Toggleable Toolbar Functions

Toggleable Toolbar Functions

Note: The screenshots on this page use the Legacy - Leather theme for FGVTT, which may look different than the theme you are currently using. The functionality remains the same across all themes.


On this page, we will illustrate each icon’s function. We’ll break them down into function subsets to make them easier to discuss.

Note: Please be aware that many of the icons only show up under conditions pertinent to how the image is being used. For example, if you are using an image asset, but are not using it as a map with PCs/NPCs/etc., your Toggleable Toolbar may look similar to this:


Map View Modes

  1. Zoom To Fit - This will increase the image to fit the canvas area of the window.

  2. View Mode Toggle - Camera - This will toggle Camera View mode.

  3. View Mode Toggle - Token - This will toggle Token View mode.

You can freely toggle back and forth between Camera and Token modes without having to return to 2D (Top Down) mode first. Clicking either button twice will return you to 2D (Top Down) mode.

  1. Ping Mode - This will toggle Ping Mode, which allows the GM to use the Ping features.

Sight / Drawing Modes

  1. Mask Mode - A toggle button that quickly takes you to the Global Mask controls in the Image Controls.

  1. Drawing Mode - Switches to the Drawing feature in the Image Controls and allows you to draw directly on the image.

  2. Eraser Mode - Switches to the Eraser feature in the Image Controls and allows you to erase any drawings made on the image.

Combat Modes

  1. Selection Mode - This activates the Token Selection feature. Single-click to choose a token or draw a rectangle around a group of tokens that you want to select.

  2. Target Mode - This activated the Token Targeting feature. Use this mode to select targets for an action.

    In most rulesets, you can simply CTRL+Click on a target.

  3. Target Enemy Units - This will automatically target every NPC denoted as an enemy (Faction: Hostile) in the Combat Tracker.

  4. Target Friendly Units - This will automatically target every NPC denoted as an enemy (Faction: Friend) in the Combat Tracker.

  5. Clear All Targets - This will remove all targeting for the selected character(s), whether they are on enemies, friends, or otherwise.


Map Overlay Items Mode

  1. Clear Death Markers - This will remove all Death Markers on the map immediately.

    More about Death Markers: