Mutants and Masterminds - Combat Tracker

The Combat Tracker is the location to help and track combat between the characters and NPCs. You can drag their respective links to the Combat Tracker and they will populate the list and show relevant information for that actor. 

  • PCs will have next to no information as all of their information would be located on their sheets. 

  • For NPCs, there will be available offensive and defensive rolls for easy access without the need to open each sheet and roll. 

  • Drag and drop rolls will target the rolls to that actor and if a target is applied, it will do a target roll with a double click. 

  • Powers here are not rollable and only Attacks that are highlighted will be available for rolling. 

  • Initiative is automatically rolled for the NPC when dropped onto the tracker, but can double click on the Init modifier to roll again.

  • Bruises are the negative modifiers for toughness checks and will accumulate automatically on automated rolls. 

  • The players can automate all their rolls and the ability for the DM is available if they wish to automate their combat against the players. If the choice is made for the players to do their own rolling, you can double click on the damage to display the DC for the toughness/resistance check.

Controlling a PC as the GM

While players are normally in charge of their actions, there may be cases where a GM has to act on behalf of a player who is otherwise unavailable. The GM can click on the shortcut link for any player to open their character sheet and they can conduct any action as if they were the player.