World of Darkness SPC Sheet

SPC Sheet

The SPC sheet will change based on the type field. Some of those types are provided under the Death Markers list accessible by clicking Options and then Death Markers. Some will provide more fields for those SPC types and also provide more combat options in the combat tracker.

The sheet will first display the simple sheet that is capable of assisting with most SPC stat blocks provided in published books. Clicking the toggle button in the standard dice header will change the frame to the expanded attributes that will function as the character sheet's version.

Standard Dice Pool

This frame functions by typing the pool (Physical, Mental, Social) and a number and clicking on the text, while locked, will then roll the pool listed. An example of an entry would be: Physical 4

Attributes (Expanded Mode)

This will now display the standard attributes that early publications provided and also allow the GM to make more fleshed out SPCs. They function similary to character sheet entries. To make an attribute + skill roll, click on the attribute you wish to add to the pool and then click on an exceptional dice pool entry to combine the ranks together for a roll.

Exceptional Dice Pools

This control provides a place for skills and exceptional pools. Typing the name of the entry and a number will provide a ready dice pool to roll. You can add in a specialty by typing within a parenthesis. The specialty can be included by holding shift and clicking. An example of an entry would be: Athletics (Jumping) 4


The traits area is to help the GM track any special rules needed for this SPC. To assist the GM, you can drop links of various action records (e.g. Powers, Advantages, Flaws, Rituals) to the sheet and will attempt to copy the contents to a new entry. Some entries also provide quick rolls when locked. These follow the same rules above in most cases.