CoreRPG Campaign Options
- 1 Campaign Options
- 1.1 Per User
- 1.2 Game
- 1.3 Combat
- 1.4 Token
- 1.5 House Rules
- 2 Ruleset Options
Campaign Options
The campaign options window is available in the upper right set of campaign tool buttons. The options window is used to control optional features within each ruleset.
Client options can be configured by either player or GM and only apply to that FG instance. All other options are GM editable only, though they are visible to players.
Options can be adjusted by clicking on the option value, or using the small left and right arrows.
Per User
Option | Values | Notes |
Chat: Ring on Whisper | On (default) or Off | Rings the bell when a whispering if On. |
Color: Active character | Black (default) | Use to change the color of the Active Character. This will change the dot by the character portrait and that characters pointers. See Characters and Pointer Color for details. |
Desktop: Combat list size | 6 (default), 8, 10, or 12. | Denotes the number of characters to appear in the Combat List at a time. |
Desktop: Restore windows on start | Off (default) or On | Restores windows that were open when the campaign was exited. |
Dice: Manual Entry | Off (default) or On | Use to enable the manual dice entry feature. When on all dice rolls will be intercepted and a pop up will allow the DM to just allow the roll or edit it. |
Turn: Auto-center map | On (default) or Off | When turned on the map will auto-center on the next actor when the 'Next Actor' button is pressed in the Combat Tracker |
Option | Values | Notes |
Chat: Set GM voice to active CT | Off (default) or On | When turned on, the name of any NPC which becomes active in the combat tracker will be added to the GM speaking identity list below the chat window. |
Chat: Show all whispers to GM | Off (default) or On | When turned on, any whispers sent between players can be viewed by the GM. |
Chat: Show GM rolls | Off (default) or On | When turned off, any rolls made by the GM are marked secret, and not shared with the players. When turned on, any rolls made by the GM are shared with all players. |
Desktop: Dice Tower | Off (default) or On | When turned on, a dice tower will appear on each player desktop, and on the GM desktop (if GM rolls option set to On). The result of any rolls dropped in the dice tower can only be seen by the GM. See for more information. |
Desktop: Show PCs | All (default) or Active Only | When turned on, all previously used characters will appear in the top-left corner of the desktop whether they are currently active or not. “Active Only” will only show characters that are currently claimed and in use by players or the GM. |
Party: Show characters to players | Off (default) or On | Determines whether the characters are visible to players on the Party Sheet inventory tab. |
Party: Show inventory to clients | Off (default) or On | Determines whether the Party Coins and Party Items lists are visible to players on the Party Sheet inventory tab. |
Sound: Enable | On (Checkmark - Default) or Off (no checkmark) | Shows or removed the Sound button from the sidebar and also allows going to Sound Settings from the Settings button. |
Option | Values | Notes |
Combat: NPC Numbering | Append (Default), Random or Off | When adding an NPC to the CT, this option determines whether a unique number is appended to the NPC name. When set to Append, the next available number starting from 1 will be used. When set to Random, a random number will be used. |
Player: Ring Bell on turn | Off (Default) or On | When turned on and a PC is activated in the CT that is controlled by a user in the session, a bell sound will be played on the user's machine. |
Player: Show turn order | On (default), Friendly or Off | Determines how much information players are given about turn order. When set to On players will see all PCs and NPCs on the combat tracker with initiative and in the correct turn order. If set to off players will have no information on what initiative rolls were made by any creature on the Combat Tracker and creatures will not show in initiative turn order. If set to Friendly players will know the initiative of the player characters only. |
Turn: Show effects on notice | Off (Default) or On | When turned on, any effects on a creature will be displayed in the chat window as part of the turn notification message. |
Turn: Show notice to players | Friendly (Default), All or Off | Shows the notice from “Show effects on notice” to Friendly PCs, All PCs or none. |
Turn: Skip dead non-ally | Off (Default or On | If an NPC is determined to be dead, it’s turn will automatically be skipped. If set to Off then the Combat Tracker will stop at the NPC's turn as normal. |
Turn: Skip hidden actor | On (Default) or Off | Determines whether a hidden NPC's turn is skipped or not. If an NPC is currently not visible to the players then if this option is set to On the NPC will be skipped over on the Combat Tracker so that the players continue to be unaware of the NPC. If set to Off then the Combat Tracker will stop at the NPC's turn as normal. |
Turn: Stop at round start | Off (Default) or On | When turned on and the turn marker in the CT is advanced past the end of the actor list using the Next Actor button, then the first actor in the CT will not be activated until the Next Actor button is pressed again. |
Option | Values | Notes |
Token: Auto-scale to Grid | 80% of grid (Default), 100% of grid, or Off | When turned on, any tokens added to a map will be automatically scaled to fit within 1 grid square (or multiple grid squares if dragged from CT and Size field greater than 1). |
Token: Facing Indicator | Off (default) or On | When turned on, tokens displayed on the map will show a facing indicator. When tokens are rotated, the facing indicator will be rotated, instead of the token image. See for more info. |
Token: Fog of war | On, PC (default) or Off | Turn on Fog of War for everyone, PCs only or turned off. |
Token: Party vision and movement | Off (Default) or On | When on, all players can move any other player or ally token and all players share light sources and vision. When off, players can only move tokens under their control and can only see what their selected token can see. |
Token: Show name | Tooltip (Default), Title, Tile Hover or Off | When a CT-linked token is added to a map, this option controls whether and how the name of the CT actor is displayed on the token. When set to Tooltip, the name will appear in a standard tooltip when hovering over token. When set to Title, a name title bar will be added to each token. When set to Title Hover, a name title bar will appear when hovering over token. |
House Rules
Option | Values | Notes |
Map: Diagonal distance | 1x (Default), 1.5x, or Raw | When measuring diagonal grid squares: 1x means that diagonals are measured as a distance of 1 (ala 5E) 1.5x means that diagonals are applied a distance of 1.5 (rounded down) (ala 3.5E and Pathfinder) Raw means that diagonals are measured explicitly (ie squares are no taken into account at all; i.e. Pythagorean theorem) |
Party: Use currency weight | On (Default) or Off | When on, currency weight will count toward encumbrance. |
Ruleset Options
Some rulesets have additional options available. Please see the Available Rulesets for your specific game system.
Each button at the bottom of the Options window will be discussed on it’s own page as each option may have features added or omitted at a later date.
(This section is currently being updated. Please check back shortly for new additions)
Items that were removed from the Ruleset Options and relocated elsewhere:
User Color has become the Color: Active character options in the Per User section of Options.
See Characters and Pointer Color for more information.