loaded modules. You can also create new encounters.

  • Images - This opens the Images window where you will find all images (monsters, art, maps for GMs and Players, etc.) associated with all loaded modules. Buttons under the Images window are Import Files where you would load an image file of your own, Create From Campaign Assets which you will use to import all campaign image assets as image records, and Store button which will open a link to the FG Store filtered specifically for Map Packs.

  • Items - This opens the Items windows which shows all items associated with all currently loaded modules. Buttons found under this window are Armor which filters items for those marked as armor, Weapons which filters items marked as weapons, Templates which shows all available item templates, as well as a button for the Forge where items can be custom-crafted or enhanced. The Forge button is also available on the Templates window.

  • NPCs - This button opens the window to load any Non-Player Characters associated with all loaded modules or NPCs created within the current campaign. From this window, you can sort NPCs by Letter, Challenge Rating (CR) or Type.

  • Parcels - This opens the Parcels window which shows each parcel available in all currently loaded modules as well as custom-created parcels.

  • Tables - This opens the Tables window which shows each Table available in all currently loaded modules as well as custom-created tables.

  • Vehicles - A window specifically for vehicles of various types if the ruleset allows for vehicles.


  • Locations - Here you can create new locations of note, with descriptions, sub-locations, notes for players, GM notes, and an image. All can be shared with Players.

  • Quests - This opens the Quests window which shows each Quest available in all currently loaded modules as well as custom-created quests.

  • Story - This opens the Story window which shows each Story available in all currently loaded modules as well as custom-created quests. This window also shows th