PFRPG2 Items

PFRPG2 Items

PFRPG2 Item Sheet

The item sheet is used by Players and Game Master to view items in the campaign and by the Game Master to create new items (equipment, weapons, armor, treasures, etc.) for use in the campaign. To open up the Items window, click the 'Items' button in the Sidebar menu (usually on the right side of the FG desktop).

Players will only be able to view items which have been shared by the Game Master, either via a module (such as the Core data) or directly shared in the campaign. Players cannot edit items within the campaign data list, they have a limited editing ability once an item has been added to their PC sheet.

Items Window

  1. Menu Bar - use the buttons here to quickly open the list of Armor, Shields, Weapons, Gear or Treasure.

  2. Group - This area shows all of the groups in which items can be found. Select a group in the list to see items in that group. New groups can be added using the edit list icon. New items will be created in the group selected here. Items can also be dragged from the view window and dropped onto a group to move them to that group.

  3. Item List - This shows the items in the currently selected group. The right of the panel shows in which group the item is in and a P or S symbol next to the item shows that it has been made public or shared with players. To unshare an item click on the P or S symbol.

  4. Pages - Shows which page (Page XX of a total of YY pages) and presents navigation buttons for next, last, previous, first.

  5. Filter Bar - Click on the drop down menu to filter out specific types of items.

  6. Search Bar - Type here to begin a search for a particular item. The list will begin filtering as soon as some letters are type in. Clicking on the 'All' button to the right of this line will filter out all shared items (the button will change color and the text will change to 'Shared'). Click on the button again to remove the filter. New items can be created by clicking on the edit list button to the far right of the search bar.

Data fields shown


When you create a new item, the fields visible will default to those needed for a generic item. There are five specific Type names that will trigger a change in the visible fields:

  • Gear

  • Weapon

  • Armor

  • Shield

  • Other

If you type either of these (case sensitive) item types in the Type field and tab out of the field, the item data fields will change to show weapon, armor or shield specific entries.


Note: Weapon names are not parsed for special abilities or magical bonuses - they are informational only. Use the fields described below to add specific FG functionality to items.


These are primarily used by weapons. Traits will be read when initially being added to the PC inventory (when the Weapon entry is being auto created).

  • Agile The multi attack penalty will be changed from -5/-10 to -4/-8 in the weapon entry in the PC Actions tab, and also when the Modifier window multi-attack buttons are selected as part of an attack roll.

  • Deadly dXX When critical weapon damage is rolled the weapon adds a weapon damage die of the listed size (dXX). For PCs, weapon quality stored in the properties field of the weapon will increase deadly dice as needed. For NPCs total number of deadly dice should be part of the weapon attack traits - e.g. Deadly 2d10.

  • Fatal dXX When critical weapon damage is rolled all the weapon’s damage dice increase to that die size instead of the normal dice, plus the weapon adds another die of damage of the listed size (dXX).

  • Finesse (melee only) When the weapon is added to a PC the attack modifier will be the better of dexterity or the default melee stat (set on the Combat tab).

  • Nonlethal When the weapon is added to a PC "nonlethal" will be added to the damage entry type.

  • Propulsive (ranged only) When the weapon is added to a PC the damage modifier will be set to half the strength modifier (if positive) or the full strength modifier (if negative).

  • Thrown (ranged only) When the weapon is added to a PC the damage modifier ability will be set to the strength modifier.


These are primarily used by weapons. Properties will be read when initially being added to the PC inventory (when the Weapon entry is being auto created).

  • striking When the weapon is added to the PC, one bonus damage die will be added to the weapon first damage entry. The "magic" damage type will also be added to the weapon damage types.

  • greater striking When the weapon is added to the PC, two bonus damage dice will be added to the weapon first damage entry. The "magic" damage type will also be added to the weapon damage types.

  • major striking When the weapon is added to the PC, three bonus damage dice will be added to the weapon first damage entry. The "magic" damage type will also be added to the weapon damage types.

Weapon multiple damage entries

In order to cater for multiple weapon damage entries, for example 1d8 slashing plus 1d6 fire, the weapon Damage and Damage Type fields will accept multiple damage entries - delimited by a forward slash / - for example: Damage = 1d8/1d6 Damage Type = slashing/fire

The correct weapon damage entries will be created when the weapon is dragged to the PC sheet inventory tab. Any appropriate damage types (magic if the weapon has a potency rune) will be added to the first damage entry only.

Weapon +X potency rune

If a weapon has a potency rune, put the numerical bonus in the weapon "Bonus" field. When the weapon is added to the PC's inventory, this bonus will be added to the weapon attack bonus. The "magic" damage type will also be added to the weapon damage types.

Example Weapon - +1 striking flaming dagger

Start by making a copy of the dagger entry from the Core Rules module and then (numbers refer to the screenshot below):

  1. Make the weapon "Bonus" +1

  2. Add "striking" to the "Properties" field.

  3. Add the 1d4 damage and fire damage type to the "Damage" and "Damage Type" fields, respectively. Separate the two different pieces of data in each field with a forward-slash

Then when added to the PC it will put in the relevant entries.

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