Managing Campaign Data - Stories, Tables, Categories, etc.

Managing Campaign Data - Stories, Tables, Categories, etc.

Sidebar Access

All campaign data can be accessed via the buttons in the sidebar on the right side of the tabletop.

You can view our dedicated Sidebar panel page here: The Fantasy Grounds VTT Sidebar

Campaign Data List

Each campaign data list can be accessed via the appropriate tabletop sidebar button.

The Character list is unique, and covered in the Controlling 1 or More Characters topic.

For the GM, this list contains all the relevant records for the campaign as well as any data module records. If the GM makes a record public, it will be shown with a circled P icon. If the GM has shared a record with specific players only, it will be shown with a circled S icon, and the player names will be visible when hovering over icon. The GM can un-share records by clicking on the P or S icon. The GM will also see a small book icon if the record is part of a data module. If the GM edits the record, a small quill will be shown on the book icon.

For the player, this list contains any records shared by the GM. If a player does not have access to a record, it will not appear in the campaign data list.

The Notes campaign data list also shows the owner of the record.

Please see the The Basics - Lists for details on editing the list. Only GMs can edit the campaign data list.

Most campaign lists also have a search box that will search the campaign data across all tabs for records with names that match the search criteria. Select and delete search text, or middle click search field, to clear the search.


Groups are a method to organize campaign data records into groups for campaign data management.

If you have multiple data modules open with items in a list, they will all show up under the All group. In addition to the data element name, the group for each will be shown in the 2nd column. You can use the Group selection dropdown at the top of the screen to limit your results to just the group you need or you can click on the Group name while browsing All items to quickly jump to that group.

A single adventure module might use groups for each chapter to help further organize data. See the image below for an example of an adventure broken into groups by chapter.

You can add your own group, rename an existing group or move items from one group to another using the Group dropdown.

Create a Group

  1. Click on the Group dropdown

  2. Click on the icon to enter List Edit Mode

  3. Click on the + icon to add a new group.

  4. Locate and rename the group as needed

  5. Exit out of list edit mode by clicking on the list edit button

New groups you add will be named Group 1, Group 2, etc. You can rename this to whatever you want.

Rename a Group

  1. Click on the Group dropdown

  2. Click the button to enter List Edit mode

  3. Rename the Group

  4. Exit List Edit mode

Delete a Group

  1. Click on the Group dropdown

  2. Click the button to enter List Edit mode

  3. Click the - Icon next to the group to delete it

  4. Exit List Edit mode