Defining Standard Modifiers for Actions

Defining Standard Modifiers for Actions

Campaign Modifiers


The campaign modifiers window is available in the upper-right set of campaign Tool buttons near the top of the Sidebar. The GM can build a number of modifiers that can be applied quickly to dice rolls.

To create a Custom modifier, click the green button at the bottom of the window. Fill in the description for the modifier entry and the number you wish to modify rolls by. Make sure to denote whether they are positive ( + ) or negative ( - ).

To apply a modifier from the Custom list, click the +/- button of the modifier and the numerical modifier will be added to the Modifier Stack. To hide/show a modifier in the player modifiers list, click the eye icon on the right side of the modifier entry.

Otherwise, the modifier list works just like other Campaign Data Lists. Only the GM can edit the campaign modifiers list.

Ruleset Modifier Details

Some rulesets have additional modifier buttons in the campaign modifiers window that can be toggled for the next dice roll. These correspond to common modifiers in the relevant game system (i.e. Cover, Concealment, Critical, etc.).