G.I. Joe Character Sheet

G.I. Joe Character Sheet

There are several Factions to select from when creating a character.


  • Civilian

  • Diplomat

  • Mercenary

  • GI JOE

  • Cobra

  • Ninja







The Header

The header section will contain your avatar icon, your map token, your alliance (see the faction description above in “Character Sheet”), your characters name, origin, role, role focus, and level data. It is best to set your character’s level BEFORE you add your Origin, Role, Role Focus, or Skills, to your sheet. Once the level is set, dragging and dropping the Origin, Role, or Role Focus, will take your character level into account and automatically configure your sheet with the perks, default alt mode, and Essence Bonuses.

Origin records must be added first. Role records must be added second. And Role Focus must be added third. To add these records, you can simply drag’n’drop the link from the records anywhere on the character sheet. Once added, the Origin and Role sections of the character sheet will be updated to reflect what you added. A Role Focus will be appended to the Role section. IE - “[ROLE] : [ROLE FOCUS]”. If you set your level BEFORE you drag and drop these records onto your sheet, it will grab all perks, abilities, skills, and essence score increases that apply to your character, and add them automatically to your sheet for you. Otherwise, just the basic level zero abilities/skills/essence scores, will be applied.


The Main tab of your character sheet will show your Core details for your character. This includes your Maximum health and Current Health. Your characters Essence data and defensive stats like Toughness, Evasion, Willpower, and Cleverness. Your Story Data such as your characters accumulated Story Points (S-POOL) and the movement available to your character in their current mode*. 


*Characters may have alternate forms of travel. Whether by air (Aerial), Land (Ground), or Sea (Aquatic), characters can have different speeds at which they can move. Your Main tab will display this information for you so you can quickly find it, but the information for this is SET on the “Other” tab under the Movement Matrix section. By changing the combo box on the Main tab, you can cycle between your pre-set movements and quickly see how far you can go.


The Skills Tab of your character sheet will give you a readout of all the skills you have access to from your Essences Scores based on your Origin, Role, Role Focus, and Starting Essence Points. Players can adjust these values by using CTRL+MOUSE SCROLL.

By default, a character is created with NO skill data. Skills can be added to a new sheet in different ways. The easiest way to add skills to a character sheet is by dragging and dropping the building blocks of a character onto the sheet. These are your Origin, Role, and Role Focus records.


The inventory is where all of a character’s gear is stored. As gear is added to a sheet, players can set if that gear is “NOT CARRIED” (empty circle), “CARRIED” (bag icon), or “EQUIPPED” (shirt icon). Items that are not carried are considered to 

NOT be attached to the character at the moment. This is important for Weapons and the ABILITIES section. Weapon attacks will not appear in the “Abilities” tab until they are set to “EQUIPPED” on the inventory screen

Each item added to the inventory has a link to its record page on the right-hand side of the inventory sheet. Just click the star-icon to open the associated record sheet and get more detailed information about that inventory item.

The inventory is also a place where characters can track their currency. By default, “cash”, “credit”, and “crypto”, currency values are added to the sheet. But players can always add more themselves, and GMs can customize the default currencies from the Currencies menu in the Options Menu.


The Abilities section of the character page will contain all of a player’s attack information available to them. Every weapon can contain one or more attacks, and its use is dependent on if it's Integrated or an External part.

To have your weapons show up on the ABILITIES section, you MUST set the inventory item to “EQUIPPED” in the inventory tab. Once set to equipped, it will appear in the Abilities section ready to be configured to your character. Any weapons set to “NOT CARRIED” or “CARRIED” will be filtered out of this view so they do not take up room on your page.

By default, weapon abilities are added as “DISABLED”. Players can use the Combobox to set these abilities as “Integrated” or “External”, and then the weapon ability will expand to show its attack details.

Once you have your weapons added to your Abilities section, set the weapon as “Integrated” or “External”. For GI JOE, it doesn’t matter which category you choose. These options are here to allow for cross-play compatibility with the Transformers RPG game. 

As a Joe, you may be tougher than most, but even you have your limits. Instead of tracking mass and volume, the G.I. JOE Roleplaying Game handles carrying capacity broadly. Assume your character has enough packs, pockets, and pouches to carry the majority of your gear, except your weapons. 

You can carry six hands of weapons in your load out. Weapons list the number of hands required to use it effectively. You can have any combination of equipment on you as long as the total number of hands required to yield them all does not exceed six. The most common load out is a rifle (two hands), pistol (one hand), knife (one hand), and two grenades (one hand each). Some Roles and Perks allow access to more hands of equipment.

When your weapon is equipped and set for your Load Out Limits, you can quickly “sync” the weapon to your character by clicking the “Skill Sync” button. This will look at your character's skills in the “Skills” section of your character sheet, find the matching skill found in the parentheses in the weapon name, and then set your weapon to whatever that value is.

NOTE: If an item has designated which skill it uses by including it in the title of the item, you can use the “SKILL SYNC” button to automatically set your weapon ability to the corresponding Die Value the character sheet has for that skill. In the image above, the Pistol has set (Targeting) as its designated skill. The Skill Sync button automatically sets the skill to the d2 value the Character has as their Targeting skill on the “Skills” tab. You can also expand each attack the weapon has to see a more detailed view of each value used by the weapon, or collapse this section and get a “quick” and compacted view.


The Notes section of the character sheet is where you can create any additional descriptions of your character, or save information about your campaign. The languages your character can speak are also on this tab.

Some notes are automatically added to this section when you use the drag’n’drop character creation method. Notes about your armor upgrades and weapon proficiencies are two examples of what would be added from your chosen Role.

 Your default Languages are added from the Origin you choose.

Some actions will update a character’s log sheet. To see those updates, click on the magnifying glass in the lower-left hand corner of this tab. A new window will appear and list all the changes that have been made to the character’s sheet since it was created.

NOTE: This Notes window will only update if the PLAYER makes the changes to the character sheet, NOT the GM. This will make sure minor changes the GM makes during a campaign are not reflected in the notes and possibly give away gameplay information.


The “Other” section will contain any information that is important to the development of your character, but doesn’t necessarily fit in the previous sections.

Your character's movement is set here, and will be automatically set by the Origin if you use the drag’n’drop character creation method.

The Defense Matrix is all of the defenses your character has from either gear, or natural bonuses. By default the 3x4 standard defense Matrix is generated with all values set to zero when the character is created. More defenses can be added to the sheet depending on your campaign storyline.

Hang-up, Benefits, Influences, and any other record that would describe your character's individual traits and/or social quirks, are all kept in the “Character Traits” list.

Your Character’s Perks are also kept here and are at the bottom of the page for quick access and easy scrolling. To add additional perks or traits to your character, just drag the corresponding record to the header section on this page and it will be automatically added to your character sheet for you.