5E Party Sheet

5E Party Sheet

NOTE: Some screenshots and older videos may use the Legacy - Leather theme, or Legacy - D&D theme. If you wish to use them instead of the current default Dungeons & Dragons theme, you can load them from the Fantasy Grounds VTT main menu under the EXTENSIONS section.

Applying different themes will not change underlying functionality.

Video Tutorials

The following video tutorial was created to compliment the 5e Party Sheet page below.




The Party Sheet in the 5e ruleset is used mainly by the DM, but players also have access to several useful features, depending on the settings employed by the DM.

To access the Party Sheet, click on the small party sheet button in the TOOL section in the Sidebar on the right. The sheet is split into four sections accessed by the tabs down the right-hand side of the party sheet window. Each section is discussed below.


Main Tab

It is important that the DM populate the Party Sheet with the player characters; otherwise the functionality of the Party Sheet will be lost. To do so the DM should drag the players into the main tab from the portraits on the top left of the screen (only visible if players have joined the game) or from the Characters button on the Sidebar.

This tab is only available to players if the DM selects the 'Party: Show characters to players' option from the Options menu.

If available, players will see a list of the player characters along with a summary of each character. The columns from left to right are Portrait, Name, Class, Species and Level, hit points (HP) and hit dice (HD), ability scores (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, and Cha), armor class (AC) and passive perception (Perc), Defenses and Senses. None of this information is editable either by players or the DM on this screen.

The DM can make ability rolls for an individual player character by double-clicking on the rollable box beneath each ability score value. Players do not have this ability.

The DM also has access to a number of selection boxes at the bottom of the window enabling them to make ability checks (Ability), saving throws (Save), and skill checks (Skill) for the entire party as well as making an attack roll (Attack) against the entire party.

To make such an Ability, Save or Skill roll, select the Ability, Save or Skill option from the drop-down menus. Enter a difficulty class in the editable box and then click the dice roller button. The results will be posted in chat showing the success or failure of the roll against the set DC.

To make an Attack, click the dice roller icon. A positive or negative modifier can be entered into the editable box if required.

Any modifier set in the modifier box at the bottom-left of the UI (under the chat box)  will be applied to all of the rolls made. For example, if there is a -2 shown in the modifier box, then all of the rolls (whether ability, save, skill or attack) will suffer that penalty.

If the DM has set the OptionChat: Show DM rolls’ to On; an eye icon will be present next to the dice rollers. Toggling this icon will show or hide the rolls from appearing in the players chat. If the Show DM rolls is set to off then no eye icon will be present.

The DM can remove a character from the sheet by using the 'Edit List' button in the top-right corner of the Main tab, or by right-clicking on the character and selecting 'Delete Item'.

Inventory Tab

The Inventory tab is divided into four sections, Parcel Coins, Parcel Items, Party Coins and Party Inventory. The Party Coins and Party Inventory will only be visible to players if the DM has set the Option 'Party: Show inventory to clients' to 'On'.

Parcel Coins

This area of the Inventory tab displays coins which, collectively belong to the party, but have not yet been distributed to the characters. The names of the coins will reflect that which has been set up by the DM in options for the campaign.

Coins accumulate as a running total from from treasure parcels dropped into the party inventory by the DM, or from sales of unwanted treasure (see below).

The DM can edit any of the coin values by clicking in the box and typing in a new value.

The DM can add new coin values by using the green ‘+’ button at the top of the panel.

The DM can also edit the default names of the coins, and delete any of the lines using the edit list button..

If a parcel is dropped into the Inventory tab and contains coin values not listed, that name will be added to the list automatically.

Coins will remain in this section until the DM distributes treasure to the party (see below).

Parcel Items

This area displays items which have been gathered by the party and have not yet been distributed amongst the characters.

Treasure parcels dragged and dropped into the Party Sheet by the DM will add the items in that parcel to this panel.

The DM can also add items by dragging from the items list; or by creating an item directly in the panel using the green ‘+’ button. It is important to note that an item created in this way is not added to the campaign items list.

Players (and the DM) can drag the link icon of items from their inventory and drop them into this panel; and in doing so add the item to the Parcel Items and remove them from their inventory. If the player has more than one of an item only one item will be dragged in at a time. To move all of the items the player can hold SHIFT whilst dragging the item.

Players (and the DM) can also move items from the Parcel Items section and drop them into their inventory. Multiple copies of the item can be moved if SHIFT is held whilst dragging.

The DM can delete items by right-clicking and selecting 'Delete Item' from the radial menu, or by using the edit list button at the top of the panel.

The DM can edit the quantity of an item by clicking in the number box and typing in a new value. The DM can also edit existing items by clicking on the link icon to the right of the item and typing in new information into the window that opens. Editing items here will not affect any similar items contained in other treasure parcels or which are in the campaign items list.

Player's can view a description of the item by clicking on the icon at the right-hand side of each item. If the DM has set the ID Toggle on the item to not be identified then the item will show as 'unidentified item' or by its non-id name if it has one. Its description will also be truncated for the players and a red 'unidentified' icon will be visible in the top-right corner of the item's sheet.

The DM can toggle items 'identified' or 'unidentified' by clicking on the ID icon at the right side of each item. (If an item was unidentified in a treasure parcel it will retain its status when the parcel is dropped into the party sheet). The DM can make all items identified by clicking on the ID button between the top two panels.

Party Coins

This section is only available to the players if the DM selects the optionParty: show inventory to players’.

This part of the Inventory shows the total number of each coin type held by the party and how those coins are distributed amongst the party members.

This section cannot be edited by anyone; it is purely for informational purposes.

Party Inventory

This section is only available to the players if the DM selects the optionParty: show inventory to players’.

This section shows the total of each item held by the whole party and how many of that item each party member has. It is for informational purposes only.

There is a button just to the right of 'Party Inventory' which allows the DM to refresh the party inventory.

Selling Items

Unwanted treasure can be sold by the DM by clicking on the 'Sell Items' button found between the two top sections of the sheet. When items are sold, the total coin value will be added to the coins panel on the top-left side, and a list of items sold will appear in chat.

Only unassigned treasures (see below) and treasures which have a value will be sold. The gross value of the item will be the value shown on the item’s sheet.

If the item’s value is expressed in a coin type not already defined, the item will be sold and the coin type will be added to the coin list. For example, an item with a value of 10 “pieces of eight” will be sold and “pieces of eight” will appear as a new coin in the coin list if it doesn't already exist. (see 5E Campaign Options for details on how the DM can assign their own currencies to a campaign).

The DM can set the value that the players obtain for the sale by editing the % box directly below the sale button.

Distributing Treasure

The DM can use the 'Distribute Assignments and Coins' button in the middle of the Party Sheet to distribute treasure to the party.

For coins, each party member who is on the Party Sheet will get an equal share of each coin type. Odd amounts will be left in the Coins parcel e.g. 15 gp between 6 players - each will get 2gp and 3gp will be left in the Coins parcel section.

Parcel Items need to be assigned before they will be distributed. To assign an item start typing the character’s name into the ‘Assignment’ box next to the item. Once the character’s full name appears press the tab key.

Once items are assigned, they will be distributed to those characters when the DM clicks the assignment button and will be moved to that character's inventory.

If the name to which the item is assigned is not a party member, then the item will not be distributed. Players could use this feature to assign items to say 'Horse' or 'Wagon' to represent party treasure being carried by a pack animal or cart.

Once assigned, a list of the items distributed and to which character they went to is shown in chat.

Order Tab

The Order tab is used to set the PC’s watch order and formation.

PC Portraits and names appear on the left. The DM can enter a number in the number box to set the order of the watch as determined by the players. The PCs will reorder according to who is first, second etc as numbers are typed in. More than one PC can have the same number.

Portraits can be dragged (by the DM or by players) from the order list into a square on the formation section. The DM can quickly add the entire party to the formation in one, two, or three columns by clicking on the 1x, 2x, or 3x buttons at the bottom of the window.

The DM can also clear the formation by clicking on the bin icon at the bottom-right and can also rotate the formation in one of the cardinal directions by clicking on one of the rotate buttons at the bottom of the window. The current direction that the party is facing is shown by a small arrow at the edge of the window.

Once on the formation grid, players or DMs can move the portraits onto any other square.

The DM can use the small green icon on the bottom-left of the formation window to place the player tokens onto any map. Doing so will preserve the formation which shows in the main window.

Note: Using the small green icon at the bottom of the Combat Tracker to place the party on a map will also use the formation set here.


XP Tab

The XP tab is only ever available to the DM.

The top half of the sheet is a summary of the Current XP and XP to next level for each of the characters. The DM can drag a number from an encounter or a quest (or indeed almost any other number field) and drop it on the first number box next to a PCs name to award individual XP.


The DM can drag encounters into this area, either from the encounter sheet or from the encounter itself.

New Encounters can be created by right clicking and selecting 'Create Item' or by clicking on the green ‘+’ button at the bottom of the panel. Type in a name and then open the encounter dialog by clicking on the icon to the right of the new line. Create the encounter then as normal by dragging NPCs into the encounter dialog.

Encounters can be deleted by clicking twice on the red delete icon.

It is possible to drag an existing encounter and drop it back down into the panel. This will create an exact duplicate of the encounter.

To award XP for encounters click on the ‘Award’ button at the top of the panel. This will award the players who are on the party sheet with the total from all encounters in the list that have not yet been awarded. XP will be divided equally between all players on the Party Sheet.

Once XP has been awarded a tick will be added to the checkbox against the encounter in the ‘Aw?’ line.

A notification will be sent to chat showing how much XP each player was awarded.


The quests panel works in exactly the same way as the encounter panel except that it lists, and awards XP for quests that have been completed by the party.