G.I. Joe Standard Dice and Rolling Mechanics

G.I. Joe Standard Dice and Rolling Mechanics

The standard dice for any E20 Core ruleset will use a d12 - d2 for skill rolls, attacks, and save rolls, and a d20 as a base die. The percentile and plus/minus die were left in the ruleset to encourage tables to play with their own style as they learn more about the game.

Modifier Box

The modifier box will add to a player/npc chance to hit when increased or decreased. Attacks will be sent to an attack prompt queue for a GM to review before it is officially rolled. In this queue, players and the GM will be able to see it as the die rolled + the modifier ([d10+2] in the example below).


The Edge and Snag buttons will modify the base die that is thrown in the roll. If the roll has EDGE, then 2d20 will be thrown and the highest of the two will be kept. The chat will show this as a d20 with a green box around it.

When an attack with EDGE / SNAG is sent to the attack prompt, players and the GM will be able to see the status of the attack in the prompt quick view.

Story Points (Community Pool)

Transformers and other E20Core games will have Story Points for players to use in their adventure. Earning Story Points will be determined by the GM as the players play through the campaign, may be earned from perks and other character bonuses, and are awarded to a player anytime they roll an Automatic Fumble.



Story points earned by a player are sent to the Story Data section of their character sheet, under the section “S-Pool”. Each character will be able to see the Story Points they have earned in this section. But the total amount of Story Points the entire team has earned will be available for everyone to see from the Story Points (Players) desktop panel.