Cyberpunk RED NPCs

Cyberpunk RED NPCs

The Cyberpunk RED ruleset for Fantasy Grounds implements seven variations of NPC records. This section explains each.  The seven types are:  Mook, Exec Team Member, Backup, Drones/Defenses, Vehicle, Black ICE, and Demon.

Note: Programs (non-Black ICE, and non-Demon) are implemented as Items and not implemented as NPCs because they exist solely on the Cyberdeck of an NPC or PC Netrunner. See the “Netrunner Combat” section for more details.

After creating an NPC, click on the “NPC Template” string cycler to change the type. By default, all NPCs start as Mooks.

This section will explain each type in more detail. For more information on how to run combat with NPCs, see the “Running Combat” section.


The Mook template is the default type for all NPCs.

NPCs have an array of STATs just like PCs do, and a list of weapons beneath that, with the ability to set a Targeted Location, use the “Throw Object” functionality, and view all equipped weapons and cyberware weapons. 

Beneath the weapons section are two columns. The first is for Ammunition which lists the amounts left of all equipped ammo the NPC has, the second column is for Moves. Any Move from the database can be added here. Moves can also be created if editing an NPC by clicking the green plus “add” button. For more information on Moves see the “Moves” section under “Running Combat”.

Beneath the Ammunition and Moves tables is the Skills table for an NPC. All the skills represent their Skill Bases (STAT + Level) and can be rolled by double-clicking or clicking and dragging to the Chat Box.

Beneath this, is the Armor section with the SP for the Head and Body, and any Shield HP if a shield is equipped.

All NPCs have their own Gear List where Gear and Cyberware can be equipped by clicking the starburst symbol to the left of the link. Equipping Cyberware or other Items with effects gives them the benefit from the Effects. Equipping Armor or Shields sets the values above. Equipping Ammo adds the Ammo to their Ammunition table and allows them to select that ammo for weapons. Finally, equipping a weapon adds it to their weapons list above.

All NPCs have a Notes tab on the right with additional information about the NPC.

Creating a Mook

The first step to creating a new Mook is to set their STATs. Note that setting the STATs of a Mook automatically adjusts their Max Hit Points, Deathsave, and Seriously Wounded values.

If the Mook has any Reputation, you can set it on the Reputation field. The Reputation field is rollable for Facedowns.

Next, it is usually a good idea to add the “Brawling” move to their list of moves, in case you wish to use that during Combat. Add any other Moves you’d like for your Mook to have such as Martial Arts.

Next we need to add Skills. There are two ways to add Skills: 

  1. Using the “Load Base Skills” button and selecting which you want, or

  2. Using the “Import Skills” button and to enter the format used by NPCs in the Core Rulebook

For the first method of adding Skills, click the “Load Base Skills” button. This will load all of the skills in the game, which is a lot. You will want to do the following:

  1. Click the checkbox next to each skill your NPC should have. It’s usually a good idea to keep the ones needed for combat or used by other rules in the ruleset: Evasion, Brawling, Concentration, Stealth, Perception, Resist Torture/Drugs, and a subset of fighting skills.

  2. For each skill you select, enter their level in the box to the left of the STAT. 

  3. When done click “Clear Unchecked” to remove skills they don’t need. This will keep your NPC record light.

The second method of adding Skills to NPCs is done by clicking the blue up arrow icon for the “Edit Skills” subwindow. From this window you can enter skills the way they are formatted for the NPCs in the Core Rulebook, with each Skill name followed by a Skill Base, separated by commas. (See screenshot for example.) 

Once entered, click Set Skills. This will automatically take the list of comma-separated list of Skills and set the Levels for each Skill to the right value based on what you entered previously for STATs, so make sure you enter the STATs first! It will also automatically mark them all as checked. For Subskills, make sure you type the name of the Skill first followed by the Subskill in parentheses, such as “Martial Arts (Aikido) 12,” or for a Language as shown in the screenshot below.

After setting all the skills, you are ready to add Gear and Cyberware. From the Items and Cyberware lists in the right Sidebar, you can drag and drop any you’d like for your Mook to have in their Equipment list. Be sure to equip things like Armor and Weapons, and note that the Armor values and Weapons list update when doing so.

You can also give them a Role, if you like. (Most Mooks don’t have a Role.) Simply drag and drop a Role to the Roles table below, from the Roles list on the right Sidebar. To change the Rank, click into the Range value left of the link and type the new value. The Role panels here are similar to that on the Character Sheet, but stripped down to contain only what is necessary for NPCs. (Solos for example still have the ability to select all their Combat Awareness abilities, which work the same way they do for PCs.) For more on Role Panels see the Character Sheet “Actions Tab” section.

Finally, scroll up, and make sure those guns are loaded! Click the Cycler for Ammo to the right of the “Single Shot” button to select one of your equipped ammunition stacks. (Assuming you added one in the prior step!) Then click “Reload.”

Don’t forget to give your NPC a name! You can also drag and drop a token if you have one you’d like to use for the NPC. Then, your Mook is ready to go to the Combat Tracker.

Exec Team Member

The Exec Team Member template for NPCs function exactly the same as Mooks, except for one key difference: Loyalty. 

Loyalty is a value on the Team Member template that can be set based on the current Loyalty level the Team Member has to their Exec PC. 

This allows the GM to roll a Loyalty check for the Exec, per the Cyberpunk RED core rules.


The Backup template is nearly the same as the Mook template, except instead of STATs they only have MOVE, BODY, and “Combat Number.” Because these Mooks do not always follow the rules of Cyberpunk RED exactly, their Max Hit Points can be set to anything and are unaffected by the value of their BODY.

Backup Mooks do not have any Skills. All skill rolls for Attacks, Moves, and Saves (if requested of them) are done with their Combat Number. As such, the Backup is an easy way to create an NPC on the fly if you don’t want to think about what each Skill value should be.

Backup NPCs are generally used by the Lawman role, as a list of Backup NPCs tied to them and available for them to “call” as part of their Role Ability. Additionally, the “Trauma Team Members” from the Core Rulebook have been built with this template, since they use the same mechanics as Lawmen Backup. Other supplements in the future may utilize this template.


All the Drones and Defenses in the Core Rulebook are built out with this template. This template has three variations, “Active,” “Emplaced,” and “Environmental.” This is also the default template used for general Hazards (i.e. traps) in some supplements.

All Drone have a section for Weapons, Ammunition, Moves, Gear, Armor, and Gear just like Mooks. Unlike Mooks, they do not have STATs or Skills (as they typically use a Combat Number). Additionally, each Drone has the following:

  • Defense Type: Active, Emplaced, or Environmental  (click this field to change the type)

  • Default Trigger: If there is a trigger for this drone, details are here

  • Defended Area: If limited to a specific area, the details are here

Additional notes, such as the DV to counter a drone can be found in the Notes tab.


The Active Drone template is used for Drones that can move about their defended area. They have the following fields in addition to the others used by Drones:

  • Combat Number: The value used for all attack rolls. Generally left as 0 because this must be set to the Combat Number of its controller manually. If controlled by a Demon, the GM should set it to the Combat Number of the Demon (generally 14) and if controlled by a Netrunner, the GM should set the Combat Number to the Netrunner’s skill in the Drone’s weapon (i.e. Melee Weapon, Shoulder Arms, etc.) before the Netrunner makes an attack with it.

  • Evasion: This is the Skill Base that the Drone will use when rolling Evasion to Dodge an attack. Setting the Combat Number automatically sets the Evasion to the same Value, since in the case of a Demon controlling a Drone, it is the same. If a Netrunner is controlling a Drone, set this value to the Netrunner’s Skill Base in Evasion after setting the Combat Number.

  • Max Hit Points: This is the Hit Point max value used by the Drone. Drone’s generally don’t have armor, so they’ll go down quickly! They also don’t have a Seriously Wounded wound state and no Death Save. Once this hits 0, they are downed. Drones do not roll Death Saves in Fantasy Grounds (per the rules.)


The “Emplaced” Drone Type is used for Emplacements and, because they cannot Dodge attacks, they only have two fields.

  • Combat Number: The value used for all attack rolls. Emplacements are not controlled by a Demon, so this is usually non-0, but if controlled by a Netrunner, the GM should set the Combat Number to the Netrunner’s skill in the Drone’s weapon (i.e. Melee Weapon, Shoulder Arms, etc.) before the Netrunner makes an attack with it.

  • Max Hit Points: This is the Hit Point max value used by the Emplacement.


The “Environmental” Drone Type is used for Environmental Defenses (i.e. Hazards, or Traps.) They have no Combat Number, since generally when activated they simply apply and effect or damage those caught in the Defense.

  • Max Hit Points: This is the Hit Point max value used by the Environmental Defense. Some of them have no value set at all here, which generally means they cannot be destroyed and must either be countered via Electronics/Security Tech, or via a Netrunner.

Black ICE

Black ICE is the NPC type used by the special type of Program known as Black ICE, typically found guarding levels within a NET Architecture. 

Black ICE can be installed to a PC or NPC’s Cyberdeck by dragging the record to the Black ICE table of the Cyberdeck Item. 

Only Black ICE and Demons are implemented as NPCs. Cyberdeck Programs themselves are Item types. (See the “Netrunner Combat” section for more details.)

Black ICE have the following fields and controls.

  • PER: The Perception of the Black ICE. The GM will need roll this value either here or on the Combat Tracker after the Netrunner attempts to “Slide” from the ICE

  • SPD: The Speed of the Black ICE. The GM will need to roll this value either here or on the Combat Tracker after the Netrunner first encounters the ICE and rolls on their Character Sheet using the “Encounter ICE” button.

  • ATK: The Attack value of the ICE. The GM can roll Attacks here or on the Combat Tracker. If this is an Anti-Personnel Black ICE, and targeting a Netrunner, it will automatically have the Netrunner roll their Interface value to defend.  If this is an Anti-Program Black ICE, the GM needs to target a program on the Netrunner’s Cyberdeck and, if targeting the Netrunner, they will automatically roll their DEF of that program. Rolling ATK vs a Demon automatically rolls the Demon’s Interface for defense, and rolling ATK vs another ICE automatically rolls the ICE’s DEF for defense.

  • DEF: This is the Defense value for the Black ICE and is used when rolling to defend vs ZAP or another Program or Black ICE’s ATK. 

  • REZ: This is the max “Hit Points” value used for the Black ICE.

  • Class: The Class can be changed by clicking this field. Anti-Personnel Black ICE cannot target or damage programs, while Anti-Program Black ICE can only target or damage other Programs (including Demons and other ICE.) In the case of Anti-Program Black ICE attacking a Program, the GM should target the Netrunner and also use the Combat Tracker to select a Program on the Netrunner’s Cyberdeck that the ICE is targeting.

  • Cost: The associated cost value, in eb, to purchase this Black ICE.

  • Effect: The Combat Tracker Effect that will be applied using “Apply Effect.”

  • Apply Effect: The button (also available on the Combat Tracker) used to apply the above Effect to the target.

  • Damage: The amount of damage, if applicable, that this ICE does to a Netrunner or Program. Some ICE only apply Effects or simply destroy a Program.

  • Description: The description for the Black ICE (also visible from the Notes tab) and contains their “Icon” information as well, from the Core Rulebook.


The Demon NPC type represents a special type of Program found only within Net Architectures (in the top Installed Demons table, see the “Net Architectures” section for details.) 

Demons have the following fields and controls.

  • REZ: This is the max “Hit Points” value used for the Demon.

  • Interface: The value the Demon uses to make Attacks with ZAP or their Control NET Action. The GM can use this field to execute ZAP Attacks against a Netrunner, a targeted Program on the Netrunner’s Cyberdeck, other Demons, or other Black ICE.

  • NET Actions: The number of NET Actions this Demon can make on its turn.

  • Combat Number: The Combat Number this Demon uses when controlling a Drone/Defense. The GM should set the Combat Number of such NPCs to match this value, if not set already.

  • ZAP Damage: The amount of damage the Demon can do with the ZAP action (typically just 1d6).

  • Description: The description for the Demon (also visible from the Notes tab) and contains their “Icon” information as well, from the Core Rulebook.


In the Cyberpunk RED ruleset for Fantasy Grounds, Vehicles are an NPC type. They have the following fields, most of them just for flavor, but some mechanical controls as well.

  • Size (squares): The size this token should use when placed on a map.

  • SDP: The Structural Damage Points, or “hit points” of a Vehicle

  • Seats: The number of Seats available in this vehicle. Automatically adjusted if Upgrades provide more.

  • Speed (Combat): The MOVE value, i.e., how many squares the vehicle can move per turn

  • Speed (Narrative): The speed that the vehicle moves narratively, usually KPH or MPH

  • Cost: The cost to purchase such a vehicle 

  • Manufacturer: The manufacturer, if known

  • Power Plant: The method used to power the vehicle, if known

  • Operational Radius: If applicable, the operational radius of such a vehicle, usually in kilometers or miles

  • Armor SP: The SP value of armor on the Vehicle. Automatically adjusted if Upgrades provide any.

  • Cover HP:  The HP value of cover on the Vehicle, as usually provided by bulletproof glass. Automatically adjusted if Upgrades provide any.

  • Upgrades: This is the list of all upgrades applied to a particular vehicle. Usually Empty by Default. Nomad’s have their own list of Vehicles where they can drag and drop upgrades to their Vehicle’s Upgrade Table here in order to install more. Note: for upgrades that provide weapons, the GM should provide the specific weapon to the Character Sheet of the person in the vehicle controlling it, so that they can make attacks with the weapon. The weapon is usually set on a link field of the Upgrade. See “Vehicle Upgrade” section for more information.

The “Ramming” section is available here and on the Combat Tracker as convenience for the GMs to make “Ramming” attacks with a Vehicle vs other Vehicles or Pedestrians. It contains:

  • Damage: The damage this vehicle can do via Ramming, typically 6d6 by default. Increases to 8d6 with NOS.

  • Request Save: This requests a “Save vs Evasion DV 13” and is intended to be used when hitting a pedestrian.

  • Plow with NOS: This checkbox can be clicked if the driver of a vehicle has a Combat Plow and NOS installed, and is using both to ram another target. It increases the damage above to 8d6.

  • Apply Whiplash: Two buttons are provided here. The first applies the “Whiplash” critical injury to those targeted, and the second button will apply the 5 damage, direct to their HP, of those who received this injury. 

Note: The Apply Whiplash button will apply the Critical Injury as an Effect. Don’t forget to also create an injury on the Character Sheet for affected PCs!

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