CoreRPG Combat Tracker

CoreRPG Combat Tracker

Note: The combat tracker window is unique to every ruleset, since every ruleset has a unique method for resolving encounters. Please see the Available Rulesets for your specific game system.

The combat tracker window is available in the upper right set of campaign tool buttons.

Some features that are common across most combat trackers are detailed below. Most combat trackers use a round-based tracking system, where the order of actor turns descends from highest to lowest.

Main Window

  • Global Visibility Toggle: This button toggles visibility of all NPCs currently in the CT.

  • Global Subsection Toggles: These buttons toggle the visibility of individual subsections for every CT entry.

  • Turn Activation Marker: Drag this marker onto any actor in the CT actor list to set the current turn to this actor. If the current actor is set in this way, the round counter and any effects will not be advanced.

  • Next Actor Button: Click button to advance the turn from the current actor to the next actor in the CT actor list. If the actor is the last actor in the CT actor list, the round counter will be advanced and the first actor will be activated. Any effects will be advanced, based on the ruleset used.

  • Faction Buttons: Drag and drop faction button onto any actor to set the faction for that actor. Drag and drop faction button onto a map to add all actors of that faction to a map.

  • Round Counter: Tracks the current round of the encounter. To change the value, click on the counter and type the round number you require.

  • Next Round Button: Advances the round counter, and activates the first actor in the CT actor list. Any effects will be advanced, based on the ruleset used.


Left or right click on the menu button to bring up a context menu for the combat tracker.

  • Initiative/Order: Menu options to reset or assign initiative/order. If resetting initiative/order, the round counter will be reset to 1.

  • Delete: Menu options to delete foes or non-friendly actors from the CT actor list.

  • Effects: Menu options to expire or delete effects (for those rulesets that have expiring effects).

  • Rest: Menu options for specifying that PCs in the CT are taking a rest period (for those rulesets that support rules for rest periods).

Actor List

  • Add an actor:

    • Drag and drop a PC from the character selection window or character list

    • Drag and drop a NPC link from the campaign NPC list or NPC sheet

    • Right click actor list, and select the Create Item menu option.

  • Add an encounter:

    • Drag and drop an encounter link from the campaign encounter list or encounter sheet.

    • Click the Add Encounter button on the encounter sheet.

  • Delete an actor:

    • Right click on an actor entry, and select the Delete Item menu option.

    • Use the CT menu Delete options (see above).

    • Some rulesets will activate a delete button (red minus) when a NPC entry is dying or dead. Press the button to delete.

Actor Entry

Each combat tracker entry corresponds to a single actor in an encounter. There are a number of common features used for actors in the CT actor list. Some fields are marked with a small chain icon in the lower right corner to indicate that they are linked to a PC sheet.

Main Section

  • Active Marker: If the actor is active (i.e. it's the actor's turn), then an active marker will be shown on the left side of the actor entry. The active status of a CT actor is also noted by a solid border around the active entry. If a token is linked to this actor, the active state of the token will be toggled when the actor gains or loses active status.

  • Token: The token field is on the left side of the actor entry. If a token is dragged from this field to a map, then the new token will be linked this CT actor. CT-linked tokens usually display faction underlays (based on Size field) and reach underlays on token hover (based on Reach field). If a CT-linked token has been individually sized, the individual size multiple will be shown on the token here. Click on the token field to toggle the active status of a linked token. Double click on the token field to open the map containing the token, and center the viewport on the token.

  • Visibility Toggle: An open eye or shuttered eye icon is used to denote whether an NPC actor entry is visible to players. Clicking on the icon will toggle the visibility of the actor in the player CT. If a token is linked to this CT actor, then the visibility of the token will be toggled as well (between mask-sensitive and always invisible, respectively).

  • Name: The name of the actor. PC actor names typically can not be edited from the CT.

  • Initiative/Order: The number assigned to an actor to denote the order of action in an encounter. Actors are typically sorted in descending order.

  • Faction: Indication of the faction of a CT actor. The valid states are: Unassigned, Friendly, Neutral, Hostile. The faction can be assigned by dragging the faction markers from the CT window onto the actor, or by clicking on the faction field. PCs are automatically set to Friendly, while NPCs are automatically set to Foe.

  • Link: Click on the link icon to open the record sheet for this PC or NPC.

Map Settings Subsection

Note: Size and reach are denoted in game system units (i.e. default size/reach is 1 in 4E D&D, and 5 in 3.5E D&D and Pathfinder).

  • Size: Size of actor. If token has been placed on a map with a grid enabled, then the token will show an underlay equal to the creature size colored to the actor's faction.

  • Reach: Reach of actor. If token has been placed on a map with a grid enabled, then hovering over the token will show a gray underlay equal to the actor's reach.

Effects Subsection

Effects are simple labels that can be added to a combat tracker actor to denote special conditions. To add an effect, open the effect subsection, press the green plus button, and enter the effect text in the effect label field. To delete an effect , open the effect subsection and press the red minus button next to the effect to delete. A summary of current effects is displayed on the entry when the effects subsection is closed.

  • Visibility Toggle: An eye icon indicates whether this effect is visible to players or not. Click to toggle player visibility.

  • Label: A text field to describe the effect currently applied to the actor. Informational only.

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