Fallout 2d20 Character Sheet

Fallout 2d20 Character Sheet

Character Creation

Please enable your modules before attempting.

Setting up a character for the first time, you would first create a new character. Using the standard process in the base system will create a blank character, but with a new change. Creating new characters open directly to a character wizard that will help guide you through the initial creation process. You will be greeted with the first screen requesting your origin and instructions on how to proceed. This description area as well will lay out any additional tasks that would need to be completed after you have completed the process.


This is the section where you would select your origin for your player. Once chosen you click on the next section along the top to continue on the process. A link is provided on the button to give you more information on the origin if you wish to window shop a bit. If nothing appears here, then please delete the character in question and then make sure you have loaded your core rulebook module and any additional modules if a particular origin is not available.


This section is where you would set your initial attributes for your character. The core rules are presented to help guide you, but if homebrew rules are being used, get with your GM about those rules and choose accordingly. 


This section is a bit of the same as the previous section in that you select your tag skills and use up your skill points based on the core rules’ formula. The system does not impede your selections and can go over the maximum provided. This is set to assist with homebrew character creation processes.


A single perk can be selected here. To assist with that selection process, those perks that are not eligible based on requirements have been disabled. The links or tooltips will display requirement information.


Clicking on complete finishes the creation process. Clicking on this at any stage will close the wizard and bring you to the main tab on the character sheet. So if you wish to build your character directly from the main tab instead. You can skip the wizard by clicking on this button. Once you are on the Main tab of the character sheet, you will still need to complete the rest of the creation process of adding your origin’s talent choice(s) and adding the equipment pack from your origin and tag skills. These are detailed on the respective records or in the reference manual.

Character Sheet Overview

Main Tab: Origin, attributes, skills, talents, xp, level, perks, and allies are tracked here.

Editing Attribute and Skill Ranks

If you are needing to increase or decrease your ranks in attributes or skills, you will need to select the edit button in the top right corner. This will then display arrows along each stat that will assist in adjusting the ranks on the box.

Skill Test

To perform a skill test, you can click on the box for the corresponding skill you are attempting to roll. By default it will use the default attribute that is associated with the skill. If a different attribute is needed for the roll, you must first click on the attribute box that you wish to make part of the roll. This will deselect the button when the roll is completed. Building the pool of dice can be accomplished by clicking and dragging from the skill box and, while holding left click, then tapping right click to add the number of dice to the pool. The secondary method would be to add the number of additional dice to the modifier box and then attempting the roll.

Character Allies

When in need of the use of allies, a list is available to keep track of them. The GM can drag n drop a ready made NPC to this list to make them available or you can create them from scratch by choosing the add button. A helpful add to combat tracker button has been added to help in adding the ally to the combat tracker for the player. The ally will need to be deleted by the GM from the tracker when it is no longer available.

The character ally sheet functions much like the rest of the character sheet. It is a lot more open for building as the use, information, and need of the ally may differ from ally to ally. This is set up to build allies in the same way a NPC can be made by the GM, but with the player in control. For building Skills and Attacks, please reference the NPC sheet for details.

Combat: Damage reduction, weapons, armor slots, misc mods, hp, damage, radiation damage, initiative, fatigue, defense, melee bonus, and healing rolls

Damage Reduction

This frame is set up by deriving from the armor that the character is currently wearing. You can view the armor and what slot it inhabits by clicking on the Damage Reduction button. This will let you view what the character is wearing and also to toggle if it is equipped or not. To equip the apparel, you will need to navigate to the inventory tab to equip it back onto the character.

This frame also helps you track your injury state for each limb. It has three states: fine, injured, and treated. This is covered in the rules of the system and how they are used. Also, this area helps track the damage to power armor if it is currently being worn in the Wnd box of each limb.


When you equip an item that can be used to attack another actor, it will display here. The two icons presented will display the type of attack that this weapon is performing and the damage type. The attack section will display a d20 die icon and display the TN for the attack. The damage section will display a d6 and the number of conflict dice it will roll. 

NOTE: Ammo is decremented for weapons that have an associated ammo. When viewing the item record, the name of the ammunition that is listed there will decrease with every use if it is in the player’s inventory. If you are not using ammunition as part of your game, the weapon will still fire once it reaches 0.

Healing Roll

NOTE: Can not be used if the relevant skill does not have any ranks.

This will assist in automating the First Aid and Repair skill rolls to heal other actors. Rolling with a target will complete the whole process without any other additional work. Rolling without a target will require drag and dropping the chat result to the intended target.


The Editor section is there to adjust the numbers for the various fields for bonuses not automated. You can click and add a number to these areas and it will adjust the main fields located on this tab. This is also where the level up bonuses are tracked as well.

Inventory: The character’s loot, hunger, thirst, rest and currency

Equipping Apparel and Weapons

When you equip apparel and/or weapons to your character, they will no longer appear here and display in their respective locations. This was intended to help with clearing out gear that is tracked on the combat tab to help locate items more quickly. When those same items are unequipped, they will reappear back here.


An added feature with items that are consumables, you can click on the consume button to use the item and have it decrement its amount. Once at 0 it will delete it from the inventory. Clicking on the button will also perform automation associated with the fields on the item.

Hunger, Thirst, and Rest

These are not automated and are here to assist in the tracking of such things if your campaign is using them. Please reference the reference manual for use of these.

Notes: character details are tracked here.

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